Secret's out

You staggered out of the classroom like a zombie, feet tripping over nothing and your uniform and hair undone and messy. The exams had just ended, and you had used up all your energy to fire yourself up, thinking and writing at an inhuman speed. Now, you were internally dying from lack of energy and sleep.

"Is she okay?" Xiangling whispered to Xingqiu as they walked out from the classroom behind you.

"She's been like that from today morning," Xingqiu answered as he flipped the page of his book. Chongyun nodded worriedly, pulling out a spare popsicle to offer you.

"With how she's acting, I might make some profits..." Hu Tao darkly chuckled as she heaved a coffin out of her locker. Zhongli bonked her on the head with his thermos as the twin-tail girl yelped.

"Say, emo comrade," Childe started, glancing over to Xiao who was silently scrolling through his phone. The said emo didn't even bother to spare the ginger a glance, so Childe continued. "Do you happen to know why comrade is so...strange today?"

All eyes landed on Xiao, and he tensed up from the attention, staring harder at his screen. With a groan, he finally gave in, feeling thoroughly uncomfortable from the gazes on him. "I don't know."

That was an obvious lie, but from the way Xiao was glaring, nobody bothered questioning him. Maybe they sensed the heavy atmosphere from Xiao as he recalled the events of last night, so they didn't push him.

"Maybe I'll show her my new smut chapter?" Xingqiu questioned. Chongyun's face flushed as he recalled the memory of reading Xingiu's smut by accident.

"No!" Everyone exclaimed.


Everyone whipped their heads in the direction of the noise and gasped violently. Well, all except Hu tao who was cackling like a maniac and unscrewing her coffin. You had flopped over the trash bin and fallen down beside it, clutching the wall.

Xiangling ran over with Zhongli, Xiao, and Childe in tow, barraging with questions like "are you ok?".

"I'm fine, I'm fine, just a little sleep deprived." You reassured.

"But you looked so flared up during the test!" Xiangling commented.

"Uh well, I gotta get a 100."

"What an admirable goal, comrade! This is why we are the bestest of friends!" Childe sang as he threw himself onto you in a bear hug, sending your frail figure crashing onto the floor. Zhongli hastily pulled Childe off and offered you some tea in a spare cup which you happily accepted. While you chugged down the warm liquid, Childe continued to apologize to you.

Chongyun bent down and offered you a popsicle stick, and Hu tao set her comfy cushion-imbedded coffin down for the both of you to sit in. Xiangling brought out her spare food from her bag and Xingqiu forced Xiao to sit beside Zhongli. Eventually, this turned into a picnic in the middle of the hallway.

"Karaoke! Karaoke!" Hu tao chanted as she handed Xingqiu a roll of toilet paper (as a makeshift microphone). He gladly accepted it and started singing.

"ToNIgHt tHe MuSiC SeEmS sO lOuD~" Xingqiu screeched, almost breaking your eardrums. A nerve popped on Xiao's head as he grabbed the toilet paper roll away from Xingqiu who whimpered. 

Hu tao gasped. "Oh, look at this! Could it be- Xiao wanted to do a duet with y/n?!" 

"Yes, yes!" Xiangling yelled.

"Huh, no-" Xiao started to be cut off by you."What song?" You asked, phone open to look up lyrics.

"Careless whisper" Xingqiu replied.

"Why are they gonna sing the same song as you?" Chongyun questioned.

"No, no, I think it is perfect for the emo couple!" Childe cut in.

"Hell no." Xiao stated coldly.

Even after a lot of pleading, the emo did not budge. Hu tao groaned, and you pat her back. "We can sing instead. You would be a better singing buddy than Xiao." you cheered. Hu tao's mood instantly brightened, as did everyone else's. 

"Let's sing let it go!" Hu tao yelled, as you nodded with sparkling eyes.

