Reunited Part 1: Addison and Zed

Addison knocked on the door to Zed's house and a tired-looking Zevon answered the door. Despite his exhaustion he perked up at the sight of Addison.

"Hey Mr. Z." Addison smiled, calling him by the nickname they had agreed on. Zevon hated being called Mr. Necrodopolis, it was too formal. And Addison didn't like the way Mr. Zevon sounded, so Mr. Z had become the compromise.

"Addison." Zevon smiled, opening his arms for a hug. "Its good to see you."

"You too." Addison replied, accepting the embrace before stepping inside. "How is everyone?"

Zevon sighed, taking a seat on the couch. "We're all tired. Being without Z-bands took a lot out of everyone, but it impacted the youngest ones the most because of their lack of impulse control. They became consumed by their inner Zombies much more quickly."

Addison's heart sunk. "Is Zoey okay?"

"She will recover, but it has been a long night." Zevon explained. "Zed and I had to guard her all night and make sure she didn't go outside. Zoey was so unstable and scared. I was worried that things would get out of control, but then the Z-bands came back online. Zoey passed out almost immediately. Zed's been staying with her since then."

Addison nodded as she processed his words. "I'm so sorry Zoey had to go through that. I can't imagine what it was like for all of you."

"Everything is alright now, that's all that matters." Zevon smiled. "Why don't you head upstairs? They're probably in Zoey's room. I'm sure Zed will be happy to see you."

Addison nodded. "I will, thank you Mr. Z."

"You're always welcome here." Zevon replied. "You're family."

Addison smiled at his words before ascending the stairs to the second floor. She tiptoed down to Zoey's room and peeked in the door. Zoey was tucked in her bed fast asleep and stretched out on the floor was Zed, his arm tucked behind his head as he slept. At least, she thought he was sleeping.

Zed opened one eye and smirked in her direction before pretending to be asleep again.

Addison chuckled quietly and leaned against the door frame. "I saw that."

Zed smiled and opened his eyes as he sat up. "Worth a shot."

Addison rolled her eyes as Zed got up and walked out into the hallway. She noticed that Zed's eyes kept wandering back to Zoey even though he was trying to focus on her.

"How is she?" Addison asked.

Zed sighed. "Finally sleeping peacefully. Pops tell you about last night?"

Addison nodded. "He did, I'm so sorry Zed."

"It wasn't your fault." Zed replied. All that matters is that its over."

Addison looked into his brown eyes and she could see the exhaustion Zed was hiding behind his smile. He needed rest.

"Maybe I should go." Addison admitted. "You're all tired. I should let you rest."

"No!" Zed whisper-shouted almost too quickly. "I mean, Please stay. Just for a little while?"

Addison sighed as a smile tugged at her lips. She could never say no to Zed. "Alright, but you still need to rest. Want to go to your room."

Zed shook his head. "I'm not leaving Zoey alone. Not yet."

Addison nodded as an idea formed in her mind. "Okay, then wait right here. I'll just be a moment."

Addison made her way back down the hall to Zed's room. She grabbed his pillow and the blanket from his bed, tossing it over her shoulder before heading back out.

Zed chuckled when he saw her come back down the hall. "What are you doing?"

Addison smiled. "Come here and you'll see."

Zed followed her into Zoey's room and watched as Addison dropped the pillow on the floor, laid down, covered herself with the blanket, and then patted the space beside her.

Zed smiled and got down on the floor, curling up under the blanket beside her as Addison snuggled up against his chest.

Zed smiled softly at Addison and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I love you Addy."

"I love you too, Zed." Addison replied softly.

Zed wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close. Then, for the first time in over 24 hours, he allowed himself to sleep.

Author's Note

Don't usually update on Saturday but I really want to get this out. Part 2 will be following shortly!

