Mondstadt, the nation of freedom. It's city, a city of romance. Where peace lies. Liyue, mondstadts neighbor. In between these two nations lie a cold and windy mountain, where danger levels rise.

"Hey, wait!" Somebody was rushing up to a blonde haired alchemist, he stopped in his tracks and turned around to see someone from the adventurers guild.

"?" The alchemist looked at the member of the adventurers guild, waiting for a response.

"Recently, people who have traveled into Dragonspine have been mysteriously disappearing, so please be careful when you go up!" They said, out of breath. Albedo just nodded before carelessly walking into the snowy mountain and disappearing.

Oh Mondstadt, land of the wind. Oh mondstadt, it's green grass and beautiful dandelions. Oh Mondstadt, it's painted bodies red.

"N-NO PLEASE, DONT DO THIS!.." Somebody yelled from across the room. A messy room, chemicals and shattered glass everywhere.

"Sucrose, you are but a mere obstacle, the one who blocked me from getting closer to my goal." Albedo started off, Sucrose's tears staining her sweet cheeks.

"NO... DONT DO THIS TO ME." The green haired alchemist pleaded for mercy, but Albedo just stared at her with lifeless eyes. Like he a robot was being controlled, like an emotionless puppet.

"Who needs two alchemists when you can have one? And perhaps, once I'm done with you, this feeling will go away." He stepped closer to the trembling alchemist on the floor, cornering her.

Albedo raised the sword, and quickly stabbed her in the skull. Blood slowly starting to steep out. The alchemist let out a sigh of relief, like a burden had left his shoulders.

But no, this isn't enough. He needs to see sucrose obviously dead. This won't do. He raised his sword again. A bit of blood staining his clothes and blade.

The alchemist once again stabbed sucrose, this time in the heart. It had already stopped beating after he violently impaled the green-haired alchemist's brain. This feels like therapy.

Again he impaled her, just in the leg. Then once again, in the left arm. Repeatedly in the abdomen, impaling her organs.

After about seven minutes of impaling the poor alchemist. Albedo dropped his weapon, realizing what he had done.

"Wait..." Was the only word Albedo could say about the lifeless corpse laying in his laboratory.

He wasn't sad, he was just... surprised. Surprised that he would do something like this. But now, he can use sucroses body for some... important matters.

What makes the human body so special from animals? Do humans and animals  to have anything in common with each other?

Perhaps albedo, he himself, has a few similarities to the human body. And once he's done studying, he'll switch to experiments. How does the human body react to different chemicals and liquids?

You woke up, your eyes dull and empty. What time is it? You looked around and saw nobdody, so you got up and dusted your clothes with your bare hands.

Fresh air filled your lungs, you inhaled and exhaled. Your body felt sore, perhaps it's because you were lying on grass instead of a bed or something similar...

You felt like something was wrong, the first thing you did was check your arms for anything different. And then by intuition you touched your lower neck, and you felt something.

Something is ingrained in your neck.

Gently touching around the thing ingrained in your neck, it seemed like someone had carved out pieces of skin from your lower neck. The carving felt like a symbol, but what kind of symbol was it.

It still hurt a bit, meaning the carving was probably still healing or that it had been recently carved. But who could have carved something in your neck? And what did they carve even?

You slowly traced it around before you got the picture, but it definitely wasn't what you expected. Your hand removed itself from your neck.

Before you went to touch it again to confirm if the symbol you just thought in your head was true, right when you touched your lower neck a zap-like feeling went through your whole body.

You jolted, being scared awake made you more anxious and aware than when you just woke up. You quickly raised a hand and touched the carving.

An electro symbol...

It hurt. Like really hurt, hurt just as much as when you stub your toe but imagine you stubbed your neck and that your lower neck is as sensitive as your toe...

"Perhaps I should get to sumeru now..." you stood up, your legs a bit wobbly. You rubbed your eyes before looking around.

For some reason you felt a presence right behind you, you froze in place. Eyes slightly widened. You felt like there was a hand wrapping itself around your neck with the other hand holding your hand.

But as soon as you quickly turned around, there was nothing but the plain and ordinary grass field you slept on.

You have to leave. You don't feel safe here anymore. You started to run to liyue, and after that, you should run to sumeru.

"Didn't you already feel unsafe in every region, y/n?"
