The signs as aesthetic feelings

Aries: the swarm of butterflies in your stomach before you do something that could change your life forever, the warm burn in your throat after three shots of vodka, hot rage of uncontrollable anger rising to your head

Taurus: a smell that awakens a long forgotten cherished childhood memory, coming home from an amusement park with rosy cheeks and blisters on your toes, taking pictures in a photo booth with your favorite people

Gemini: tired smiles and glistening eyes of friends reuniting, the moment when something you've dreamed actually happens in real life, receiving a long needed text from a loved one

Cancer: the leap in your heart when you see your favorite person, the stinging of sour tears running down your face, the warmth of a hug you get from that one person™

Leo: uncontrollable satisfaction after proving somebody wrong, the warm fuzzy glow of making someone who was sad smile, flirting with your crush and realizing they are flirting back

Virgo: the ache that stings your wrist after writing for too long, nervous jitters right before you have to present, having an idol of yours express their gratitude to you

Libra: the dizzy buzz of city noise, sore feet and throbbing legs after hours of dancing, secret glances across the room that only you can understand

Scorpio: the overwhelming guilt of secret kisses given in the dark, the pain in your palms and in your teeth from holding back pent up anger, seeing everybody's head turn as you walk into the room

Sagittarius: the unstable realization that other people are living complex lives and you'll never get to experience the lives they lead, a breath of fresh air after being cooped up inside for hours, the calmness that consumes you when looking at the stars

Capricorn: eyes that weigh down like boulders after an all nighter, looking through a scrapbooks of old times you've forgotten, finally starting a project you've been putting off

Aquarius: the excited hum of crowded train stations, the stillness of a theater before the performance begins, the melancholy ache of knowing your favorite people are fictional

Pisces: getting lost in thought as you stare at raindrops smashing across the window, falling asleep in the shade of a tree, the bittersweetness of leaving people behind
