14: Hiro's Recovery

Zorome, Ikuno, and Futoshi were tense as they waited for their squadmates to return from their scouting mission. Ikuno was sitting on the couch reading the same book as she had been the day before, her eyes narrowed as she eyed the words. Futoshi was stress-eating some carrots because he had already eaten the majority of bread that the squad had baked together. Zorome was sitting on the couch, tapping his feet anxiously against the hard floor. 

Great, He thought to himself sarcastically. Now I have another thing to worry about. Like it's not bad enough that we've been left here. Now Miku and Hiro are sick and there are Klaxosaurs nearby?  He could only hope that nothing worse would happen. He wasn't sure if the squad could handle more than they were dealing with now. 

"Do you think they'll be able to handle that without us?" Zorome asked with a frown, his gaze turning toward the doorway as though he expected his squadmates to come into the boarding house any moment now. 

"Of course they will," Ikuno replied without looking up from her book. "Ichigo knows what she is doing. She chose the right FranXX to help her and Goro out as well. Besides, it's just a scouting mission. I'm sure they'll do whatever it takes to stay out of harm's way."

"Yeah, you're right," Futoshi said, though he sounded nervous. "Yeah, they know what they're doing." He bit into the carrot he was eating with a loud crunch.

"Yeah, I guess so," Zorome replied evenly, though he wasn't sure if that was true. Argentea could easily kill a bunch of dumb Klaxosaurs! If they were able to take us with them, we'd have no problem defeating anything that stands in our way! Zorome thought, feeling a twinge of bitterness that he couldn't pilot because Miku was ill. He hated the fact he couldn't go with them almost as much as he hated that she was unwell. 

The three parasites sat like that for about an hour before their squadmates returned. All four of them looked worried as they entered the room.

Zorome stood up immediately. "What happened? Did you see the Klaxosaurs again?" He asked curiously. 

"Oh, we saw them alright," Goro replied, his tone grim. "They look like they're too dangerous for one or two of us to handle alone. We'll need at least three units out there if we're going to fight them. But..." His voice trailed off and he looked toward Ichigo, signaling for her to speak. 

"But we're going to have to fight harder than we ever have," Ichigo said briskly. "We don't have the adults to help us, nor do we have any other squads to aid us in this battle. We'll be on our own for the first time ever. I...I was hoping we wouldn't have to fight, but these Klaxosaurs are hostile. They tried to attack us as soon as we were near them. We cannot risk having them around."


Two days had passed since that scouting mission. Genista, Chlorophytum, and Delphinium had gone out to kill Klaxosaurs both days and had returned without any injuries or damage to any of the FranXX. 

Zorome had been miserable, having to wait alone while his squadmates fought. Miku, Zero Two, and Hiro had stayed in their room, keeping away from the other parasites for the entire duration of those two days. Zorome was bored, lonely, restless, and pissed that he couldn't join his team. He was also worried about the safety of his entire group. 

On the third day, Zorome decided deviously to kick the ball around inside. Nobody was around to stop him and he was certain Zero Two and the two other parasites who were in the building wouldn't hear him from their spot. 

Zorome kicked the ball and bounced it onto his head, doing a few tricks to keep himself occupied. He did this for a while, miraculously not breaking anything, when suddenly he heard a voice speak behind him.

"What are you doing?" The voice asked. Zorome gasped and kicked the ball accidentally in the direction of whoever had spoken, but the person caught the ball with ease before it could hit them in the face.

"Z-Zero Two?!" Zorome sputtered. "What are you doing down here? Shouldn't you be taking care of Miku and Hiro? Do you need something?"

Zero Two smiled. "My Darling is all better now. He's just getting ready to bathe in the lake. I will be doing the same as well, I just have to grab my bathing suit." She pouted. "He's too nervous to do it naked. What a shame." 

"Hiro's better?" Zorome exclaimed. He felt a wave of relief. "That's awesome! That means Strelitzia can pilot now! Is Miku better too?"

Zero Two shook her head. "Sadly, no. She isn't. The poor girl is doing worse than Hiro was."

Zorome's excitement and relief faded, giving way to worry. "Can I see her?" He asked. Before she could answer, he began to head upstairs to the room. Zero Two swiftly stepped in front of him, blocking him from reaching the second floor.

"You shouldn't," She said. "She's sleeping right now. Besides, bossy Ichigo would get mad at me if I let you do that."

Zorome crossed his arms and scowled but didn't try. He knew trying to get past the pink-haired girl would be no use. 

Footsteps sounded from the top of the stairs. "Zorome? Zero Two? What's going on?" It was Hiro, standing with his swimming trunks on and a towel draped over his shoulders. Zorome peered past Zero Two to look up at him. Hiro looked completely healthy with no sign of further sickness anywhere on him. His skin was back to its normal healthy-looking shade and his eyes were bright and lively. He looked as if he'd never been sick at all.

"Nothing!" Zero Two replied cheerfully. "Let me get my swimsuit and I'll join you out by the lake, Darling!" She whirled around and ran back upstairs, hitting Zorome in the face with her swishing hair as she did so. 

"Watch it," He snapped. Irritated and worried, he marched away, ignoring Hiro calling for him to come back. 

I wish Miku would get better already! 