And so the two of you sang. Hu tao practically rapped the song away while you sang the higher and more complex notes. At the climax of the song, you sang more loudly, your voice forming a beautiful harmony, making everyone's eyes widen. Hu tao paused her rapping, however you continued, so lost in the joy of music.

As you sang, Xiao regarded you with wide sparkling amber eyes. His heart thumped against his chest, reverberating down his rib cage and sending shivers up his spine.

Zhongli glanced to his left and smiled softly at Xiao, making the emo turn away with a blush.

You stopped singing once noticed everyone staring at you wide-eyed in silence. "What...?"

"YOU HAVE SUCH A GOOD VOICE!" Hu tao squealed as she pounced on you, tackling you in a hug. You choked momentarily and hugged her back with a chuckle. "It sounds so familiar though..." she said, making you freeze. 

"haha, what are you on about?" you denied, sweating nervously as you brushed it off.

"Yeah, she does sound rather familiar.." Chongyun muttered.

"Imagine if y/n was a secret vocaloid or idol or something and she goes undercover to our school. That would be an amazing smut book to write!" Xingqiu laughed.

Zhongli, Childe, you, and Xiao froze and exchanged nervous glances.

Childe got up, pulling you, Zhongli, and Xiao up as well. "Well, look at the time! Ms. Yelan will yell at us if we waste any more time, we should go home! Exams are over for today anyways and it's a half-day, so no need to waste time in the hallways!" he chuckled, dragging the three of you down the hallway by your uniform collars to avoid further questioning.

Before anyone could resist, the four of you were off school property.

Hu tao POV

"Hey, guys? Do you feel like y/n's voice sounded really, really familiar?" I asked when they were gone. 

"And it wasn't just her's. I feel like even Zhongli's deep voice seems oddly familiar." Chongyun added on.

"But they've never sung before," Xiangling said.

"Why not ask the groupchat what they think?" Xingqiu suggested.

"Your right! Maybe Kazuha heard y/n sing!" I gasped before pulling out my phone.

Xiao-eo and y/n-ette

Coffin girl

@ Leaf boy

@ Leaf boy

@ Leaf boy

@ Leaf boy

@ Leaf boy

@ Leaf boy

Leaf boy

Whatever is it that troubles you?

Coffin girl

@ Leaf boy

Oh your here mb

have you 

have you

heard y/n sing????

Leaf boy


Onikabuto 2.0

Some days I think youve gotten possessed by a pirate



Coffin girl

y/n's voice sounds familiar



cuz shes y/n


No, no, almost like we've heard her singing elsewhere

Its beautiful

Devil guuji

I believe you are mistaken


Yeah y/n sounds like a dying mongoose giving birth to a cow

Leaf boy


How dareth thee

y/n's voice is liketh a million butterflies fluttering their wings liketh angels descending frometh heaven, vanquishing evil et consuming the world in an eternal slumbered peace and joy which births within the heart and blooms like that of a flower, whichest possesses petals filled with loveth and repentance, yet y/n is the godly angel of this flowerth, as she spreads thy's wings aflight



Da scribe


Drama queen




Hottie cat lady




Yo mama




Onikabuto 2.0


Failed comedian



Suddenly I feel like killing you would bring world peace

and cure cancer

and end world hunger

Hu tao

Maybe I should recruit Kazuha to help me get customers



vhy r u all phiting!

Onikabuto 2.0

(why are you all fighting?)


Ty beo

Yo mama

We thought y/n's voice was way too familiar

as if we've heard her singing a million times

even though she hasn't


just wanted to check what u guys thought

Drama queen


I do feel like I have heard her voice singing before

Da scribe


(A/n: in a previous chapter [I'm too lazy to check which one] Alhaitham is shown as a hacker and knows 4nemo, 3lectro and DCKZ's identities, so he knows why y/n's voice is so familiar)


I have not heard y/n's voice

Failed comedian

Her voice is like a watermelon

Hottie cat lady


Failed comedian

It is one in a melon



Scarabooba has removed Failed Comedian from the groupchat

Drama queen

But her voice is one in a million


I agree it is very beautiful



Dk you all npt now?

