
When asked what Happened to you?

Aries- "i crashed my (Vehicle)"
Taurus- "Aries forgot to stop when I crossed the road"
Gemini- "Im here with my friend"
Cancer- "I was cooking soup for my bf it spilled all over me and now im burned"
Leo-"Someone called me ugly and I tried punching them but i missed and hit the wall"
Virgo- "I work here"
Libra- "I had a panic attack"
Scorpio- "Someone pushed me down the stairs"
Sagittarius- "Old lady was on a motor scooter she kept going slower I told her speed up she ran over my foot"
Capricorn- "Working late for 5 nights in a row and passed out from sleep deprivation
Aquarius- "Fell down and a closet fell on top of me"
Pisces- "Got an concussion"
