
Hi all, 

Please help. I have entered Zara's Safari into another writing competition, I have written an epilogue for the book, which ends he story off very nicely, and if you would like to read it, all you have to do is go and read it and vote for it on this site. (link below) 


It is another free reading site, easy to get into, you just register. Please comment and vote and help Zara get into print.  Make sure you vote correctly though; there is an area to give a rating out of five, a series of hearts, a place to write a comment, and something called a Swoon rating, which consists of four catagories: Heat, Tears, Laughs, and Thrills- please make sure you ticks those boxes too accordingly.

I would relly appreciate all the support I can get. 

Jo X

(Link below too)
