

The sun was now rising giving light to the village of Konoha.The rays of Sun then touched the tree that was held living on top of the Hokage Mountains as it seep through the leaf and penetrate the closed eyes of a girl with midnight hair.

She then slowly opened her eyes and stared above like it was the weirdest thing in her life.

She then stood up and rubbed the drowsiness out of her eyes as she jump down the trees where she was sleeping a while a go.

What greeted her was the view of the village she once loved.

She had loved.

But this village turned it's back on her.

She then combed her hair with her fingers running through her midnight colored shirt hair.

She then turned her back on the view and started walking down.

It was now morning and she walked down the road of Konoha as people started to get ready for the upcoming event this night.

It was a festival for the dead.This festival has been passed down on generation.

At night people gather around the river and let lanterns which is lit up to afloat on the river.It was said that at night this lanterns will turn into golden crane and travel up to Nirvana and deliver the message you want your beloved one to hear.

It was a sacred festival.

She then saw many people starting to sell lanterns and many people going to the flower shop.

She then entered a clothing store.

As she gazed around she saw a robe just her size with its white color and viloet outlining.

She then get it with a hat that can cover it's face and buy it with the man staring at the girl weirdly but just shrug it off for the least the girl paid and that's what all he needed.

She then entered the public CR and started changing her clothes.

She then wore fishnet underneath it and wore a baggy black colored shirt and blue pants and a bandage acting as it's belt.

She then wore her usual blue ninja sandals and wore her robe and hat.

She then started walking once more.

If you are wondering why she is wearing a robe is because this is the day she will leave.

But before that their is something she need to do.

She then strolled and walk slowly as she admire the beauty nature held.

Well their is many time to spend.

She then saw Team 8 on the way and because she did not want to see them she hid in the dark alley as she leaned on the wall.

"Wow Kaoru you are so skilled in wielding a sword"Kiba complimented her replacement as Hinata listen carefully and Kiba barked in agreement

"Thank you.You know my dream is to become one of the seven swordsman"The girl said

"Sure you can"Kiba said.

She then stared at their back.

At the very least..

Her replacement isn't as bad as her..

She then started walking and the midnight beauty saw Akamaru staring at me and Hinata smiled.

She then proceeded on walking once more as the girl stop to see the giant gate of Konoha.The only way for her to escape here.

She then proceeded and grinned as the the white eyed girl saw Team 7 inside the Ichiraku Ramen and she felt my stomach rumble.

Welp I did not have breakfast so why not eat the girl mumbled to herself

She then sat at the side beside Naruto and saw him busy slurping his ramen.

"Naruto can you eat properly?!"Sakura yelled annoyed at the blonde and Naruto only give her a sloppy smile.

Hinata was then was greeted by the kind man,Teuchi.

"What's your order little girl?"He said smiling and the girl answered with a smile.

"Two Pork Ramen please"She said politely and he bowed his head in acknowledgement.

Kakashi then eyed me and the Uchiha was staring at me.

"Are you new?"Kakashi asked me and Hinata tensed up.

"Oh...yeah I just moved h-here"She reasoned out while stuttering as she was nervous.

What if he found out?

"What's your name?"He continue to ask.

"I am........Miho...Miho Sato"As she think of a name and Kakashi get more suspicious great.

Her ramen then came and it seem to stop them from staring and started eating but she can still feel Kakashi-san and Sasuke staring at her.

As she finished packing the food she then left the money in the table.

"Thank you"She said eagerly and bowed and briskly walk away.

That was close.

Hinata then walked and hold the plastic that held the steaming ramen and walked in the Yamanaka flower shop and instead of the blonde girl Ino it was her mother and she then picked lilies.The shop was filled with people.

She then paid it without speaking to the Yamanaka but bowed politely with the woman bowing in response

She then started her journey hoping not to meet anyone in the way but the heaven's hate her so eventually the opposite of her wish was granted.

She saw Team Gai on the way with her cousin with them.

"Wow the festival sure is an eye-catching event isn't it Neji?"The weapon mistress question the Hyuuga prodigy but as a response the Hyuuga just stood silent.

"Look look look I am sure the youthful Sakura will be amazed at this flower I bought"Lee claimed as he held a bouquet of Lily.

"Lilies?"Tenten asked her annoying teammate.

"What is wrong with it youthful Tenten?"He asked and Tenten answer it.

"Lilies are often given to dead people"She answered and Lee got frustrated and immediately he run forward

"I shall get a flower that would match Sakura's youthfulness.

The taujutsu prodigy then bumped on Hinata and the girl gripped in the food starting it with two hands but the lilies she bought was out of her hands but Lee caught it and gave it to her.

"I am sorry"He apologized and I smiled.

"It's okay Shinobi-san"I said and take the flowers gingerly.

"Hey Lee what are you doing running off like that"Tenten bonked Lee on the head.

"We are sorry miss"She said and gazed at me.

"Oh no it's nothing"Hinata waved her hand.

"I should go"She said.

"Okay"She smiled and I started walking but I did not miss to give Neji a bow and I ran off.

Okay when I was away out of earshot.

I then started walking casually once more wishing to regain peace

I then turned around and stared at the big cemetery holding all the dead people.I then stared at the many people coming in.

Well this is a shinobi village so death always occur.

I then walked and stopped as I was now beside a tree with a stone which in it was a name crafted elegantly.

I then knelt down and wiped up the dust and leaves covering it.

I then placed the flowers gracefully on the in the beside the stone after I empty up the last bouquet of flower I put.

I then started to peal open the ramen I bought a while a go and opened it as I put a ramen in the stone and put a chopstick beside it and I also opened mine.

"Itadakimas"I thanked and started eating as I savor my breakfast which turned out to be a 1 o'clock breakfast.

I then finished up.

"Mom so many happened.I wished you were there.

It hurts too much Mom.

You know what I wanted to be home already Mom.

Home Mom with you."She said as she touched the pocket her Mom gave.

Silence then embraced them as the wind picked up the leaves and let her hair sway slowly.

She then just sat their.

"I love you very much Mom"She said and stood up and started leaving.

She did know what to say.

She then walked once more and as she got near the river she saw the Sun setting down.

She then bought a lantern and keeled down the river

They usually let the lanterns float on midnight but it's too much hassle to be with many people so she then placed the lantern on the clear water as her hands slightly touched the cold water.

She then stared at the lantern as it float and got farther away.

She then stood up as a droplet of tear streamed down her delicate face.

"I think"She trailed off As she stared at the Hokage faces.

"This is goodbye"She said farewell and started walking away.


Farewell to Konoha..
