【ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟹 | ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ】


|| Jeremy's POV. ||

I yelled out Nic's name as I saw Jax shoved her off the edge of the mountain. "N-No!!" I grip the hand of the soldier who was holding me and bit down as hard as I could before he eventually let go. I quickly ducked under him as I ran over to the edge, hearing the soldier curse behind me. I quickly kneel down, staring down over the edge. "N-Nic!! Nic!" I called out, waiting for some response, waiting for anything. I couldn't see anything below, it was too dark. I felt my breathing become quicker, "W-Why.." I turned to look at the taller demon who now stood behind me, "W-Why did you do that! Nic t-trusted you!" I yell at him, I wanted some kind of answer, I wanted something, anything.

Jax stared down at me, "Because I made a deal. Nic wasn't supposed to die, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." I felt sick, "D-Deal..?" I questioned, Jax turned to look at Amajiki, "Well? I did what you asked. I caught them, didn't I? Now send me back to hell!" Jax yelled at her. Amajiki simply smirked, "Ohh, about that.." She chuckled, "I lied." 

Jax's heart dropped as the words echoed through this mind, "I lied.

"You can't be fucking serious!" Jax yelled back at her as Amajiki just simply shrugged, "You were pretty easy to trick, Jax," She smirked. Jax fell to his knees, feeling a huge wave of regret and guilt wash over him. Amajiki chuckled loudly and snapped her fingers, "Guards, round them up." The soldiers then smacked their guns into the back of everyone's heads, knocking them fully unconscious. Even Jax. I tried my best efforts to try and get away from them, but I felt a hand grab the back of my hood as I was yanked backward.

After that, all I remember was darkness.


I woke up the sound of muffled shouting. My ears twitched as I slowly opened my eyes, even if I couldn't see that much with my hair covering them. I lifted up my head, still feeling a bit of nausea. I look around my surroundings, Where am I? 

"Jax, you're a fucking idiot!" Kre shouted loudly as Jax held his head in pain. "W-Why the fuck did you punch me!?" Jax yelled at Sal, "Because as Kre said, you're a fucking idiot." Sal responded with ease. I quietly sat down, looking around at the people who surrounded me. "Guys, fighting isn't going to get us anyway, stop it." Amond tried his best to remain calm as he tried to hold back a clearly angered Kre. "Whatever you guys, I don't care anymore." Jax scoffed, walking away and sitting in the far corner of the room by himself. 

I felt a hand tap my shoulder as I turned to face Kimiko, I think was their name?  She motioned for me to look at her notepad as I quietly took it and read. "How are you feeling, Jeremy?" I looked back at them, "My head still hurts but, I'm alright... Um, where are we?" I asked, confused. "We're in the undergrounds cells. Amajiki takes people who violated the laws here." Derek answered me, "B-But that's not... fair." I frown, They all just nodded in response. 

There was the obvious elephant in the room, Nic wasn't here. Usually, by now, Nic would have tried her best to make everyone smile, but... she's not here. Is Nic really dead? There's no way. She's a really strong person, she can't die. I look at the floor, pushing my knees close to my chest as I softly cradled them. 

I miss Nic.

I look around at everyone, they all looked so miserable. I couldn't exactly blame them. I slowly inhaled then exhaled, as I jumped up to my feet. I saw a small window in the corner as I walked over to it. I stepped onto the bench beneath it as I gripped the bars gently, looking outside. The street was filled with the residents of the community, I saw kids my age playing in the park across from us. They actually looked happy. or maybe it was fake? I frown more, are we going to die down here? Never to escape?

The door suddenly opened up, Amajiki walked in with two of her soldiers. "So you're all awake," she started, "I have decided to give you all, one final chance." She gave a fake smile, "You're all going to be reassigned to the Delta Sorting Department, Your new information booklets are in your old homes. but, if you try to escape again, I won't bring you back. I will hunt you down and kill you myself." Amajiki stood tall with her hands behind her back, "Got it?" We all said nothing. We just gave a few "Mhms.." and nodded.

"Splendid!" Amajiki turned then exited the room, the soldiers turned to us all, "Move your asses now, or else." We all stood up and followed them out and back to the old apartment block. I didn't have Nic to cling onto anymore, I felt so alone. 

I stepped inside the building, looking around. Everyone already left to go to their rooms for the night, but I didn't know where I was supposed to go. I went up to the front desk where a tall lady, she seemed young, was filing her nails and looking pretty uninterested. I quietly rang the bell that sat on her desk as she turned her attention toward me, "Hm?" she hummed, "U-Um... Hello Miss... Do you know which room N-Nic Anderson lives that.." I stuttered, nervously. She looked at her computer for a moment, her eyes scanning the screen.

"Room 12, Floor 2. But nobody's in right now, the demon that like, lives with her is outside in our gardens. Like, so sorry kid." She went back to filing her nails. "U-um.. thank you anyway miss.." "Mhmm, whateverr" she spoke with a sarcastic tone.

I made my way over to the front door and pushed it opened. I walked to the side of the building, seeing a white painted fence with a big sign labeled, "Gardens." I quietly pushed over the fence, shutting it behind me. I look around the garden, it was decorated with pretty fairy lights. They were all different colours of the rainbow, I smile a little. It made me feel somewhat safe. 

