
Jung Kook looked around the studio, but he couldn't find that strange girl. Director Bang asked the models to get ready as the filming will resume in a little bit. But the main model, Ji Eun, is not visible anywhere. Maybe she went to grab some lunch and have not returned yet. Jung Kook let out a breath and promised himself to ask for her phone number next time, so he could contact her if anything is happening like this again.

"Noona, do you know where she is?" Jung Kook called and went to Yoon who was busy tidying costumes.

"Who?" Yoon asked without her turning around.

"That strange girl, Ji Eun. Where is she?" Before Yoon could even reply, a sound of a voice was behind his back, and said quietly, "I'm here."

Jung Kook spinning rapidly and immediately confronted with a pair of black eyes stared at him, nervously. Jung Kook wonders if Ji Eun hears the words "strange girl" earlier but immediately realized that she doesn't understand the Korean language. Ji Eun just heard Jung Kook mentioned her name and realized that she was being sought.

"That's good that you are here. You should get ready now."

Ji Eun bit her lips and nodded curtly. "Oh okay. I would..." She stopped when she suddenly felt the world shook. As frequent minor earthquakes that could be experienced in Tokyo. But this is London. Earthquakes are impossible here, right?

When she got her balance back, Ji Eun realizes Jung Kook was holding her elbow and looked at her, furrowed. "What's wrong with you?" He asked.

Ji Eun shook her head confusedly. "I'm okay. I'll get ready now." She said as she pulled out her arm from Jung Kook and step back.

"Have you eaten yet?" Jung Kook asked again. Ji Eun didn't answer. After a moment of hesitation, she said, "Yes."

Jung Kook didn't say anything. He only looks thoughtfully, then he nodded and smiled a little. "Alright. I'll call you when everything's ready." Ji Eun looked at Jung Kook's back away, thoughtfully, then she turned to Yoon and smiled. "So, what am I gonna wear?"

A few minutes later, after changing her clothes and walked back to her dressing table, Ji Eun saw a two-pack of sandwiches and a cucumber sandwich. And a piece of yellow paper tucked beneath it.

I don't know if you are a vegetarian or not and I also don't know if you like turkey or not. But please do eat this before you collapsed in the middle of the shooting. We don't want that to happen, right?


Ji Eun looked around until she sees Jung Kook across the room. He was sitting staring at something that indicated one of the crews and listening intently. Then, suddenly he looked up and their eyes met. Before Ji Eun could even think about what to do, Jung Kook smiled a second to her then focus back on what the crew was telling him to do on his side.

Staring at the two pieces of sandwiches on her hand, Ji Eun hesitated for a second then unwrapping the turkey sandwich and bite it. She closed her eyes for a moment. It wasn't the most delicious sandwich in the world, but then, for her rumbling stomach, that sandwich is one of the most delicious foods she ever had.

Jung Kook found himself smiling at the stranger girl who was seriously biting on her sandwich as if it will evaporate if she did not immediately put them into her mouth. The first thought that came to his mind is Ji Eun is not a vegetarian. Then, the second thought was his hunch was right. She almost fainted from hunger. He wanna know what she was doing during her lunchtime break if she didn't go out to eat.

He let himself staring in the direction of Ji Eun for a moment, then said a silent prayer that she hadn't fainted in the middle of their filming. The schedule has been crazy enough without added to having the main model fainting. But in fact, he didn't have to worry at all. The rest of the filming that day went very smoothly. All the scenes that planned for the day were resolved quickly and satisfactorily. Then, things got more fun when Director Bang stopped the filming earlier than yesterday, and invited all the crew members to a dinner at a Korean restaurant, one block away from the studio.

The restaurant is located on the second floor, just above the gift shop, down the road that's not too crowded. That quiet little restaurant had become crowded because of their arrival and they occupy almost all the available space.

"I've never tried Korean food. My mother wasn't too fond of Korean cuisine, although my father is Korean." Jung Kook turned around towards the sound and sees Ji Eun talking to Yoon.

"Not at all?" Yoon said, and then she translates what Ji Eun said so that another stylist who was sitting down with them could understand what they are talking about.

Ji Eun smiled and listened as the stylist began to explain the snacks served to them at the table in English that sometimes mixed with Korean. Soon they started laughing and talking about things that couldn't capture by Jung Kook from his seat. Director Bang said something to Jung Kook and he raised his eyes from her.

