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I told Kai everything that happened and he was speechless and he said that i have schizophrenia or Yeonjun have gone crazy. We're eating the dinner now. Me, Kai, Jay and Jungwon gossiped while i glanced at Yeonjun occasionally. He seemed.. confused? And he was quiet even though Tae and Gyu were talking. He whispered something to them. I didn't want to observe him like that but i just couldn't stop. Hyuka said im obsessed when he noticed me looking at Yeonjun and i didn't even disagree with him at this point. When me and my homies ate the dinner, me and Kai went to his and Jake's room. I decided to not bother Yeonjun, i just thought that he doesn't really want to talk to me right now. His expression seemed off.

- Guys i will invite Jungwon and Jay to come here. - Jake said and i nodded in response.

- I will invite Heeseung! - Hyuka said excitedly.

- So are we going to drink something? - I asked with my eyebrow raised.

- Yeah, i have some beers. These love birds aka Jay and Jungwon will bring some too.

I chuckled and nodded. When everyone was there we decided to play truth or dare. Yeah no one expected that, right? Of course it would happen, it's the standard. The first one to ask someone was Jay. I took a sip of my beer while watching him, smiling jokingly while looking at me suspiciously.

- Soobin!! Truth or Dareee??

- Ughh.. Truth i guess? - I sighed and rolled my eyes.

- Hmm... do you like anyone? - Jay asked and Kai burst out laughing.

- Kai stop it that's not funny.. anyway should i be honest?

- Yeahhh!! - Kai shouted teasingly and Jay nodded in agreement.

- I like Yeonjun.. since i was five... - I mumbled and looked down.

- SO YOU LIKED HIM FOR 10 YEARS? - Jungwon shouted while the rest of them (except Kai) sat there with their jaws dropped.

- Don't shout! I swear if someone heard that, this is the end of you. Anyway.. yes?

- That's sick man... weren't he bullying you the whole time? I didn't even know that you knew each other when you were younger! - Jake said with his eyes widely open.

- The point is that Yeonjun doesn't remember that. - Kai responded before i could say anything. They looked at me with a slight pity on their faces. I took a big sip od my beer and sighed loudly.

- And i don't even know how to make him remember. But i think he likes me now? I'm not sure though.

- That's cute. Maybe we could somehow help you? - Heeseung said and giggled.

- Yeah, but how? - I mumbled sadly and Jungwon whispered something to Jay. They both smiled in satisfaction and looked in my direction.

- We have an idea. So the thing is you know Beomgyu right, Jungwon is kind of close with him. Maybe he could tell Beomgyu about it and he will somehow help. Jungwon is sure that it'll work, anyway Gyu is the closest to Yeonjun.

- I guess it's not a bad idea... - I said and drank my whole beer. My mind was only focused on Yeonjun and i wasn't thinking straight. Everyone drank their first beer and we decided to continue with the game.

- Hmm which one of you should i pick... Heeseung! Truth or Dare?

- Dare! - He chuckled.

- Soobinnn can i choose a dare for him? - Kai interrupted.

- Sure, I didn't know what to choose anyway. - I smiled and crossed my arms.

- Heeseung i dare you to drink two beers then walk out on the hallway and spin 10 times while shouting "Oh hell yeah"

- Jeez.. Hyuka i will beat your ass up that hard that you will dance without music for the next 5 days. - He rolled his eyes then started to chug down his beer.

When he was drinking those two beers I watched him while sipping my beer and giggling with others. Heeseung left the room and started spinning on the hallway while shouting. I burst out laughing, Kai barely breathed because of laughter, same thing happened with Jay and Jungwon. Jay recorded him secretly. Then we went back to playing the game for a while. After that we talked about everything that came up in our minds. Everyone got slightly drunk but i wasn't a light head so it didn't affect me that much. Jungwon decided that he'll talk to Beomgyu the next day. I wondered if Yeonjun even cared about the fact that i wasn't in our room. I missed his presence.

