Yo long time no see😆✋

Chunin Exams part #7

Previously on Naru Uzumaki Namikaze:


"Lord third we felt a" the anbu was cut off

"I know it's gone for now keep the village security up for now i have a feeling it'll be back" sarutobi told the two anbu

"Yes lord third " they said and disappeared

" I hope whatever that was isn't after naru that would be a big problem " sarutobi said rubbing his eyes

"I'm getting to old for this" sarutobi said then turned to do the rest of the paperwork stacked on his desk

" home sweet home " naru said plopping on her bed

" I'll take a shower tomorrow I'm really tired from using my rinnegan " naru said drifting off to sleep


The sun shone through naru's window hitting her eyes she squinted sitting up on her bed and stretched and let out a yawn

" I'm so tired I should've just went straight home and had some  instant ramen " naru grumbled

Naru got up grabbed a new outfit and went into the bathroom

30 minutes later (in spongebob voice)

She walked out and went straight to the kitchen made some scrambled eggs and had a cup of orange juice and grabbed the Kunia from last night and left her apartment activating her seals she jumped from roof to roof heading towards the hokage's office

" Jiji" naru yelled through the halls getting glares from different people she made it to the his office she quickly knocked on the door loudly she heard a quiet "come in" and opened it to her surprise all of the teams were there with their sensei's and clan heads and the council were there

"Uugh jiji what's going on" naru said looking around the room

"Ah naru I was just about to call an anbu to go and fetch you" sarutobi said to the young girl standing in front of him

" Are we here because of that chakra we felt last night" asuma asked the hokage

"Yes it was a very powerful and evil presence " sarutobi replied back

" wait" naru said

" you guys are talking about that creep who was following me last night" naru cried out

They all turned towards her

"What man" they all said

"Damn i was hoping they weren't here for you naru" sarutobi said rubbing his temples

"Yea hewas a real creep kept following me until i told him i knew he was there he started talking crazy shit y'know he gave me this stupid Kunia and told me " to know what it is you'll have to seek what it needs" like how the hell am I going to seek what it needs this writing doesn't make any sense " naru yelled slamming the Kunia on the hokage's desk

Everyone listening to the story where either shocked bc naru sensed the man and they didn't or that the Kunia that the Kunia that the man gave her looked familiar

"That's ..... " kakashi voice paused stopped himself from from crying 'who was this man' kakashi thought

"This is minato's Kunia.... how on earth did this man get his hands on it" Lord third said in complete shock

Scaring everyone in the they never seen the hokage so worried

"How did this man look child" danzo asked squinting his eyes face emotionless hands across his chest standing tall

Naru looked at the man something about him just didn't sit right with ger he gave off an scary Aurora

" I couldn't see him it was dark and he wouldn't come out I flicked a Kunia at where I sensed him it didn't hit anything nor did it make a sound so I believe he was skilled in combat but what scared me is... [ naru looked down clutching here fist everyone anxious to know what exactly was naru so afraid she last person they would have guessed] kyuubi said that whatever it was he wasn't human " naru said in fear

Everybody were completely shocked just who the hell were they dealing with exactly or.....what exactly are they dealing with and how did he get a hold of the fourth hokage's Kunia

Find out next time on Total Drama Islaaaaaaand🤣🤣🤣(couldn't help myself)

But yeah anyways sorry for the short chapter and  sorry for updating so so so so soooooo late I was just busy but now I have a little free time but yeah who do you think this mysterious person is and dont say zetsu because it's not him I'm not going to be that obvious so guess bc I'm not revealing him anytime soon bye bye now........😆👋👋👋
