Solving Riddles

"Woah, run that by me again." Willa replied, trying to make sense of Addison's rapid fire speech.

Addison sighed and took a deep breath. "Basically, I saw a vision of all the wolves being sick and then I was surrounded by the past Alphas and Wajiha, the first Great Alpha, told me that the pack was in danger and then gave me this strange riddle I don't even understand."

Wynter shuddered. "I hate beng sick. I always feel awful."

"Wynter, didn't Walker say his whole pack got sick? That's why they died?" Wyatt questioned.

Wynter nodded. "Yeah, he did. You don't think the same thing will happen to our pack, do you?"

"If Addison's vision is real, then yeah, it might." Willa admitted bitterly. "Addison, tell us the riddle that Great Alpha Wajiha gave you."

Addison closed her eyes and repeated the words that had been circling inside her mind.

"You must uncover the truth, hidden in a past of lies

Seek help from friends, or the youngest will die

Reveal the bond the Lupus can't see

For the blood of their Alpha is the key."

"Well that's ominous and vague." Eliza said bluntly. "Why couldn't they just tell you exactly what to do?"

"Great Alpha's are known to have great earthly and spiritual connections." Willa explained. "Perhaps this is a way for the past Great Alphas to test Addison's skills as Great Alpha."

Wyatt shook his head in disbelief. "Seriously? A test? Our pack is in danger and that's what they give us?"

"Calm down Wolfie." Eliza soothed, standing behind him and running her fingers through his hair. "Nothing is going to happen to your pack. We'll solve this riddle and protect them, I promise."

Wyatt nodded as Willa sat down with a piece of paper. "Alright, let's think this through. You must uncover the truth, hidden in a past of lies. What could that be refering to?"

Everyone looked at eachother and shrugged, shaking their heads.

"Our pack has no secrets." Willa replied confidently. "Well, mom knew who Wyatt's biological parents were, but that secret is already out."

"Well, maybe something we believe to be true is actually false?" Addison suggested. "Maybe we have to figure out what the lie is to find the truth?"

"But you don't know what that is Addy." Bree reminded her. "If its 'hidden in a past of lies' as the riddle suggests, it must be a secret that has been kept a long time."

"Greh ru jag graru zaza, Willska (Maybe you should ask your mom, Willa)."  Bonzo suggested.

"We're definitely telling my mom." Willa agreed. "But first I want to see if we can make any sense of it. Let's move on to the next line, 'Seek help from friends, or the youngest will die'."

"Walker said the youngest and eldest wolves in his pack were hit first." Wynter recalled. "That could explain the 'or the youngest will die part'."

Willa nodded. "And I mean, we're all friends right? Addison told us the riddle so she's seeking help from friends."

"What about the next line? 'Reveal the bond the Lupus can't see', what's that about?" Wyatt asked.

"They're still adjusting to being a part of the pack." Addison replied. "Maybe we need to show them that our packs are stronger together and help them find their place in the pack?"

"But how would that help us keep the pack from getting sick?" Willa asked.

"Maybe helping them adjust would also help them to open up to us more." Wynter suggested. "It would allow us to learn more about them."

Addison grinned. "Or get them to reveal a secret. What if the secret isn't about our pack? But thier's?"

"Good thinking Addison." Willa nodded in approval. "Now the last line, 'For the blood of their Alpha is the key.' Walker is their Alpha right? Or was at least before they joined our pack. What could his blood be a key to?"

"Maybe his blood can cure the illness?" Zed suggested.

"Is that possible?" Wynter asked.

"Could be." Addison replied. "Some people have more immunities than others. Could be why he wasn't infected when it struck his pack. If that's the case, we might need more help, Z-Tech help to be exact."

Eliza nodded. "I'll contact Dr. Andrews and Dr. Hazel. I'll brief them on the situation and see what they think of this whole blood-cure thing. You guys go find Walker and Alpha Wylda. Sound good?"

Everyone nodded in agreement before going their separate ways to change out of their pajamas.


The wolf den was bustling with the normal, everyday, routines when they arrived. And per usual, Alpha Wylda was in the center of it all, answering questions and giving orders to other members of the pack.

"Mom!" Willa called out, grabbing her attention.

Alpha Wylda turned and made her way over to her daughter. "Willa? What's going on? Is something wrong?"

"Addison had a dream last night." Willa explained. "She saw the pack struck by Illness then the Great Alpha's of the past appeared. The first Great Alpha, Wajiha, gave her a warning.

'You must uncover the truth, hidden in a past of lies

Seek help from friends, or the youngest will die

Reveal the bond the Lupus can't see

For the blood of their Alpha is the key.'

We're still not completely sure what it all means but we have some ideas. What do you think?"

Wylda was silent, then turned to Addison. "It was Great Alpha Wajiha that told you this?"

Addison nodded. "That was the name she gave me, yes. She said she was the first Great Alpha."

"Wajiha was indeed the first Great Alpha. She is also known for her exceptional abilities as a healer." Wylda explained. "If she gave you this warning, then we must heed it without hesitation."

Willa nodded. "I agree. Wajiha told Addison that the blood of the Lupus' Alpha is the key. We think Walker may be able to help us to create a cure for this illness. Have you seen him?"

Wylda pursed her lips. "As a matter of fact, I haven't. Why don't you ask Winnie and Will? I just saw them outside not that long ago."

Willa turned on her heel and marched outside as the others followed close behind. She found Winnie and Will sitting on a log talking nearby.

"Hey guys." Willa greeted, doing her best to be kind. "Have you seen Walker around? I need to speak with him?"

Will looked down at the ground and began nudging a rock with the toe of his boot as Winnie met Willa's gaze.

"He's gone."

Author's Note

Woo! Finally another chapter down! Big shout outs to Werewolf-eror ! Thank you both so much for reading my story and leaving such great comments! I love following along and reading them as you make your way through the story. It makes writing these stories so rewarding and so much more fun! I look forward to when you both finally get to this book in the series to see what you think!

