China x chloe 3


Chloe dramatically sat next to her sister in the school's library giving her a heavy sigh. Halle ignored her and continued to read her book and take notes. Chloe sighed loudly once more, putting her head on her sister's shoulders. "Go talk to her Chloe." Halle said, still paying attention to her book. China sat at the back of the library, her arm around a girl Chloe hadn't seen before. "I'm not worried about her." ChloΓ« said, crossing her arms.

"You and I both know you like that girl, you've been avoiding her like the plague when she's alone but always pop up when she's with someone.

Chloe grunted, she wanted to disagree but sadly Halle was right, after the day in that closet Chloe wanted nothing to do with China, she felt dirty doing those unspeakable things with her, and felt it was best if she distanced herself but now Chloe was starting to feel a different way. She started to crave China and her touch, she needed to feel her body against hers, she needed to hear those degrading words from her mouth but now Chloe felt it was too late.

"Chloe you gotta stop this, you've finally found someone that matches your energy, go talk to her and tell her how you feel, I promise you'll regret it if you don't."

"And what if she doesn't feel the same way and it's just sex to her? halle, that's embarrassing."

"Isn't that what you're into." Halle asked, confused. "No, that's different." ChloΓ« put her head in her hands and said "what if I missed my chance?"

"Well you'll never know unless you go talk to her."

ChloΓ« nodded and got up telling Halle that she'll see her later the proceeded to turn around to go speak to China, noticing that she had already left but the girl on her arm was still at the table with friends so instead of waiting till she got back chloe left the library to go find her.


Chloe walked around for eight minutes trying to find China but didn't see her anywhere. Chloe was about to give up and go back to her dorm but then she spotted a familiar face in the corner of her eye. It was China walking into the girl's bathroom, Chloe took a deep breath then walked over and into the bathroom. Hearing the water run she looked up and saw china washing her hands.

Feeling someone staring, china looked up at the mirror "can I help you?" She asked in an emotionless tone. She turned off the water then turned towards Chloe leaning against the sink.

Chloe was debating on whether or not She should just leave but it was too late to back out now. "I wanna tell you something-"

"Make it quick." She interrupted. Chloe nodded then walked over to China grabbing her hand and said "I know I've been avoiding you but I needed time to think and I've realized that I like you...a lot and I don't like seeing you with someone else."

The room fell silent, Chloe and China stared at each other, hand in hand "sooo" China muttered.

"I wanna be with you." Chloe mutterd. China's emotionless face turned into a smile "say it again." China demands. Chloe lets go of China's hand and wraps both arms around her waist, "I wanna be with you." She says looking into her eyes. "I wanna be with you too." Said China, "but I need you to show me better than you can tell me."

"Follow me."

China pushed a naked Chloe down on her knees gripping the back of her locs harshly. "Do you love me?" China asked softly. Chloe didn't reply, she kept her head down, a frown on her face. Chloe has been trying to get nasty with China but she wouldn't let her and it felt like torture. China slapped Chloe right cheek leaving a small hand mark on the girl's face, China gripped Chloe's chin forcing her to look up at her "answer me" she says.

"I love you." ChloΓ« said, squeezing her thighs together feeling her clit throb. "What's wrong baby?" China asked seductively. Chloe looked down at China's white now almost see through panties, pre cum soaking through the bottom making Chloe whimper.

"What?,You want to fuck me."

Chloe rapidly nodded her head making China giggle. China let go of Chloe's locs then pulled down her panties exposing her wet clit.

"Words." China demands grabbing Chloe hair again. "Yes daddy,please let me touch you." Chloe begged.

China grabbing Chloe's face with both hands pushing her head back onto the bed making her back arch "if I let you eat it are you gonna be a good little slut for me baby?"

"Yes daddy."

Chloe put her hands on China's thighs, digging her nails deep into her skin. China moaned spreading her legs sitting on the desperate girl's face grinding, moving her hips in a fast circular motion. Chloe swirled her tongue in China's pussy sucking the juices moaning at the sweet taste. "Oh fuck mhm." China moaned feeling heat all through out her body, her eyes rolling back when she felt Chloe add not one, not two but three fingers pumping in and out of her tight hole. China looked down at Chloe, their eyes meeting "does it taste good baby?" China asked grinding a little slower.

"Mhhm" Chloe moaned in response harshly sucking on her clit. China grabbed Chloe's locs Then removed her throbbing clit away from Chloe's face making her whimper. Chloe lifted her head off the bed trying to connect her mouth and China's clit but failing when China cupped Chloe's face with her free hand "You're impatient little whore." China said. Chloe ignored her still trying to bury her face in China's pussy.

"You want more pussy?" China asked lowly. Chloe nodded and smiled "can you say 'can I have more pussy please'?"

"C-can I have more pussy please?"

China aggressively pushed Chloe's head back onto the bed putting her pussy back in Chloe's mouth now bouncing up and down "oh god, fuck!" China yelled out feeling Chloe's tongue slide in and out of her slit. China road her face harder and faster "Right there baby, Mhhm you're such a nasty little whore."

China grunted reaching her climax and feeling Chloe lick and suck the white substance trickling from her core, down her thighs. China once again removed herself from Chloe's face leaning down to kiss the flustered girl's cum covers lips.

"Are you okay mami?" China asked seeing that Chloe was stuck in a daze.

"Mhhhm" Chloe muttered licking her lips then looking into China's eyes. China smiled helping Chloe up onto the bed wrapping their arms around each other.

"I love you." Chloe whispered. China kissed Chloe's forehead and said "I love you too."