Onikabuto 2.0

(Do you all not know?)


How tf are you able to even translate that

Onikabuto 2.0

When you've been friends with this idiot for 17 years

You learn things


Sounds rough

Devil guuji

I could not imagine

with his lack of braincells


Hry! I have braoncrlls!

Da scribe

How do I leave this chat

Why is there no exit button

Wattpad brat

ah~ ah~ ah~

I have admin and disabled that command 



Coffin girl

You can leave the chat one way

Da scribe


Coffin girl

By having a peaceful permanent slumber in my coffin




Leaf boy


Yo mama

Im worried you might become a killer

Coffin girl

Ittos been typing for 10 mins

Onikabuto 2.0

Give him his time


Y/n;s vpice id luke an ifols known as b/m snd do they are the dame person



Devil guuji




Wattpad brat


Coffin girl


Onikabuto 2.0





Iy is

Drama queen




Da scribe

Please get Grammarly and attend Kumon

Leaf boy


Onikabuto 2.0






Hottie cat lady


Yo mama




Dead side character

Itto my bro, your right!

I checked youtube and saw the Clash of bands vids

And y/n's voice is the same as b/n's

Idiot oni

Km Aleasy tight

Dead side character

(I'm always right)

And Alatus sounds just like Xiao when I think of it. Maybe even Heizou and Kazuha sound similar

Do they hang out in a group?

Idiot oni

Yrs y/m and ciao and jazuja and zcavamooch and jeixou and vinetea and eter and miku and ri humg oyt

Dead side character 

(Yes y/n and xiao and kazuha and scaramouche and heizou and venti and aether and miko and ei hang out)

Excellent work




Idiot oni

Yes mu beo tpmo 

I sm anaxing 🥵🥶🔥😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

Dead side character

(Yes my bro tomo, I am amazing [insert emojis])



Idiot oni

But the oters

the other bsnd mrmbes

Dead side character

(but the others. the other band members)

Your so right itto my bro

we must make a new gc

I got it!


The secret vocaloids

Coffin girl

tf is this new gc tomo



Onikabuto 2.0

This my friends is a secret gc

cuz we know who the traitors are

we know who the secret vocaloids are

Wattpad brat


Drama queen

It appears that miko, Heizou, kazuha and scaramouche are missing from this new gc.

Onikabuto 2.0

what I say now must be kept secret between us all




whatever is this



wtcha tis vifro

Onikabuto 2.0

(watch this video)

Da scribe

Took you idiots long enough

Hottie cat lady





Failed comedian

Drama queen

My reaction^

Yo mama


Wattpad brat


Coffin girl

I can't believe y/n didn't trust us :(

Ill go commit murder homicide rq



Yo mama

Im joining her

Hottie cat lady

So let me get this straight

Y/n, Miko, Xiao, Kazuha, Heizou and Scaramouche are in a band?


No no, I think they are all siblings

Da scribe

For fucks sake

I will explain it to you all

Y/n, Miko and Ei are 3lectro

Kazuha, Scaramouche, Venti, Heizou, aether and Xiao are 6reeze


So scara was 5wirl's new member

Wattpad brat

yare yare

Onikabuto 2.0

aren't you like betraying their trust by telling us this

Da scribe

I'm not paid enough

Wattpad brat

Maybe they had their reasons not to tell us


Yeah being an idol is probably hard

Wattpad brat

Not as hard as my di- 😏

Onikabuto 2.0

what the duck



Hottie cat lady




Drama queen


Coffin girl


Failed comedian


Da scribe







"Guys. We may have a problem." Childe muttered. You looked up at him with a tilted head. Currently, You, Xiao, Zhongli, and Childe were outside a convenience store, sitting on the cement sidewalk while eating popsicles after Childe dragged you all away from the school.

"What?" Xiao growled, licking his orange popsicle and tilting his head.

