Club Night

• Sage's POV • 1 week later •

"Why the club?" I asked sternly and uncertain. "C'mon we just turned 21 last month we're now legal adults!" Hailey stated pleadingly. "So?" I fought back. "We can now drink!" I doubted for a second then finally gave in. "Fine. But I'm not drinking, neither are you." I said putting my phone down on the kitchen counter. "Who said I was going to drink?" She asked. I just raised an eye brow and nodded.

Night time came by and it was time for the club. Honestly I was kind of nervous. What if someone starts touching me? I'm pretty insecure about myself. I dug into my closet trying to find something interesting. Maybe revealing but not too much. I mean it's the club right? I finally found a good enough dress to wear.

I put on the outfit and walked out of my room. I wasn't the type of person to wear makeup at all. I walked out as my heels clicked on the wooden floor on every step. I got my black purse and sat on the kitchen table waiting for Hailey. Awhile later I heard heels clicking on the floor. I looked up and saw her in a cute simple dress.

"You ready to go?" I asked getting off the table. "Yep." She said and we raced outside to my car. I stopped when I realized she went for the mclarren. (On the top) "We're taking the McLarren?" I asked tilting my head slightly. "Might as well ride in style with our badass looks." Hailey said making me smile lightly as I walked over. I got into the drivers seat and she got into the passengers. We both sang the song "I Kissed A Girl". When the song finished Hailey stared at me in shock. "Can you teach me to sing??" She said at me. I just laughed and shrugged. "No- yes!- I don't know?" I said laughing. "You should do singing on you YouTube." I wheeze for some reason. "I already do dumbass!" I laughed and she just crossed her arms until we arrived. "LESS GO!" She said when I parked into the parking lot of the club. We got our ID's out of our wallets as we walked towards the entrance.
The security guard asked for our ID's and let us in when we showed them.

We walked inside while I was behind Hailey kind of hiding. "It's so loud in here ." I complained. "What did you expect?" She sassed. Whatever. We went inside and went to the bar. I just sat down. I wasn't going to drink anything. Hopefully she wouldn't either. I went on my phone and scrolled for a bit through Instagram. I haven't posted in awhile so I decided to take a cool picture. It was simple but I edited it a bit to make it cool. While I was scrolling for TikTok the bar lady offered me a drink but I declined her offer. Wait where's Hailey? I asked myself and saw her talking to a bartender. Suddenly a random dude sat next to me. "Hey beautiful baby girl." He said trying to sound attractive but honestly he just sounded kind of stupid. When I ignored him he put his hand on my high. "Get your hand off of me!" I yelled at him and stood up off the chair. "Oh come on. You know you want some of this." Ew- "Huh, in your non existent dream reality." I said rolling my eyes trying to walk over to Hailey when he grabbed me and slammed his lips onto me. I pushed away disgusted by his actions. "Ew! Pervert." I said pissed off. Hailey showed up behind me. Hailey and I always had each other's backs when in need. "Don't touch her like that you nasty ass!" She shouted. All of a sudden two other guys surrounded us. Could this get any worse?

One of the newer arrivals started touching my hips. "Stop and get your fucking hands of my hips!" I shouted. I was starting to get angry. I was also about to throw hands at this guy. Suddenly someone grabbed Hailey and held her by her arms as she struggled to get free. When I wasn't paying attention another guy grabbed on me as if hugging me. He smelled like alcohol. I struggled as well to get out of his embrace as he tried to drag me out of the bar. I wasn't going to go down without a fight though.

I bent my back backwards while lifting my heel up hitting him in the croch. The guy bent forward in pain refusing to give up, I took this as my chance and rose my head up with force so my head smacked him square in the face. He let go of me while holding his eye in pain and muttering some curse words. "Sage!" I looked in the corner of my eye to see a familiar tall face. I started running over to help Hailey when I saw Jesse and Mike helping her. Thank god. I grabbed our stuff and as soon as the boys saw us safe and ready to leave we all booked it to our cars. When we were outside I was a bout ready to cry. I went over to Hailey and made sure she was fine. Then I went over to Micheal and broke down in his arms. I was scared.

