

Moon Yu-ri was a girl of few words. She never talked much. Not because she was shy or afraid to speak but because she simply didn't care to.

Her way of speaking was with her mannerisms. She emitted this bold aura; confident and brave though it never come off as cocky. To others at school, this made her intimidating. It's like she knew exactly what she wanted and exactly how she was going to get it.

This wasn't true of course. Yu-ri had no idea what she was doing. She always said she was just "going with the flow" and that her confidence came with optimism. She tried to find the good in everything.

The only other person to see through the tough and calm exterior was Lee Su-hyeok; Yu-ri's enemy. He saw the confusion and the mess that she tried so hard to push away. He saw beyond the wall she put up and into who she actually was.

He knew her too well which is part of the reason
Yu-ri disliked him so much. She couldn't stand to be around him because she hated the looks he gave her; looks of interest, like trying to understand her was intriguing to him.

Even now as her and a group of classmates huddled together inside a classroom while students in the halls of Hyosan High School were being eaten alive by the dead, Lee Su-hyeok stared at her.

He watched while she sat in the corner of the room, away from everyone else and flipped through the brown journal she carried with her everywhere. The other students paid no mind to her, too worried about what was occurring outside the classroom. To them, she looked as she always looked: calm and collected even under the pressure of such a serious situation like a Zombie apocalypse.

But Lee Su-hyeok could tell something was off. He noticed the way she fidgeted with the pen in her hand and the shakiness of her leg. He saw the way she nibbled on the inside of her cheek and how she'd been staring at the same page for the past minute.

To the others, it was nothing. To Lee Su-hyeok, Moon Yu-ri, the always seemingly brave and confident, was now scared and anxious. And he wasn't sure why but seeing her in such a state made him equally as terrified.

He bit his lip and turned away from the girl.

In the corner of the room, Yu-ri's heart was racing and a knot tied itself into the pit of her stomach. The horrible sounds of bone cracking and snarling filled her ears and she tried her hardest to focus on the page in front of her instead.

Never in all her years of living would she ever have thought she'd experience a zombie outbreak or even be prepared for it, despite how many zombie shows and movies she's seen.

She flipped to the page she last wrote on inside of her bucket list journal and tightened the pen in her hand. Right underneath her latest goal labeled, "become friends with at least 3 new people," she made a new check box:

☐ survive a zombie apocalypse

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yeah i'm making them enemies
cause i'm a SUCKER for
enemies to lovers bye.