"They know our identities," Zhongli said.

"Huh?" You said, tilting your head further.

"Y'know, the group chat," Childe said.

"What?" you and Xiao tilted your heads so they bonked. The two of you pulled away with a hiss, rubbing the spot.

"Oh, they're not even in the..." Childe muttered.

"We have a group chat with the liyue classmates, archon cafe workers, and a few others. They happen to have deduced your identities as idols." Zhongli summed up.

You and Xiao exchanged a confused glance, amber eyes meeting your (e/c) irises.

"Look," Childe said as he took a seat beside you on the sidewalk. "after you sang, y/n, Tomo and Itto figured out you're b/n and that Xiao is Alatus. And they also somehow found out the identities of the rest of 3lectro and 4nemo. However, I don't think they uncovered DCKZ's identities yet- thankfully."

"WHAT?!" You and Xiao roared, faces contorted to looks of bewilderment, eyes wide and sweat dripping down your faces.

"Uh. Zhongli. Daddy. help me out." Childe whimpered with a sweatdrop.

"Call him that again and you will fucking die." Xiao snarled, Hitting Childe in the head with his half-eaten popsicle which he threw. It clattered to the ground and shattered, making Childe yelp and jump away from the three of you.

You turned to Zhongli expectantly to continue. "It was a random group chat we made at the beginning of the school year. Nothing more. However, it seems that the group chat will not reveal your identities."

"Well at least they're trustable..." you muttered as you licked your own popsicle. Xiao side-eyed you jealously, regretting that he threw his popsicle at the walking carrot.

"Should we tell the rest of the bands?" Childe asked Zhongli.

"No. It would be unwise to agitate them, so it is best kept a secret for now. Xiao and y/n are strong-willed, so they will have no problem ensuring that the secret is kept between us....and the group chat." Zhongli explained.

You nodded, licking your popsicle. 

"Say, comrade!" Childe squealed, grabbing your shoulders to turn you towards him. "Since exams are over, we have a two-week holiday! Let's have a playdate together!"

"Oh my gosh! Your right! I miss having sleepovers with you just like we did as kids!" You yelled, clasping the gingers hand's as the two of you jumped up and down, sprouting dog ears as sparkles flew around you.


Zhongli coughed. "Ah yes, you too Zhongli! And Xiao, you too!" you said with a smile.

"I'll bring Teucer with me! And Paimon should come too! It's been so long!" Childe yelled, embracing you, Zhongli, and Xiao in a hug. Xiao squirmed like a cat, however, he gave up realizing he wouldn't be able to escape the tall ginger's grasp.

'At least y/n and Zhongli will be there. The ginger will be a bit more tolerable I guess...' The emo thought to himself in an attempt to make himself feel better.

"Im going to pick up Paimon today actually. We're gonna go back home since we have the two-week break. You guys wanna come with?" You asked. Childe nodded his head with puppy dog eyes and Zhongli politely smiled. Xiao chose to stay silent and only stared at you emotionlessly.

"Great, let's gooo!!" You yelled. Childe instantly picked up Zhongli and ran off, with you and Xiao following. A nerve popped on Xiao's head as he pulled your popsicle out of your mouth (making you let out a yelp of protest), ready to throw it at the ginger. He eventually let out a sigh, and put the popsicle in his mouth instead, walking ahead.

"Hey! That was mine!" You yelled in anger. You loved Xiao, but anyone who took your food would die. Xiao turned and gave you a bored look, turning back to trip Childe and make him drop Zhongli.

Forgetting the popsicle, you took the opportunity to pounce on Zhongli who caught you with ease. He hooked his arms beneath your legs in a piggyback as you cheered. Childe looked over to Xiao.

"Don't you dare" The emo growled.

Childe however took a step forward with a forced smirk, sweat dripping off his face. The two boys started circling each other as if they were about to wrestle. You and Zhongli stood- well Zhongli stood and you were on his back being carried- and watched the two curiously. "Tea?" Zhongli offered, as he handed you a juice box filled with iced tea. You gladly accepted it and sipped one, holding another juice box out for Zhongli to drink.

