a small halt to it all

( chapter one )

The sunrise captivated him. Syrup honey scattered all over the striking sky, light engulfing dark. He bore his eyes into the view, despite the rays of sunlight that blinded his eyes. At this point, his body ached and his bones were stiff: time went by at a deathly rate & under the influence of the warmth, he suddenly felt lost.

In the act of being captivated by mere nature, his mind was traced on many things, possibly too many.

His attention was caught on various inconvenient matters β€” be it the dust gleaming in the blazes sight, the chirping of the bird or her. Levi was tired beyond the normal capacity, and something slipped his mind without being allowed: Could it have been different? The thought came as quick as it left, but it left a lingering taste in his mouth. He got rid of the matter quickly however, opening his window as he put his head outside, glancing at the paperwork on his desk for a second β€” he fucking hated all those bullshit papers.

The man didn't know what compelled him to do the act, but suddenly, he felt the cold breeze of the wind ( all too refreshing for his skin ), the rustling of the trees and chirping of newborn birds: a mellifluous morning call. Mesmerised by it all, he almost forgot about it all β€” from the new orders from Erwin or the blue hues under his eyes that'd been more prominent lately.

Levi, you really should get more sleep.

His eyes shot open, and he somehow remained serene, a smile almost tugging. Lifting his arm, he took out his necklace from under his unsullied shirt. Holding it up, he looked at the ring that danced off the le soleil wistfully. It'd been a while since he had looked at it β€”

Thank you for everything.

The man scrunched his hand around the ring, eyes closing shut as his eyebrows turned furrowed. How, how, how. His mind played tricks on him as her striking red hair flashed, and then thoseβ€” those damn eyes! He stepped away from the window as he closed it. His body now pressed against the wall as he bore his eyes lazily into the ceiling. The ring was still under the pressure of his fist, his eyes filled with fury.

I appreciate it, Levi.

He put an arm onto his forehead as he let out a deep sigh, his eyes closed β€” trying to find the escapism of her. He knew the sight of that ring would bring a chain of her, yet, he still looked at the object. He was a fool if he had thought of keeping it after all this time.

The more he saw of her, the more his thoughts matched that of her hair. He had such wrath directed to her, it made his blood boil, boil, boil. The vein beneath his ivory skin grew appearance by the pressures of the muscles in his fistβ€” and then he simply let go. Levi let go the fury, of his fist ( his fingers so tight before he had his hand dripping [pit, patt] crimson ) & of the thoughts of her by a single action, he threw the necklace across the room to the wall, all his lingering emotions embedded into the act.

Clank! the necklace made as it collided the wall, and then fell to the ground. Levi looked back up at the ceiling for a moment ( the burgundy of it mixing in with all the other dull colours of the room ) before tilting his head to the papers on his desk: he didn't have time for this. Trying to forget her ( again ) he walked over to the necklace to pick it up, crouching down.

His eyes enlarged dramatically.

The ring had broken into half, broke! The damn ring of silver broke! What the fuck, was all he thought. He lifted the ring, and upon the rays hitting it, his eyes turned dark. This was not the same ring before. He was positive. Upon finding himself vastly vexed, he tilted the fake ring and found a small white thing fall out from inside the hollowness of it.

His lips parted as he picked it up, disregarding the ring as he let it fall. After picking it up, he saw that it was a rolled up piece of paper. Utterly perplexed, he nimbly opened the tiny paper to find a writing of the sorts on it. He brought it closer to his face as he soon read the words: It was all for you. I lied.

His eyes went dead.

The paper fell out from the tips of his fingers without him noticing as he fell back, hitting the wall as he remained dumbfound. Whathowwhenwhy. . . What? Flashes of her came running through, and this time, he couldn't cast her away. His body went numb as suddenly he wondered: since when I was trying to forget her?

She smiled at me ( that damn pulchritude smile ) and despite it being fucking freezing at night in the underground, I felt a sudden warmth. It was all over my body, despite shivering a second ago. . . Was this love?

He put his head on his knees as he couldn't get her out of his mind, of her smile, her eyes, her fucking voice! Get her out of my head, please! He prayed. His mind began to corrupt as suddenly it all came to truth, and it was when he had his head down that he felt that of her hand going through his hair softly, humming a soft tune of mellifluous.

It'll be okay, Levi. I promise.

He lifted his head β€” not being able to see through the tears that were overwhelming him β€” as he let out a crackling cry. "Fuck you, Celica!" He whispered, his voice so broken it didn't sound like him, but rather a callous creature of the unknown. Levi didn't know how long he sat there with his arms numb beside him, but suddenly, a concept like time didn't matter to him anymore.

& in the rise of a new day, all he could do is think of the past with one question slipping:

"Why did you leave my side?"

He tried to deny it, but that morning he felt a warmth that he thought left him all those years ago, and his heart burned away with it when it left.