I turned around the corner then spotted Jax sitting down on the bench in front of a small pond. He didn't notice me, his eyes remained fixated on the water that was slowly moving as the breeze brushed over the surface. I walked over to him, staying behind the bench. I tap his shoulder gently as he quickly jolted up, spinning his head around. "Jesus fuck, you scared me." He looked startled, "O-Oh, I'm sorry.." I retracted my hand, he just sighed. "It's whatever." He turned back to the water, "What do you want? Come to yell or hit me?" 

I walked around the bench and took a seat by Jax's side. "Um, no... Violence is never the answer to anything..", I replied as Jax gave a weak chuckle. "..You sound just like Nic." he frowned. "I was wondering if I could stay with you..  I liked staying in Nic's room.. s-so.." Jax turned to me, "You seriously want to stay with the dude who killed any kind of family you had?" I turn to him, "I-I have no intention in forgiving you for what you did! B-But... I sympathize with you.. You only wanted to do what's best for the others and you were scared..." I look over to the pond, bringing my knees to my chest, "That part I-I totally get.." I frown. 

Jax looked surprised at my answer, "You're a strange kid.." He looked back at the pond. I look over to Jax's hands, he was holding a small white water lily. "That's a pretty flower.." I spoke as Jax looked down, "The pond is full of 'em," Jax replied, looking down at it. "..Nic liked them." He said, stroking the flower. "R-Really..?", he nodded. 

Jax's breathing hitched slightly as he closed his eyes, "I.. didn't want.. I didn't mean to.. N-Nic.." I reach over and softly patted his back, "Amajiki tricked y-you... I'm sure the others would understand that.." Jax scoffed, "Kimiko won't even look in my direction, Kre hates my existence, Amond probably hates me but hides it.. and Sal wants me dead. I'd hardly call that, "understanding"." I frown at Jax, he truly seems like he hated these turn of events.

Maybe he isn't bad. Just misunderstood. 

That's what Nic said about him yesterday, 

--- Flashback ---

"Hey, Miss Nic?", I look over to her, as I pushed a box back into its rightful place, "Hm? What's up, kiddo?" Nic smiled at me. "Is Jax a bad guy?" Nic was taken aback by my question, she remained silent for a few moments. Did I upset her? "I-I'm sorry, I-" Nic chuckled lightly, "No it's fine, Jeremy!" She softly petted my hair, she hopped up and sat down on a box. "Jax... Jax is Jax." Nic started as I sat down beside her side, looking up at her, "Jax isn't a bad guy. Jax is just... misunderstood, honestly. From the moment I first met him, I honestly couldn't stand him," Nic chuckled, "But over time, I warmed up to him and we grew closer. He became my first real friend in this crummy world. We even spoke about events that, if one of us got bit, we'd mercy kill the other." I listened to her as she looked upwards to the ceiling, "Even if I'm mad at Jax right now... I don't wish anything bad to him."

Nic gave a small smile and reached into her pocket, taking out a small piece of fabric, "This is what's left of Jax's old jacket. He gave it to me when I got myself injured, he wrapped it around my arm." I tilted my head, "You still kept it?" Nic nodded then chuckled, "When I first met Jax, I didn't realize he was going to be this important to me..." I smile at Nic, hugging her arm. "I'm sure everything will be okay! After this, we can go home and talk to him! We can sort everything out!" Nic smiled and wrapped her arm around me, chuckling. "You're right, everything's gonna be fine, goofball."

Nic and I embraced each other tightly. I wish this moment lasted forever.


Jax looked completely stunned, "N-Nic said, all that, about m-me?" He scratched the back of his head as I nodded. Jax looked away, his cheeks becoming a red tint. "..Geez," Jax looked even more guilty now. I grip his arm lightly, "Nic would forgive you.." I spoke to him, Jax scoffed. "Well, I pushed her off of a fucking mountain, I'm sure she'd come back just to kill me.." "N-Nic was forgiving!" I pouted, he just chuckled. "C' mon kid, it's past your bedtime.." He chuckled once more before standing up. "Hmf... I'm not a baby.." I stood up beside him, "Of course you aren't," He grinned then walked back in the direction of the building.

I follow close behind Jax as we both made our way back to the apartment room. Jax unlocked the door as he let me inside first then locked it after he had walked in. I ran over to the bedroom and opened the door, seeing Nic's bed. I was honestly expecting to see Nic, curled up in bed, asleep and okay. I felt the tears pile up when reality hit me in the face. 

I walk to Nic's bedside cabinet and looked at the picture of her. She was smiling, she looked happy. I sniffled quietly, smiling a little. "Nic.." I say quietly as Jax walked in behind me. He walked over, seeing the photo of Nic. Jax remained silent as he just frowned and went over to his bed. I climbed onto Nic's bed and curled up, pulling the covers over my head.

"Goodnight, J-Jax.." my muffled voice said as Jax turned off his light, "Yeah.. Night.."


Jax has woken up shortly after Jeremy fell asleep. He walked over to the bedside where Nic has once slept as he kneeled down to the photo of his old friend. He softly inhaled then exhaled, as he gave a weak smile. Jax placed the small, white water lily by the picture frame, as he quietly stood up again.

"Goodnight... Nic.."