Micheal hugged me and spoke softly into my ears attempting to calm me down. It worked. When I stopped crying I hugged Micheal and thanked him. I just realized Hailey probably saw all that and Is going to make fun of me for it later- how lovely. The guys made sure we were completely fine. When they finally made sure we were fine they said their goodbyes and we all went home. The ride home was silent the whole way. When we got home I sat on the couch when I got a message from someone. "Who is it?" Hailey said as she sat down next to me. "Don't know." I replied grabbing my phone and checking who it was. It was Micheal. He asked me to meet him tomorrow at their place and to wear something fancyish at 12PM. Ok? "EARTH TO KARLA." Hailey screeched causing me to jump. "WHAT?" I asked. "What did baby boy say?" She said laughing. "Who is baby boy?" I questioned oddly confused. "MICHEAL DUH." "Ok but why baby boy?" I asked. "ITS OBVIOUS YOU LIKE HIM!" She yelled. I- was it that obvious? "I-" "DONT! Now what did he say?" She said. Bruh- "Basically meet him at the park from a week ago tomorrow and wear something fancyish." "GURL YOU GOT YOURSELF A DATE!" She screeched in joy. "I know right." I said sarcastically.

The next day I woke up at 10:00AM to Hailey screaming at me to wake up. "Bish wtf." I complained. "LETS START GETTING YOU READY FOR YOUR DATE." Bro- "FINE!" I said and shot up. I started looking through my dresser. I found something cute and it fit me fine.

(Including the hair :) ) I walked out towards Hailey and she looked at me. "That's your best outfit yet." "Thanks" I said back. "Now I'll go buy him a gift because why not." I said as Hailey nodded. We went to a jewelry store and I got him this expensive watch we found. It was $1,500 but oh well. We went to pay then we went to their place. When we got there I swear when Micheal saw me his jaw dropped. He's to cute. I went up to him and smiled.

~* Micheal's POV *~
When Sage stepped out of her car my jaw dropped. Did she notice. She looked beautiful in her outfit. Her hair was perfect and so was she. I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend when we got to the amusement park. Hopefully I wasn't going to quickly. She came up to me and smiled at me. Her smile is perfect omg. I returned the smile and grabbed her hand. I saw Hailey in the car getting into a drivers seat I think she was taking Karla's car back. "Don't let her die." She said laughing. "Don't crash my car." Karla replied. I tried not to laugh and Hailey waved goodbye and drove away litteraly almost bumping into a pole. Karla rolled her eyes and turned to me. I smiled at her and took her to my car. "Ba- Micheal where are we going?" She asked shocked and looked at out the window as I drove. I blushed a little bit but I tried to hide it. "You'll see." I said.

A half hour later we arrived at the amusement park. "Aww Micheal!" Karla said as she leaned over and pecked a kiss on my right cheek. Am I blushing? 😳
She exited the car and went to my side. I got out of the car and grabbed her hand taking her to the sign in thing. We got all set then we went to the rides.

~* 3rd person *~

Everything went fine. They went on many rides got cotton candy and got some smoothies at a smoothie shop in the amusement park. They even got matching shirts at a random shop there. Micheal and Karla both were blushing a lot. It came to The Who blushed the most challenge. That's when they came to the Ferris wheel.

~* Karla's POV *~

Micheal and I went onto the Ferris wheel. The view was beautiful and so romantic ngl. Suddenly Micheal grabbed my hand and cleared his throat when we were almost all the way up. "Karla, I know this may be a bit to quick witch if it is for you I completely understand- but you are the most outstanding girl I've ever met. Your eyes your hair everything is just perfect. Your personality and even your singing. Karla I was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend?" I swear when he finished that I was bout to cry. My eyes were watering. Instead of saying a response I leaned in and pulled him closer smashing my lips agenst his. It felt as if fireworks were in the background. I litteraly heard them. Wait I hear them? I smiled into the kiss and after awhile we both pulled away. "Yes, yes I will." I said smiling and leaned on his shoulder. To my left I actually saw fireworks as well. I smiled and closed my eyes letting myself take in the fresh air.

>~< •••
Hallo! Yesh yesh it finally happened!!! YAS 👏🏻
Hopefully you are enjoying this story love you all bye!!

~ Blessed Be 🕊
