Home - Zuko

Update: Saw this picture and thought it was quite fitting for this chapter :) 


You woke up in a dark place, you looked around squinting as you tried to get your eyes to adjust to the faint light coming from a candle. From what you were able to see it was a dark room, not just because of the lack of light but also because of the dark walls. You tried to think back to what happened, but could only remember sitting at your desk at night working on your latest story. A reader x Zuko fanfiction based on ATLOA. The memory made you laugh a little, for a moment forgetting about the situation you were in.

Supporting yourself with the nearby wall you slowly rose to your feet and started walking around the room you were in. Rather close to you, you found a small table with a couple of candles that you lit, using the already lit candle in the room. This helped you discover more of your surroundings. As you had guessed the walls were colored black, giving off a metal vibe. A rather large bed was situated in the middle of the room with its covers neatly folded, a pair of swords hung on a wall as well as a large painting of a fire-symbol.

Suddenly you heard movement, your eyes searching for its source, quickly finding it coming from the door. Someone was coming in. You looked around for a hiding spot in the unfamiliar place and tried to climb under the bed when the door opened.

'What do you think you're doing in my room?' A strong male voice spoke confidently.

'Eh... Well technically speaking, I don't know either,' you slowly turned around, your shoulders slumping as you looked down at the floor.

'How can you not know what you're doing in my room? How did you even end up in here?'

'Well, I remember I was writing and then suddenly I woke up here. Wait did you kidnap me?' Your head shot up as you spoke the last sentence to face your possible kidnapper. What you didn't expect, however, was to come face to face with a certain sixteen year old banished prince who so happened to be your all time character crush. 'You're prince Zuko from the fire nation', you spoke more to yourself than to the prince.

'At least that's something you do know. And no, I didn't kidnap you cause if I had I would've locked you away in a better place than my room. Now. Tell. Me. What are you doing here?!' His sudden anger triggered the flames of the candles in the room to become larger and you could see his temper rising. However you had no explanation for what was going on other than possibly having fallen asleep while you were writing and you were now having a dream about your story. Which you told him, leaving out the part where you were dreaming about the story obviously as not to worsen your current situation.

'I don't believe you', Zuko yelled at you, steadying his posture and bringing his arms out to attack. You stumbled away from the angered prince only to quickly find your legs come in contact with the side of his bed.

'Please don't hurt me' you pleaded, holding your arms up in front of you as a form of protection. In this moment you were wishing you had taken self-defense classes when you had the chance. Not that they would've taught you how to defend yourself against someone who shoots fire, but at least you might've been able to do a little more than nothing.

Zuko didn't really care, thinking you could be a spy sent out to kill him and shot a fireball right beside you, making you jump and falling down on the bed behind you. At least you had a soft landing.

'Stop, prince Zuko', an older voice suddenly demanded, 'the girl means no harm. Whether you choose to believe her story or not, you should calm down and give her a moment to explain herself.'

As you looked up you saw Iroh standing behind Zuko, the latter relaxed his posture to a more neutral but guarded one. You breathed out a sigh of relief and slowly climbed up from the bed.

'I'm [Y/N]. I'm from [town/city name] a [town/city] somewhere in [country]. I have no idea how I ended up in this place since I'm not supposed to be real in this world as well as you're not supposed to be real in mine. That might seem really complicated but it's probably the easiest way I can explain myself in a short amount of time. All I remember is being at my desk and writing a story, then I suddenly woke up in here. I would like to believe I'm dreaming, but the fire you just almost killed me with was actually hot. I have no idea how I came in here and so I have no idea how I can get out of here...' you trailed of, realization hitting you when you continued speaking, more to yourself this time. 'I might not be able to get out of here.. I might never go home again', overcome with sudden emotion of all the things you would have to miss from home like [someone/something] and [something/someone] you felt a few tears fall down your cheek.

A cough pulled you out of your stream of thoughts, making you wipe away the tears quickly. When you looked up your eyes met Zuko's, looking slightly sympathetic at you. Iroh simply nodded and started walking away 'I think my nephew has got this. Whatever you do, Zuko, don't hurt the girl.'

An awkward silence fell over the both of you as you were left alone together. You sat back down on the comfortable bed, Zuko following your movements. The next few minutes the both of you stayed quiet beside each other leaving your thoughts to roam around in your mind again.

Zuko suddenly spoke up, 'I know what it's like to wish to go home.'

You nodded at him in reply 'I know, I followed the series.'

Zuko raised an eyebrow at this statement, not really following you anymore 'what was the "I'm not real but you're not real" talk about earlier?'

Shrugging you answered him, explaining how in your world Avatar the legend of Aang was actually a TV-series, something similar to many plays put together and not having to go out to a theatre to watch it. 'I suppose you're a character in the show, the antagonist trying to capture the avatar in order to restore his honor after a difficult childhood. Only to find out that, that's not your destiny, but I don't want to spoil your future that much.' In his world you weren't supposed to exist at all.

Zuko shook his head at your story, the absurdity in it almost had to mean it was true. Either that or you had escaped a mental house, but upon seeing how pretty you actually were he didn't want to believe the latter. Sometime during telling him about his role in your so-called TV-series he gently placed his hand over yours, holding your hand in his.

'I can offer you a place to stay, as well as protection. While I'm searching for the avatar you can try and find a way home', Zuko offered you, smiling a little when he looked down at you. You smiled right back at him.

'That is very generous of you. Thank you. Is there anything I can do to pay you for all of that?'

Zuko's smile got wider as you accepted his request and then offered yourself to him as well, knowing just exactly what he had in mind for your payment to be.

That's it for my first upload. The next chapter will be a possible payment scenario written out. More of those might come in the future! Leave a comment maybe? They're much appreciated! :)
