ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴏf ʙᴜʀɪᴀʟ. 6

TORI WALKS IN the Penthouse with The Woman In the cheetah print dress next to her as soon as they both walk in The lady in Cheetah Print notices the pirańa tank starting to fill up with Blood she quickly turns her head and scoffs
            "Ugh,that is nasty"  she says
Tobias smiles at the 2 lady's in front of him  "took you both long enough to get here" he climbs down the latter to greet them both
  "Well Brother, You do know Tori and I Hate it Out here for various reasons" Mary Rolls her eyes
     "If it was anyone else but you, I would've stayed in Miami" Tori says
         "Tori, Mary I missed you both"  he says and open his arms up to embrace them both in a hug which they both accepted
     "We missed you too Big Brother"
        "So.." Tori lets go of the hug
"How we gonna Kill Black lightning?" Mary says and crosses her arms


"Local high school track star Khalil Payne and Local Track Coach Destiny Pierce are Currently convalescing at Saint Lewis Hospital after a gun shots Left Destiny Pierce with no memory's and The youngster Khalil Payne unable to walk, They were shot at a peaceful protest that soon turned violent two weeks ago

"I'd take Black lightning out myself but, since I technically still have warrants in Freeland" Tobias nods his head
      "You can't be out and about" Mary finishes his sentences and nudges the green ball in the pocket of the pool table
        "If you could win the hearts of the residents in Freeland, if they saw Black lightning as a bad guy instead of a hero, they'd probably take them out for you" Tori says
Tobias's quirks his eyebrows
  " and I know exactly who would be available for the job" Mary says and Grabs the control remote and turns the tv back on and right at the moment a picture of both Destiny and Khalil showed up on the screen.


IT HAD BEEN 2 weeks since  Destiny had been shot, 2 weeks since she survived that bullet through her head with surprisingly no physical damage but, 2 weeks since she had lost the memory of her Family every moment she had spent with them she had Forgotten.
        Destiny opened her eyes the room was dark the only light shining was the moons light
She rubbed her eyes with her hands to clear her vision and was quickly met with a Woman sat on the chair next to her. The woman's  skin complexion was a Rich warm russet brownish color Her hair was curled up and shiny she had a cheetah print tight dress on which showed off her beautiful form and lastly a cheetah print side hat adorning her beautiful Bouncy hair
         "Who are you?" Destiny Whispered
"Oh..you poor little thing" the women caressed the side of Destiny's face
"Oh how you've grown" the woman mumbled placing her hand back on her lap
"W-who are you?" Destiny struggled to finish her sentence but,she tried to sound as stern as she could
"Mary Whale." The woman fixed her posture
"I'm here to fix you sugar baby. Your life is going to be new, Black lightning took your life away and I'm here to simply give it back"
The woman stood up and walked towards Destiny and placed a small paper in destiny's hands
Than she left.


Let's go back a few years from now shall we?

This wasn't the first time Destiny Pierce had lost her Memory's it has all happened before,there's so much more Destiny Pierce doesn't know about her own life.
"Who's up next?" The Caucasian man in the white robe asked
The chubby man with the round glasses looked up from his Clíp board and looked back down
"Destiny...Destiny Whale"
2 males walked in holding A small petite girl with what seemed to be a black Bandana around her head covering her eyes.
The men walked the girl to the middle of The metal sound proof room and murmured some strange words
        "MCMXXXIV ire experimentorum"  one of the scientists said
  As soon as those words came out of the mans mouth the little girl in the middle of the room let out a loud gasp and quickly removed The black bandana from her face, suddenly all you could see was the quick fade of the girl running back in fourth around the small squared room
The men in lab coats raised there eyebrows in a shocked manner
"Start writing it down...Super speed" the chubby Guy in the glasses starts writing the ability down on the clear Clip board.
Soon enough Destiny's energy started to fade away and she was back where she started in the middle of the room, she plopped down on the floor, the poor fragile girl couldn't control anything, she was overwhelmed, the  
   Adrenaline filled her veins, Destiny started to float mid air, the same blue energy formed around her, the roof started to rumble and soon the glass shield blasted into millions of piece's
      "She's Powerful Ms.Whale." One of the men in the lab coats said turning his Back to the one and only Mary Whale,
      "I know."
