Before Starting

hi. I'm den. I want to apologise if you came here from my former fic 'to the top!'. I'm not abandoning it, I'm just lazy and felt bad and I conjured this. please take it. I hope it's at least it can cause for some time entertainment. 

and if you're not from 'to the top!', then welcome (i hope that wasn't cringy). I just want to warn you that I'm Bahamian, so dialect, grammar, etc is different. I try to be accurate and general as possible, but yea. nothing much to say really. just wanted to let those know that I'm not gonna abandon my haikyuu story.  

and I wrote this because I've always wanted to write for demon slayer. I didn't think about writing this until a day after the 14th. and I wanted 2 post this yesterday/the 18th (which is 4 days after the 14th), but now it's 4 days and some hrs after the 14th. that's ok tho.   

plus, I'm sorry for the delay of that second fic I said was going to publish. it's like 20 chaps long, but I don't wanna post it, then turn lazy again T^T. so please take this as compensation for that.   

if there's anything else I've forgotten, I'll add it later. 

anyways, like always, strengthen your relationship with The Lord. He's mighty and you do not want to have His wrath stored against you.    

                                          please enjoy. and excuse grammaticals errors ples.
