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THE NEXT MORNING Estella tiredly dragged herself out of bed with prominent eye bags under her eyes. She covers her face with her pillow to tries to stop the loud voice of pansy, she eventually gave up and rolled herself onto the floor with a tump. Quickly grabbing her uniform shirt and green and silver tie she slipped on some jeans instead of the skirt then tied her hair into a messy bun. She grabbed her wand quickly muttering a spell that made it coil around her wrist onto a cute wooden bracelet with a flower design carved into it. After brushing her teeth and putting on some socks she grabs her converse and runs down the stairs already behind in her schedule.

    Jumping down each step Estella shoves on her shoes and messily ties the laces on a bow. Quickly slipping on her robe she opens the common room door and sprints up the dungeon stairs. Shoving her books into her bag she enters the great hall quickly taking a seat by herself and pailing eggs and toast onto her plate. Quickly using pumpkin juice to wash it all down. She looks up from her plate only to be met with brown ones. She quickly wipes her food covered mouth and grins trying to calm down the seemingly anxious girl in front of her.

   "Hello, may I be of assistance?" She asks in a mock posh voice. "Uh, can I sit here," the shy girl asks "of course!" Estella replies with a wide grin. The blonde scoots over to give the other girl some space to sit. The un-named girl smiles slightly as Estella takes on some of her features. The girl had beautiful dark skin and she had freckles perfectly placed across her nose that spread out to her cheeks. Her dark brown hair was curly and reached her mid shoulders perfectly in glory. Breaking out of her trance Estella offers a delicate hand to the girl with a smile tugging at her lips. "Estella Malfoy and you are?" she asks. "T-Tracy Howard, a pleasure to meet you" Tracy lets a soft smile graced her face "Well Ms. Howard, tell me about yourself"

   Estella walked out of the great hall with a huge smile and a pep in her step. After her long chat with Tracy, she learned she was a muggleborn Slytherin and was on the Quidditch team as a beater. They both shared the same love of non-magical and magical creatures. They both favored DADA over potions and overall got along very well. They decided to spend the next weekend at Hogsmeade together and planned to meet up after classes today. Something that made Estella ecstatic was how Tracy didn't judge her based on her last name, something that Estella would learn is something not many people do.

   Finally reaching the Defense Against the Dark Arts room Estella took a seat in the middle behind the Bushy haired girl she had met on the train the previous evening. Her smile never fades as the seats fill up except the one next to her. Realizing that no one wanted to sit next to her she frowns for a slight moment before shaking it off convincing herself it was only a coincidence. Pulling out her heavy and dusty textbook she waits patiently for the new professor to arrive while folding her arms on her desk. The lesson seemed to pass all too quickly, as the kind professor talked. Grabbing her backpack she waved at lupin who seemed confused yet waved back to the petite student.

Auther's Nothe

Another short one, sorry also here's the facelaim of Tracy
