Chapter 1

Cooling drops of summer rain pattered against your rain coat as you hustled inside to your place of work. Large metal frames of the malls structure welcomed you while you slipped your coat off and began rummaging through the pockets to retrieve your name tag. Once again you were running late to a job you've barely worked a month at.
Once the mall went up most small businesses ended up closing, either out of fear or the lack of sales, which left the local job search options slim other than greasy fast food joints and other unfavorable jobs. Luckily enough you managed to land a position for the daycare located in the local Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex. Pay was decent although chasing after children all day proved to be exhausting.
Despite the ongoing rumors that haunted Fazbear entertainment business was booming as always. The main entrance was packed with children, ornery teens, and over stimulated parents just itching to get in. Slipping past the crowd you began to fumble with the cheap pin located on the back of your badge. Sliding it into the fabric of your shirt and clipping it back to it's original anchor. You let out a slight hum of contentment as your eyes scanned the 'Daycare Attendant' written below your name.
Unexpectedly you collided with another, causing them to fall with a loud crash as they made contact with the corner of a bench.
"Oh!" You sheepishly spit out, "I am so so sorry!" You quickly knelt down causing the contents of your pockets to spill. You swore as you collected your cellphone and other lose change and stuffed it back into your pocket. You offered your hand out to the small child who you had accidentally hip checked. "Are you alright?"
His round brown eyes made contact with yours as he placed a hand up to his now scraped cheek. He offered no reply as he continued to stare at you, doe-eyed and bewildered over the suddenness of it all. Despite the drawling sounds of thousands of conversations that drowned out prerecorded messages that played throughout the day the atmosphere fell silent as the awkwardness set in. The stare off was cut short as you cleared your throat and dropped your hand back to your side. "If you just wait here I'll go get a bandaid." The scrape wasn't nearly enough to warrant an alarm for first aid, but a simple bandaid seemed to be enough to comfort most children majority of of the time. "Whats your name? Where are your parents?" You asked. The child seemed to have somewhat composed himself as he made his way back to his feet.
"Gregory," He muttered, almost sounding ashamed of the words that left his mouth. The boy offered no response to the second question. "Okay, Gregory, wait right here. Alright?" You offered a smile which quickly dissipated as you noticed the time which was displayed on a large clock tucked against a wall. Almost a whole hour past your scheduled starting time. Your feet began moving before you could think as you made your way to the daycare to inform your boss you were, in fact, there as an attempt to assess the damage of your absence. Making your way past large shutters you entered the main entrance of the daycare. A tired attendant working the front desk sent you a glare, which was met with a sheepish grin from yourself. Swiping your attendance card you sighed already frustrated with your work day.
"Y/N!" A booming voice called out your name sending a shiver down your spine. The voice belonged to no other than your boss.
"John! I am so sorry I'm late. There was a kid in the lobby who I-" You were cut short as he put up his hand, silencing you.
"Listen, if you want to keep this position I suggest you rethink hard about your priorities, I won't let you off the hook again," He snarled, then seemed to collect himself with a smile as if he didn't just chew you a new one, "We haven't gotten around to getting lost Fazwatches from the ballpit. Take care of it will you?" You opened your mouth to object, but snapped it shut. It was best to obey directions considering the circumstance. Gregory would be fine after all, you  had only offered a bandaid to be comforting, and it was just a surface scrape. You nodded as a response and plodded your way to the ball pit. You swore 99% of your job was recovering lost watches that would wiggle lose in the play areas.
"Hello little helper!" Sun, a looming animatronic greeted you as you passed by. Bells that adorned his scarlet and yellow striped garments jingled as he hopped around energetically. You found the daycare animatronics rather creepy. His face being a carved half sun half moon circled with pointed spikes. And to top it off? Lifeless white eyes that seemed to follow your movements. His attention was already back to the group of children he was finger painting with. The children seemed to love him. Young ones always crowding the robot which Sun never seemed to mind. His alter ego, Moon, which was only switched to during nap time or closing hours was even worse. His job was to lull them to sleep and make sure they stayed in their assigned sleeping bags. Personally, you think he just scares the kids enough that they pretend to sleep to avoid seeing his glowing red orbs peering at them.
Entering the ballpit you began searching for lost devices. The sound of plastic plinked together as you rummaged through the thousands of balls in the pit which seemed to stretch for miles. Kids paid you no respect as they swam through the ball pit, kicking and throwing the chunks of plastic in your direction. A groan vibrated in your throat. This was going to be a long shift.


As the last to arrive you were the last to take your break. Tiredly you entered the break room which was crudely decorated in Fazbear merchandise. The main band of animatronics were painted on the wall. You stopped to admire the art work for a second before trudging to the ancient vending machine that contents seemed to never be switched out. Fetching a spare dollar from your pocket you fed it into the payment slot and made your selection. The old parts whirred and chinked, then stopped without any movement. "Damn you," You hissed and delivered a well deserve kick to the machine. The luck of today was not in your favor. You slipped your way into a plastic chair and pulled your phone from your pocket. The screen was shattered beyond repair. It must have broke with your run in with Gregory earlier. Your head slammed against the table with a whimper. This day could not get any worse. You closed your eyes tightly, the stress of every event of the day finally evolving into exhaustion. A quick nap wouldn't hurt you told yourself as you quickly succumbed to slumber.


A loud crash woke you abruptly with a startled gasp. You blinked the sleep away from your eyes and you jumped to your feet. You slipped out of the break room and was met with a deafening silence.
"Hello?" You called out. Silence. The once bustling play room was barren. Your heart quickly sunk as you sprinted your way upstairs to the main desk. Slamming your hand onto the keyboard firing the computer back on. The lock screen read 9:42PM. 42 minutes past closing. You might as well kiss this job goodbye. The biggest rule, which was the first in the employee handbook and written in bold font, was to NEVER stay past closing time. Security reasons won't allow main doors to open out of scheduled business hours. Your mind flooded with thoughts and without thinking you were once again on the move. The large metal entrance of the daycare hissed open while you quickly made your way to the main entrance, hoping there was some chance the doors wouldn't be in lock down mode. Slipping past security bots you were face to face with the cold entrance door. Making a fist you pounded on the door. There was no movement as the slim light of hope disappeared inside of you. How did no one notice your absence and come search for you? You sank to your knees, tears threatening to spill. Muffled voices snapped your attention away from your thoughts. Although quiet, the deep voice of the famous animatronic bear echoed through the quiet lobby. "Freddy?" You whispered, excited that you weren't alone to die in this giant metal coffin of a shopping mall. Making your way back to your feet you carried yourself to the bears dressing room. His voice evolved into two, the other sounding like it belonged to a small child as a conversation was being made. Your arm raised as you placed your hand on the slick metal doorknob of Freddy Fazbears room. You bit your lip. Would Freddy report you to the security guards? In your desperate attempt to not be alone you failed to think out this whole situation. With a sigh you took a step backwards. All you had to do was hide out and survive till morning. If you were lucky no one would even notice you bailed work and stayed the night. Turning on your heel you took in your surroundings. The neon LED's lit up the halls and shined against the golden statues which lined the path.
A soft beep was heard as the door censor picked up the staff badge that was clung to your hip. The door behind you swung open with a gust of wind. Alarmed you whipped back around to face whatever opened Glamrock Freddy's door. Standing before you was two familiar faces. Gregory and Freddy's illuminated eyes peered at you. More awkward silence washed over you as your heart seemed to almost jump through your chest. 'Just survive the night' echoed in your thoughts. The act seemed to be getting more and more complicated by the second.
