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2 June 2005
Approximately 11:32 A.M.
Nikko, Japan

warning(s): slight gore


You fell back on the ground, the weapon in your hands falling to the ground with a loud clatter. You felt tears pricking the corner of your eyes, the gash in your palm becoming more painful by the second. Your cry of pain alerted the older man across the field, who was in front of you in a moment.

“You have to be more careful, Y/n,” He scolded, running his fingers over the cut. As he did, the wound began to heal, closing and only leaving a thin scar in its place. He reached up, wiping the corner of your eyes with his thumb before they could fall over your cheeks.

“I-It’s too hard, Ira-sensei! I can’t do it!” You said, kicking the blade away from you. “I always get cut!”

“Hmm. I think we can solve that,” Leaning down, he picked the weapon from the ground. You sniffled, wiping your nose as you watched him carry it into the house.

“Ira-sensei? Where are you going?” He didn’t reply, making you frown. You followed after him, changing shoes before running down the hall. You peered around him as he walked into a room lined with weapons. He sat down at the table, laying the short sword across it. You hopped onto the stool, watching him intently.

“Since the blade keeps cutting you, we’ll try something different. What do you think, Y/n? What do you think you’ll be able to handle?” He asked, looking to you.

“I...I want something cool! Like Scorpion!” You said, throwing your arm out, reeling back an imaginary chain. “Chichi and Ojisan play it alot!”

“Hmm. A chained kunai? I don’t have one of those...but…” He stood up, moving to the opposite wall. You perked up at the sound of a chain rattling. Your eyes lit up at the sight of the weapon in his hands. “This is called a kusarigama. Here, try to hold it.”

You jumped from the stool as he knelt it in front of you, passing you the chain and the scythe blade. You gasped at the heavy weight from both, dropping it onto the ground with wide eyes. He caught it before it could cut your foot.

“I-It’s heavy!” You exclaimed.

“Yes, the Kusarigama requires a great strength to possess,” He replied. “But don’t worry, we’ll find something else--”

“No! I want that one, Ira-sensei!” You frowned.

“Y/n, you can’t even lift it.”

“I’ll get stronger!” You said, bowing your small body in front of him. “I promise, Ira-sensei! I’ll become strong enough to wield it! Please keep it safe until I can!”

He blinked at you in shock. Slowly, he smiled. With a chuckle, he nodded and stood up. He retrieved a case, carefully placing the weapon inside.

“Alright, Y/n. It’ll be safe here until you can use it.”

The handle of the scythe fell into your hand, the chain wrapping around your other hand. You dropped into a defensive stance, the chain slipping through your palm and letting the blade dangle in the air. Geto had his back to yours, hands in front of him.

“We only have one chance at this, Y/n.”

Your eyes narrowed. “I know.”

“We don’t know how the police will act, but we can only assume they’ll force us down when they see your weapon,” He frowned. “Is anyone--”

“No. We’re the only people able to see the curses. I know for a fact nobody on this force can see them.”

Geto nodded. “Alright then. Move quickly. Don’t let them catch you. I’ve sent word to Yaga-sensei for reinforcements,” He said. “Get up there and kill him once and for all. I’ll cover you as much as I can.”

“Thanks, Sugar,” You breathed.

“Good luck,”

Nodding, the two of you broke apart at the same time. The curse caught your movements, and in an instant, you were surrounded. You jumped up over them, the kusarigama in your hands slicing through them in a swift movement of your wrist. You landed on the hood of a car, glaring up at the curse. You were close enough to see it now, and God, you wish you couldn’t.

His hair was matted with blood, covering one side of his face. All of his limbs were twisted at an unnormal angle, bones jutting out through his torn flesh. He was covered with gashes and bruises, and his skin paperwhite. It was obvious that he was dead. And the only people that could see him were you and Geto.

You somehow had to get to him without gaining the attention of the police. If they saw your Kusarigama and you charging towards them, it was protocol for them to shoot you. Plus, you had no idea if you could dodge all of their bullets. You’ve never had to do it before, so you didn’t know if you would be able to do it.

You could enter the school and take the back staircase. From there, you could come up from the rear on the roof. Their bullets would lose most of their velocity by the time they reached you, resulting in minor wounds, that is if they even got to you.

Or, you could attack head-on. Spinning the chain attached to the Kusarigama would create enough kinetic energy to hit the curse above all the people. You could use the leverage to do either one of two things: pull him towards you or pull yourself to him. Then, you could bring him down and Geto could cover you.

You were snapped back to reality by a frightened scream. You looked over, spotting an older woman on her back, a curse pinning her to the ground. She must have been a faculty member. You ran towards her, easily exorcising the curse just with a swipe of your arm. A fly head.

“Are you okay?” You asked, kneeling beside her. She looked at you, then to your hands, and screamed.

“Help! Please! Someone help!”

“H-Huh!?” You exclaimed, startled.

“Help! This crazy woman is going to kill me!”

Another curse appeared, this one much larger. You raised in alarm, bringing your weapon up. This caused the woman to scream more.

“P-please! Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you!” You hissed, pressing a finger to your lips. “I-I’m the good guy here!”

“Police! Police!”


You were beginning to panic. This woman’s fear was attracting more curses to her by the second. The more she screamed and cried, the more came towards you. At this point, you were quickly becoming surrounded. There was no way you could just leave her here.

“Please, you have to trust me! I won’t hurt you, I promise!” You said, moving to lift her.

“Get off me! Help! Police!”

“Hands in the air!”

You froze. Oh no. This was bad. This was really bad. Where was Geto? Oh, God. You were so screwed.

“I’m not gonna say it again, put your hands where we can see them!”

You looked over your shoulder. Between each curse, a police officer stood, gun raised, aimed straight at you. You swallowed hard, slowly turning to face them. You stood up, your grip on the kusarigama tightening.

“Drop the weapon!”

“I-I can’t.”

You heard a series of small clicks. They turned their safety’s off. You released a shaky breath.

“Put the weapon on the ground, now!”

“I can’t. You’ll die if I do!”

Shit. You shouldn’t have worded it that way. But it was true. If you put your cursed weapon down, it would become a free for all. The only thing keeping them in place was your cursed energy that you purposely were expanding by the second.

“Put it down, or we’ll shoot!”

“I’m not the enemy!” You shouted. At the sound of a crackle, you looked up. A curse was hanging from the light posts one of the cops was under. Its bony, clawed hand was reaching towards him. If it moved a mere centimeter, it would slice open his neck. You tensed.

This man was going to die if you didn’t do anything. So, you took a chance. With a quick movement, the kusarigama was shooting towards him. It sliced through the curse’s neck, and you saw the man’s eyes widen as the sudden weight lifted from his shoulders. His finger twitched.