[ ... ]

Ji Eun was happy that night and of course tired as hell. Initially, she wanted to refuse when they invited her to go to dinner because she was really tired. She just wanted to go home and sleep. But she couldn't say no to Director Bang when he was the one who invited her. She doesn't know whether she would be considered rude if she refuses it. Plus, Yoon also argued to participate with them. Because she doesn't have some energy to argue, she agreed.

Given Yoon as the translator, she has to admit that she didn't regret having come to the dinner together with everyone. The food was good and they all are nice people. And she realized that she laughed a lot during the dinner because of some jokes that were brought up from the crew. It has been a long time she hadn't laughed like that.

Although she was having fun, drowsiness keeps attacking her. Of course, it's not strange because this week she couldn't sleep properly. She didn't know how many times she yawned quietly during her meals. And now she yawned again.

"By the way, what do you think of Jung Kook?" She quickly closed her mouth and turned to stare at Yoon.


"What do you think about Jung Kook? He's good, right?" Yoon asked again. She turned to the table that Jung Kook had occupied, but she didn't see him there. She bit her lips. She didn't think about Jung Kook for two days, and she thought it was something good. Then, why Yoon is so sudden in need to talk about him? If she only has a choice, she doesn't want to talk about Jung Kook. Don't even want to think about him. But one thing she knows for sure is that if Yoon wanna know about something, no one can stop her.

Realizing that Yoon is still staring at her and is hoping she would say something back, she forced a smile and mumbled, "You know him so well."

Yoon's smile widened. "Of course. I even know his sister who is also one of the most famous models in Korea. While his older brother... well, I had met him only once, before he died."

Ji Eun sipped her drink slowly. Yoon leaned towards her and murmured, "a car accident. Three years ago. He was drunk driving. A broken hip bone and he was in a coma for two months before they decided to pull out his life support. What a pity, isn't it?" Yoon looks grim.

Ji Eun sighed softly. Pity? Actually, no. She doesn't feel sorry for people like him. Life is full of choices. And if that person chose to be irresponsible by driving drunk, then he must accept the consequences. But she didn't say anything to Yoon, she just took another sip of her drink with gloomy. Her head began to feel dizzy. She felt as if she's dreaming. She needed fresh air. No, no... she must go home. She doesn't want to faint from exhaustion in the middle of the road.

After saying goodbye to Director Bang, Yoon, and the staff members, she gathers all her things and walked towards the stairs. Oh, she was very tired, she felt she could sleep while standing up. She patted her cheek for a little self-awareness. Cold air must be refreshed. Now, what she had to do is to go down the narrow wooden stairs in the restaurant. Down the narrow stairs in high-heeled boots and a state of semi-conscious is not an easy thing at all. Ji Eun took all her remaining concentrations. She doesn't want...

"Where are you going?" The sound makes Ji Eun startled and off-balance. Before she even realizes what's happening, her right leg slipped from her footing and stumbled forward. Ji Eun closed her eyes, preparing for the worst. She felt something hit her, but she didn't fall rolled around on the stairs, not sprawling hard on the floor, didn't feel pain.

Ji Eun opened her eyes and looked up. Her eyes widened when she realized that she was surprised to have landed in Jung Kook's arms.

Oh, dear...

[ ... ]

The black-wide eyes stared at him. Jung Kook momentarily forgetting his left leg was throbbing in pain. Oh yeah, he could see a wide range of expression that passes in that eyes. Shocked, confused, and... scared?

Jung Kook cleared his throat and muttered, "Are you okay?" He didn't let go of Ji Eun. She would have immediately collapsed if Jung Kook releases her because of their position. Ji Eun didn't say anything. Not even moving a muscle. Her body was so stiff in Jung Kook's arms and he even thought she was turned into a wooden puppet.

"If you are okay, maybe you could lift your right leg a little," Jung Kook said.

Ji Eun's eyes blinked once, then she looked down at her right leg. Jung Kook follows her gaze and looked at both of Ji Eun's high-heeled boots stuck in his left leg. Ji Eun gasped and hurriedly get away from Jung Kook.

But because of her quick pace, she staggered backward. Jung Kook quickly reached out and held Ji Eun's elbow. He sighed and said, "Take your time." Jung Kook said. As he expected, Ji Eun quickly pulled her arm away from him.

Ji Eun just stared at him without blinking a moment. "I'm... I'm sorry," She muttered softly. Pausing for a moment, then, "Your leg..."