Let's just say a lot of screams and violence was displayed, but in the end, Xiao ended up being carried by Childe who was covered in bruises and scratches. "I'm okay." The ginger insisted, though you and Zhongli still sweatdropped at him limping alongside you.

You and the three boys caught a train and made it to Paimon's school in about 30 minutes. Your eyes landed on the large nursery which was built in a similar fashion to a castle. Green lawns with a large playground were outside the building, and finally, a fence protected the area of land. Your eyes scanned the large crowd of children playing on the grass, looking for a particular silver-haired girl.

Zhongli, Childe, you, and Xiao walked into the building where you spotted Jean at the front desk. When she spotted you, her face lit up.

"Y/n! Xiao! What are you doing here?" She asked with a smile.

"My sister goes here! I'm picking her up since school ended now, right?" you replied. Jean nodded in understanding. "Ah, I forgot about that for a second...they should be down the west field." 

"Thanks!" you said as the 4 of you bowed politely and skipped off to find your sister.

"Doesn't your brother go to this school too? Since he's also a toddler." Xiao questioned Childe. Childe looked surprised at the emo interacting with him, but still replied with a smile, "Yeah! Teucer should be in Paimon's class."

"We should spot Diluc and Kaeya here," Zhongli commented.

"Ah yeah, they work here after school right?" Childe said with a sigh.

"Not happy to see them?" You asked, tilting your head to look up at the failed abortion beside you.

"I am! They...just refuse to fight me...." Childe sighed. This was followed by silence until a loud 'boom' was heard, making all of you flinch. Your's and Childe's eyes widened as you realized the large sound came from the west field, so you took off in that direction, gliding across the smooth marble floor. You and he skidded to a halt- or at least tried to, however the slippery floor caused Childe to topple into you and the both of you to roll out the door and down the short flight of stairs to the grass outside.

Xiao and Zhongli stood at the top of the staircase, looking down at you and Childe on the grass in a heap, imaginary stars spiraling around your heads.

Childe and you snapped your heads up as you heard some screams. Your faces immediately became ones of shock. There, before you, was Kaeya dumping ice over a flaming bush with a worried smile while a group of children was clutching the fence, trying to create as much distance from the flames as possible. Diluc on the other hand was trying to pull a circular object from a child dressed in red while gripping a fire extinguisher in his hand.

"Klee! Let go of that! It's dangerous!" The male yelled. He shook his head, his flaming red hair cascading down his shoulders and fluttering around him as sweat droplets magically flew around him. You blushed with puppy dog eyes, fangirling over the redhead making Childe sweatdrop.

"B-but Dodoco is innocent!" The red child yelled, hugging her plush close to her.

"Now, now, Klee, you don't want to end up in solitary confinement again." Diluc scolded.

"I'll help you escape!" Kaeya yelled, still hastily dumping buckets of ice and water on the bush, trying to put out the fire.

"YOU FILTHY EXCUSE FOR A PIRATE!" Diluc yelled at Kaeya, Now holding the fire extinguisher up like a claymore.

"YOU BOTH ARE STUPID!" A familiar high-pitched voice yelled. Cartoon tears cascaded down your cheeks as you made eye contact with her and her eyes widened. In slow-mo, You and Paimon ran towards one another before embracing one another.

"YOU- GIVE ME THAT YOU STUPID REDHEAD!" Kaeya yelled, not having noticed you, and grabbed the extinguisher from Diluc's hand. However, the tampon head kept his grip firmly on the red cylinder. As the two wrestled, the fire extinguisher popped and flew out of their arms, falling into the flaming bush and only adding to the flames. The two men's expressions became very nervous and scared smiles as they shrieked in unison.

The children all started screaming in response. You, Paimon, Childe, Xiao, and Zhongli all sweatdropped as you shot judgemental looks at the polar opposite brothers.


