Drifting Away

Wynter woke up and noticed Willa sleeping a few feet away from her, Wynter had finally made the biggest decision she has ever made since she has been in this pack, she was going start avoiding her friends but she doubted they would even noticed if she disappeared. So she got up and got ready for school and when she was done she left the den and headed to her favorite place in the forbidden forest it was usually a place she went to when she had problems she would sit down and stare at the water cause it always seemed to make her feel better. She then heard the bell ring signaling classes were about to start and she could hear because of her great hearing and the fact that her spot is kind of close to Seabrooke. So she ran using her wolf powers to boost her running, thankfully she made it in time though when she reached there she started coughing she looked at her moonstone and saw it was loosing a little bit of charge so she tucked it under her shirt so no one would notice well she thought no one noticed a few feet away Bucky and the Aceys saw everything, so they ran to her. 

"Wynter!!" Bucky shouted as she turned to face them

"what do want" Wynter asked

"well we just saw you coughing and your moonstone" Lacey said as Wynter's eyes widen

"you can't tell anyone not even the wolves" Wynter said 

"why not" Jacey said confused

"I doubt they would even care or notice" Wynter said

"what do you mean of course they would" Stacey said 

"I don't think so they haven't even really been talking to me they are to busy hanging out with the humans and zombies" Wynter said sadly 

"ok then we won't tell anyone" Bucky said as him and the Aceys went to their classes which were together obviously. Wynter checked the time class was almost over so headed to her class while coming up with an excuse as to why she was late, she finally reached her class and she was about to open the door when she decided she should wait for her next class.

a/n I finally did it!!!!!!!!!😁😀 once again I apologize for taking long to update but I promise it won't take this long to update anymore. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter.
