
"MY DAUGHTER IS MISSING, THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN SEE HER IS IN YOUR DREAMS AND YOU'RE DRINKING COFFEE?!" Y/N mother was furious, she ran up to Hitoshi, grabbing his shirt and pulling him up to her face, "WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING ISSUE?!" She looked at Aizawa who was currently pouring some of the coffee he made only a little bit ago and screamed, "DON'T YOU GIVE HIM THAT FUCKING COFFEE!"Β 

Hitoshi's mother calmly walked over, grabbing her hands and pealing them off of her sons shirt. "Ma'am, I know you're freaked out, but just trust my sons process. He knows his body better than any of us." She had to bite her tongue, she could only imagine how she felt right now but seeing someone-- a complete stranger might she add, grabbing her son and screaming in her face put her into momma bear mode. She wanted to tear her a new one, but she didn't. She simply hugged her tightly, petting her hair as Y/N's mother sobbed into her shoulder.Β 

Hitoshi took the cup, quickly chugging the bitter drink, he pulled his jacket off, putting it on top of his head as he laid his head down on one of the teachers desks. Then he felt something weird, which made him jolt up.Β 

"I-I think she's asleep, I think she can see everything going on."Β 

Her mother pushed away from Hitoshi's mother, running over to Hitoshi.Β 

"Baby?! Baby can you see me?! I'm with Hitoshi, we're going to find you! I promise we're going to find you!" Hitoshi could feel his eyes welling up with tears, his arms reaching up and hugging her mother and they both cried. She can control him when she's asleep. But nobody could really tell yet.Β 