"Phew! Good thing Diluc cooled it and the flames were put out. I always knew I could count on you guys. Especially you!" Kaeya said to you with a wink.

Your expression became one of disgust. Paimon pushed you away. "Stop flirting with my sister!" 

Meanwhile, Xiao was talking to Qiqi and Baizhu who had come to pick her up. Childe was sobbing with Teucer as they embraced one another, and Zhongli was helping Diluc clean up and help the children safely exit the building to their family members.

"DILUC. KAEYA." A loud voice called out. Diluc and Kaeya froze, before turning to see Jean angrily storming down the halls. The brother's expressions became ones of fear as they looked around for an exit. Kaeya pointed to a tiny window at the top of the ceiling all of a sudden. He and Diluc exchanged a glance and nodded, instantly running over to a bookshelf and climbing it. They climbed up the wall and swung across the area by hooking onto the chandelier. "HEY! GET DOWN HERE THE TWO OF YOU!" Jean yelled, but it was too late. The two leaped out the window to make their escape, but not before Kaeya stuck his tongue out playfully.

"I swear...they are so dead..." Jean sighed, massaging her forehead.

"Uh." You said, breaking the silence.

"Oh! Right, I'm sorry. I'm just stressed." Jean said with a smile. "How is it going with...your business?" She asked, careful not to say bands in front of the children.

"OH YOU MEAN MY SISTER'S BAND, 3LECTRO!? THEYRE SO COOL-" Paimon yelled, but you quickly covered her mouth with a glare. "Oopsies.." she giggled nervously.

"YOU'RE IN A BAND, BROTHER?!" Teucer yelled at Childe. Childe sweat nervously and glanced around, before opening his mouth. "It's a band! Of...of toy sellers!"

"What." You, Zhongli, Xiao, Paimon, and Jean said."

"Yes! Dadd- ahem- brother Zhongli is our handsome male model, sister y/n is our cute doll model, Xiao is the model for the dog toy, and I'm the CEO!" Childe yelled. You held Xiao back as he snarled violently at the ginger.

Thankfully, Teucer bought the lie and would keep quiet for now.

"Oh yes, I saw how you helped put out the fire, clean up, and make sure the children were safe. So take this money." Jean said as she handed you 4 envelopes of cash.

"Oho~? Free money? Don't mind if I do-" you started, but the envelopes were lifted from your hands by Zhongli.

"We cannot accept this." He said politely, handing the envelope to Jean. (Cue you glaring daggers at him).


"WHAT?!" You, Xiao, and Paimon yelled.

"YOUR GETTING MARRIED?!" Paimon screamed.

"WHAT?! NO?? IM 16??" you yelled.


The two of you backed away with blushing faces.

Jean, Zhongli, Childe, Paimon, and Teucer all shared an emotionless deadpan look that screamed, 'They're in love'.

"This is Diluc and Kaeya's salary for the week. Im giving it to you all since you deserve it more than they do." Jean said with an evil smile, a shadow crossing her face.

'scary', all of you thought as you backed away a bit.

After accepting the cash, the 4 students and 2 children left the school. "Are we having a sleepover at sister y/n's house?!" Teucer yelled ecstatically.

"Yeah! But don't think I'll let you have my bed while I sleep on the floor again, you filthy ginger!" Paimon yelled at Teucer as she pointed an accusatory finger at him. 

The young male gasped. "I don't want your crusty ass bed anyways!" He yelled, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Ah this is gonna be so much fun!" you yelled with delight while Childe chided his brother for his inappropriate choice of words.

' free cash, a sleepover at y/n's house, and a 2-week break? This doesn't sound all that bad..' Xiao thought with a slight smile.

"YOU SMILED!" you yelled, making the emo wear his signature frown again.

"no I did not."

"You totally did hehe"


Lol long chapter cuz I was bored ^^

Dont forget to vote~