Jung Kook smiled and wiggled his left leg. "I won't limp." He said lightly. Ji Eun nodded but didn't say anything.

Jung Kook observes Ji Eun as she stands in front of him. Is it just him or whether she did look nervous?

"So, where are you going?" Jung Kook asked again.

Ji Eun cleared her throat softly. "I wanna go home now." She smiled. Shortly, Jung Kook is not sure if Ji Eun has to smile that way. "See you tomorrow."

Without waiting for an answer, she quickly passed Jung Kook down the stairs with her head down. Jung Kook furrowed faintly, then a second later he turned around and said, "I'll accompany you to the station."

Ji Eun stop at the bottom stairs, turned slowly, and looked up at Jung Kook, "What?"

"I'll come with you to the station," Jung Kook repeated his words while making his way downstairs.

"I don't need companionship."

Jung Kook sighed to himself. Gosh, this girl is really hard. He stood before Ji Eun and smiled. "Alright. I'm in need of a friend. I'm bored. And I need someone to talk to. I think a little walk would be good. Isn't that so?"

Having said this, Jung Kook walks passing Ji Eun who still looked at him confused with furrowed on her face.

After walking a few steps, Jung Kook turned around and sees Ji Eun still standing in her place. "I'm not trying to seduce you, you know. I mean, if that is your concern. I told you before, you are not my type. But it doesn't mean we can't be friends, right?" He said with a smile.

Her brow was furrowed and she's still looking tentatively at Jung Kook. Jung Kook cocked his head slightly. "Are you afraid of me?"

Ji Eun didn't answer his question, and it makes Jung Kook wonder. He was only joking and thought Ji Eun would range emphatically. But she just stood there silently. Is she really afraid of me? Why? Before Jung Kook could think further, he saw Ji Eun closed her eyes, then took a long sighed as if she's about to surrender, and began running after Jung Kook.

Jung Kook's smile expanded. It's not a big win, but it's progress. "So, Ji Eun. Are you feeling better?" Jung Kook starts a conversation while they walk down the sidewalk.

Ji Eun glance at him. "What do you mean?"

Jung Kook shrugged. "This afternoon you almost fainted in front of me because you were hungry. Now you almost fainted on the stairs because... well, I don't know why, but certainly not because of hunger. I saw the last portion of your food and it was well enough for you."

Ji Eun stopped. She turned around to Jung Kook and opened her mouth to reply, then closed it again. After thinking for a moment, she opened her mouth and said, "First, this afternoon I didn't faint. Even though I am... though didn't have time to eat. But that has nothing to do wit you! I got a little bit dizzy and... and it rarely happens," Ji Eun exclaimed fiercely. "Second, I had just slipped on the stairs, once again, instead of faiting!, because you suddenly appeared out of nowhere and surprised me. Third, what do you mean by a large portion of my eating? Is it wrong if I eat a lot? I don't have time to eat this afternoon. A model is supposed to be skinny, but a model isn't supposed to die of starvation. Tell me, am I wrong?" Ji Eun took a deep breath at the end of her explanation and Jung Kook smiled.

"My turn?" He said. Because Ji Eun was silent and looked at him with narrowed eyes, Jung Kook continued, "Okay, first, this afternoon you almost fainted -wait, don't interrupt me- and if I didn't hold you, you would have fallen to the floor like a fallen tree. Second, I did not suddenly appear out of nowhere. I was looking at the gift shop at the restaurant then, I saw you. Third, I said your portion of food is healthy, not large. Healthy. And no, it's fine if you eat a lot." Ji Eun looked annoyed for a moment with furrowed.

"Well, thank you." She said in sarcasm, turning forward and makes some steps.

"Now, tell me about yourself," Jung Kook said as he followed her steps.

Ji Eun briefly glances at him and ask. "Why?"

Ah, that suspicious tone again, Jung Kook thought.

"Because that's what friends do, right?" Jung Kook countered with a plain tone. "Mutually know, I mean."

Ji Eun didn't answer. Jung Kook also realized she didn't dispute the 'friend' word. So, it looks like a good thing.

"How long have you lived in London?" Jung Kook asked when it seems Ji Eun did not intend to say anything. Ji Eun's didn't say anything.

Then, "Almost three years." Jung Kook smiled a little.

"You liked settled down here?" Ji Eun just shrugged slightly. "This is the third time I came to London. I love this city, although in two of my earlier visits I didn't have time to get around because my work schedule is too tight. But now that I'm going to stay a little longer here, I think I can find time to get around the city."

