13. The Willow tree


"Aries, I don't know how many times I have to say this, I'm sorry!" I plead to her but she just shakes her head. "Sorry Cap you know she likes to hold grudges." Cancer says.

"Please! I'll do anything!" Capricorn begs Aries.

"Anything?" Aries says turning around, crossing her arms, smirking at the earth sign.
"Capricorn I know your sorry because you're begging and you never beg." Aries says. "But I want you to say 'Aries is the greatest'."

"ARIES THE FRICKING FRACKING GREATEST!" Capricorn yells loud enough for the birds to fly away.

Cancer and Scorpio laugh at Capricorn and walk back holding hands.

"So Aries..." Capricorn says.
"No I didn't break them up yet." She says in defeat looking down balling her fist up. She punches the Willow tree.

"They will get their happy ending, but I have to take matter into my own hands." She swears she'll do it. She'll do anything for her friends not to go though heart break.

Even if it meant she did it her self.

[ Words: 174 ]

Shine Bright!! πŸ’«
