hhii friends, so r u ready ??..


------after 6 months------
its a fresh morning....MM..

swasan room

swara wake up and try to sit but fail due to her big baby bump....  (now SR both 8 months peg.)  and Then  San who was wide awake now  help shona... SMRITI is sleeping....

Sw:(try to..)aa...

San:(hold her hand tightly and help her) shona, calm down.. take it easy...

Sw:(stand up..and hug him) good morning SANSKAR....

San:(kiss her forehead.)hmm..morning jaan...

Sw:(baby kick)awwwww.....

San:(tensed) what happen...

Sw:(blushing) wo..my dear husband.....

San: yes.. (confused)

Sw:(look down) actually ur baby is  naughty as you..

San:(hug her) ohhooo....(small bend.and hug shona by her belly)   Mr. what ur Is mamma say... u are naughty as like me?????? (and kiss shona's baby bump)

Sw:(baby kick again) awww...see he He Is also agree....(and both started laughing.....)

sujata come and knock at swasan room door..

sujata: shona, sanskar.. get up guys...??

San: yes .. mom.

Sw: mom, please come inside...

sujat:(enters happily..) yes.. SHONA today I will ready you by myself...  (SHONA blush & sujata smile wide)

San:(confused) but  mom, why u.??

sujata:(looking at Sw,and started laughing) shona, You did not tell him till now...???

Sw:(blushing... ) wo.. mom,..

sujat:(laughing..) okk.. SANSKAR   today is SHONAs & RAGINIs babyshower... and you have to stay out of the function for all the day...

San:(confused.) butt mom... what's  It necessary..??

SWARA laugh aloud.... sujata pull him from room....and close the door...

other side side raglak room

ragini and laksh also spend a sweet tym to each other's...
and Ann come to take Rag... Lak also face the same...

SANSKAR and laugh looks at each other and both laugh.... where all boys r attended....... and join them....

......after sometime.......

SR both get ready with their mother in lows...and come down.. they both r just surprise to See the  decoration of MM.. and find   Shomi,& many ladies of their nabrs and family r waiting.....

ladies: wow... both sisters are looking very pretty....(and took them to their chair..)

ladies played music and d god varai rasham (baby shower) was start.... sanlak was excited to their waifes..and they entered to d celebration by secretly...... and they both masmarize to see them..

San:woow..... shona.. u look superb... lucky why boy can't enter???

Lak:(roll his eyes at SANSKAR) go and ask mom....

San:(idiot look) very funny.....

at that time they both saw that SR was going to their rooms..so they follow them..

swasan room

SWARA  was a came to take her medicine....suddenly she felt a touch in her back...and smile.

Sw:  you are going to get a good beating My dear husband...!!

San:( smile and  tight his grip sound her more tightly) really .. how do u knew that  its me..??

Sw:(trun to San...and cearss his cheek) because you are only this much shameless in here...!!!

San:(romantic mood) really....???(pull her close.)

Sw:(understand.. and blushing) SANSKAR...... no... no.

San:(looking cutely) I'm shameless?? .....so......

Ann sudden enters to the room...and shock to see  San..
swasan both embarrrasmed and leave. hug...

Ann :(roall her eyes to San) sanskar.. what is dis... I told u na.. to not to come???

San:(shy.) sry baddi maa.. wo actually SHONA called me......

Sw:(surprise ) hwwww... when I call u?? no baddi maa.. he is Not  telling the truth

Ann: I kwn... (hold his ear) come with me...??

she was  pulling him towards dp.. sudden she stopped by sujata..

sujat: jijji... not only one.. here is the other one... (she also holding lake's ear)

Ann: laksh you too..??

sanlak:(shy...) haa.. but we were  missing them so.

SR laughing cutely to seeing  this.... by the time  rag notice that SMRI walking down from stairs  alon..she secard and reach to her.

rag: am bring SMRITI ...
she safe her.. but  she fall down by a waiter who slip his balance and his tra fall.. and rag slip by d water.....

rag: maaaaaa............she fall and bleeding...(everyone shocked to see dis and emidiet rush to her.)

Lak:(take her in his arms..) ragini
San:(run to car) lucky you  hold RAGINI I will drive the car..

Sw:(tensed) SANSKAR, LAKSH j take care safely

Sw:(crying) maa....(and as excitement and tensed she also started her laber pain....)

Shomi:(tensed) shona,...  you too...??

Sw:(cry and said ) maa, don't know.. but its too painfull...

after that sakher, ram sujata Shomi take SMI & shona in another car....


as soon as she reach there....  SANSKAR was  shock to see shona crying...

San:(run to her) shona, r u okk..??

Sw:(sitting a while chair and tolaret unbelievable pain)sansakar...aahhh..

doc,and nurse take her in OT...
all MF,and GF r tensed coz, both sis r not in good situation.. and specially rag...

SANSKAR was very tenesd he took SMRI and stay little away from family... and continued his praying

swara's doc came out..and talk to San....San more tensed to see doc.

San:(SMRI in his lap) doc... how is my wife....?? she is alright?? right doc..?? please tell me...

doc:(smile..) is Mr. snakar... ur wife and ur babies r absolutely fine... but..

San:(happy to hear it..and family also heard....) tahks doc.
Shomi,sujata,app, hug e-o. and Dp,ram,sakher hug eo

Lak come and hug San..
Lak:congratulations San.

San:thanks.. and don't wary. vabi will absolutely fine.

at the same tym rag's doc everyone reach to him.. Lak specialy..

Lak:(tensed) doc.. what happen??? is. ragini okk???
doc:(looking down) haa, Mr. laksh .. ur wife is fine.. but...we..

Lak:(tensed more and sceard.. hold doc's hand)  what but doc..??

doc:(upset) we... we can't save ur child.. because of falling the baby died inside and more over she can't be a mother anymore....

after hearing this LAKSH  collapse on the floor.. and all  rush to hold him everyone supported him. san also speachless to hear it....

Shomi:(cry) why God...?? one side you bless SWARA with twins.. and on the other hand.... you Snatch everything from RAGINI

sujata: ohh God... LAKSH be strong....

doc: you can meet both of them in sometimes.

after one hrs @SR joint cabin..

SR both r come in sence... and family enterd slowly... and they surprised too see A baby in a cot beside RAGINI....
SANSKAR  come to shona and Lak, was sad to go rag...

rag:(shy,excited) laksh, see our daughter is so pretty...??

Lak:(first not notice.. but now he see..and shock) but how is it possible??

rag:(confused) laksh, stop joking... how can you say that..?? she is our baby... (she took the baby in her lap and adore her with tears ) I thought I had lost you... thank you so much God..  thank you so much...

swasan holds e-o hand...and shona wipes her tears by hideing her face....(family understand what exactly happen)

Ann goes to Lak and pls her hand to his shoulder and point to swasan... Lak looking at them and tears come out....Lak joint his hand to say thanks to swsan San come to close and hug him....

next part-sweet,lovely, understanding and special swasan monument.......

Hey guys am so sorry for being late.... don't be upset on me... all new parts of this and my other stories are coming soon..........👍🏻👍🏻

Lots of love