Ji Eun still down at the road, didn't comment.

"Why don't you join me?"

This time Ji Eun's head spin around toward him. And the restless black eyes were staring at Jung Kook a second blinked, "What?"

Jung Kook shrugged lightly. "I thought maybe you could join me to get around the city after we film the last scene. I have no other friends here, except our Director, of course, but I think he might prefer to spend his time with his wife and children rather than with me."

"Oh, I guess not." Ji Eun mumbled quickly -perhaps too quickly- as she went down the stairs to the subway station.

Jung Kook hurriedly catches up with her. "Why not?"

"Because I don't have time." It doesn't sound convincing.

Jung Kook got more curious. Looks like Ji Eun doesn't like me. But why? I never thought of myself as being irritating. I am friendly to everyone. And I certainly always be friendly to Ji Eun. Then, why do I feel as if Ji Eun doesn't like me? Did I do something to offend her? No.

Ji Eun looked up at the market board of the coming train.

Then, "The train will come shortly, so if you want to go now..."

"Why do you hate me?"

[ ... ]

Ji Eun holds her breath for a moment. Then, she slowly exhaled and turned around to Jung Kook. She could see the confusion on his face.

"Why do you hate me?" Jung Kook asked again.

Ji Eun takes another breath, then said softly, "I don't hate you."

That is true. She doesn't hate Jung Kook. Ji Eun just met him two days ago and probably she doesn't know him that well, but she knows that he is not an easy person to be hated. In fact, if Ji Eun wanna be honest to herself it's easy to fall in love with someone like Jung Kook.

"Then, you just don't like me?" Jung Kook asked again.

Ji Eun bit her lips, thinking, "I guess I haven't known you long enough to be able to give you any judgment." She finally said.

And he lifted his eyebrows and smiled slightly. "You don't hate me, but it's not like you don't like me either." He sighed for a moment then asked, "Are you afraid of me?"

It's the second time Jung Kook asked that question. Yes, Ji Eun didn't answer it when he asked it for the first time. At that time she doesn't know how to answer his question. Just like now.

"Ji Eun?"

She looked at Jung Kook who was waiting for her answer. Ji Eun then countered, "Do I have a reason to be afraid of you?"

Jung Kook paused. His head tilted to one side. A little smile tugged at his lips. Ji Eun feels as though he knows what she was thinking. And it makes her nervous.

"No, you have no reason to be afraid of me." Jung Kook murmured.

That one sentence was immediately made Ji Eun's chest feels lighter. For some reason. Perhaps without realizing it Ji Eun is expecting a confirmation. Then, before one of them could say something, a long shrill sound of the rain will soon arrive mark heard, in one after another train rumble in the tunnel.

"Your train," Jung Kook said.

While the train stopped in front of them and while waiting for the passengers to get off the train, Ji Eun thinks for a moment, biting her lips. Finally, she turned to Jung Kook and said, "Thanks."

Jung Kook stared back at her with raised eyebrows. "Hmm?"

"Thank you. For everything, I guess." Ji Eun shrugged awkwardly. "Because you bought a sandwich for me this afternoon. For helping me on the stairs earlier. And thank you for accompanying me here."

"Hey, that's what friends are for, right?" Jung Kook reply. Ji Eun smile, hesitantly, then stepped into the train. From behind a window of the train, she saw Jung Kook waving a hand towards her. And he didn't move until the train was already moving out of the station.

Ji Eun sat back and sighed deeply. Jung Kook's last words are still ringing in her ears. Hey that's what friends are for, right?

Do I just get along with him? Ji Eun rubbed her temples, and chin in hand. Staring out the train window, staring at the walls of the tunnel of darkness.

Men always make Ji Eun feel uneasy and nervous. She never felt comfortable around men. Never. Well, not exactly "never." Of course, she wasn't born to be afraid of men. It's just that these last few years, since the incident... the incident, she never could see a man in the same way again. Ji Min is the only man whom she considered as a friend. And the only man who didn't make her feel uneasy. And now, there's Jeon Jung Kook. Over the past two days, Ji Eun is already trying to distance herself away from him, as she doesn't want to deal with him. But tonight Jung Kook shows that he is different from Ji Eun's first estimate.

He looks... well.

Maybe Jung Kook is different. But would I really can be friends with someone who can raise my worst dream?

[ ... ]

A/N: Let me know what you guys think about the story so far :) 