~ Yeonjun's perspective ~

When i came back to my room, Soobin wasn't here. I waited for a while, even though he was the first one to leave the cafeteria. I laid down on our bed. His scent around me was annoying me. The fact that he isn't here was annoying me even more. Why wasn't he here? Where is he? Is he mad at me? Did i do something wrong?

Should i care or not?

Maybe im just a burden to him?

I decided to ignore my thoughts and i found myself standing right in front of room 550. I stood there and wondered if i will be a burden to Beomgyu and Taehyun. I walked away slowly and walked out the hotel. I put my headphones on and turned on music.

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I walked around the hotel while smoking my vape and thinking. More like overthinking. What the fuck? Why do i even care? I should just don't give a fuck, like always. No, that's just something im forcing myself to do. I sat down on a bench and looked at my wrist, more specifically at the bracelet on my wrist. It was black with a bead in shape of a heart with something written on it, but it wasn't clear and I couldn't read it because this bracelet is old. I don't even remember when and how i got it, i feel like i had it with me my whole life. It feels really important to me. It's making me crazy that i just don't remember my whole childhood. It's so frustrating. After overthinking my whole existence I finally went back to the hotel and walked in Tae's and Gyu's room. My eyes widened when i saw them cuddling on their bed.

- Aww guys what a cute sight!! I hate both of you. - I rolled my eyes and sighed.

- Wow who decided to visit us? It's the whiny asshole!! - Beomgyu chuckled.

- Yeah yeah sure, that's how you treat your best best best friend?

- Hush. - Tae mumbled and hugged Gyu tighter.

- Chill Taehyun im not gonna steal him from you damn!! - I burst out laughing.

- Ugh anyway what are you doing here?? - Beomgyu asked with a visible blush on his face.

- I'm bored and Soobin abandoned me, I don't know where he is.

- Okay i understand, should i tell Ni-ki and Sunoo to come over? - Beomgyu said after sighing.

- Sure. - Me and Tae responded.

When Sunoo and Ni-ki were here we couldn't come up with something interesting to do so we just sat there and occasionally someone started a conversation. I was lost in my thoughts and i looked like I was completely disconnected from reality.

- Jungwon texted me that he's in Kai's and Soobin's room. - Sunoo said and that made me come back to reality. I rolled my eyes. So he's having fun huh?

- Wooow great. I was wondering where's Soobin. - I mumbled and looked at Gyu with a expression saying โ€žIm done." while knowing well that he'll notice it. He chuckled in response.

- Maybe we should drink guysss?? - Ni-ki said because he must have noticed the weird mood i was in.

After he said that, Tae came up to his suitcase and he took out something. A whisky and coca cola, the duo i have a love-hate relationship with. I sighed but either way ended up completely drunk. That was expected. All of us talked about everything in our lives to very late night. At 2 a.m Sunoo and Ni-ki went back to their room. I stayed with my best friends and they brought up the fact that i kissed Soobin again. I told them when we were in the cafeteria. We realized that we didn't eat anything for a couple of hours so we ate some sweets because it was the only food we had. I told them that Soobin told me to think about the kiss, but he seems to ignore me since this situation. Tae and Gyu think that i like him. I'm not sure. Maybe they're right. Maybe im just being stubborn.

I realized how much i miss him.

That's not normal... only a couple of hours passed.

Do i really like him?

Maybe it's just because i like attention?

I didn't even notice when i fell asleep.

~ Soobin's perspective ~

An hour passed, it was 3 a.m now. Heeseung, Jay and Jungwon decided that it's time to go back to their rooms because they were sleepy. Me and Hyuka were now laughing at the video of Heeseung that Jay recorded. We joked for an hour and listened to music together. We fell asleep while listening a song called

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I was dreaming about a memory of me giving Yeonjun a black bracelet, that matched with my bracelet, an orange one.


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