Fixing the garden: Love builds a Garden.



Yuu falls through the void, disoriented and trapped in a surreal nightmare. The sensation of falling persists, with their surroundings shifting and changing without warning. The ground rushes up to meet them, and Yuu crashes into it, the impact stealing their breath. But something holds them down, pinning them in place. Panic sets in as Yuu struggles against invisible hands that refuse to release their grip.

The sensation of suffocation intensifies as sand infiltrates their mouth, making it impossible to scream or call for help. A searing pain blooms in their abdomen, as if they've been impaled by some unseen force. Darkness surrounds them, and the room itself seems to twist and turn, disorienting and overwhelming.

As if the very ground beneath them has betrayed them, rocks and sand rain down, burying them deeper. Yuu fights to breathe and to move, but the weight of the earth presses down relentlessly. The torment is unbearable; their body are subjected to a barrage of sensations that blur the line between pain and dread.

Then, suddenly, the nightmare shifts. The darkness and pain recede, and Yuu finds themselves in a different kind of emptiness. The room is devoid of light, a void that stretches in every direction. The disorientation remains—a lingering sense of unease that makes it hard to distinguish between reality and the dream.

Caught in this eerie limbo, Yuu struggles to regain their bearings, unsure if this is truly a dream or some twisted reality. The memories and emotions of their past collide with the present, creating a swirling maelstrom of confusion.

In the midst of the disorienting dreamscape, familiar voices break through the darkness, guiding Yuu's attention. Their parents' voices resonate, and Yuu feels a sense of comfort and connection, even in this bewildering place.

"Where are you, papa?" Yuu's voice carries a mixture of confusion and longing as they try to locate the source of the voices.

The responses come with gentle admonishments and humor, characteristics that Yuu has come to associate with their parents. The mention of their unladylike behavior draws a faint smile from Yuu, despite the surreal circumstances.

As if responding to their parents' words, the dream morphs and shifts, transforming from a void into a magnificent throne room. Seven thrones stand before Yuu, each occupied by a figure that embodies a different aspect of their past. The warm presence of their Mater, the sharp gaze of their Mater, the voice of their father—all intertwine to create a surreal tableau.

Amidst this strange convergence, Hades' yellow eyes meet Yuu's gaze, and his characteristic sarcasm resounds.

"Wow, kid, talk about breaking your father's heart," Hades remarks, his tone laced with his usual humor.

The dream seems to be a collision of memories, emotions, and manifestations, creating a space where the boundaries between past and present blur.

The dream continues to weave a tapestry of conversations, emotions, and surreal encounters. Yuu's heartfelt declaration of love is followed by a rush of emotions, prompting them to run toward Hades for a hug. In this dreamscape, the boundaries between love and memory seem to blur, allowing them to momentarily feel the warmth of that embrace.

As the dream takes another turn, Yuu's parents' voices continue to guide them, revealing a surprising revelation. The seemingly mundane act of casting spells with unique words to bind their souls leaves Yuu shocked. Their parents' casual manner of explaining the situation contrasts with the weight of the revelation.

"Nothing bad will happen to you. We think," Yuu's Mater reassures, her words laced with her characteristic humor.

The dream's erratic nature adds to the surreal ambiance as it shifts again, transporting Yuu from the throne room back to their own room. The abruptness of the transition leaves Yuu with lingering questions and a sense of uncertainty.

Yuu's day begins with a sense of routine and normalcy as they wake up in the Ramshackle dorm and check the time on the phone given to them by Riddle. The familiar surroundings contrast with the dream-like experiences they've been having, creating a sense of grounding in reality.

As Yuu goes about their morning routine and prepares to work on the garden, their internal conversations with their parents continue to weave through their thoughts. Their mother's voice adds a touch of criticism to Yuu's choice of clothes, indicating a clash of fashion sensibilities between generations. Even in their thoughts, Yuu's mother retains her distinctive character and concern for appearances.

Yuu's response reflects their practical reasoning and the promises they've made. The conversation with their parents highlights the connection they still feel, despite the physical distance. Their mother's desire for a beautiful rose garden adds an emotional layer to Yuu's task of revitalizing the garden.

The scene shifts from the dorm room to the backyard as Yuu steps outside, ready to tackle the garden restoration. This transition effectively captures the shift between personal reflection and action in the physical world.

'Fine, I'll let you wear that, but you better not be using that song,' their mother says, her voice still retaining its critical tone.

Before Yuu can respond to their mother's comment, they accidentally bump into a tall boy with uneven hair and two horns. Looking up at him, Yuu notices that his eyes share the same shade of green as their mother's. Could this be one of her children? The thought crosses Yuu's mind, but they quickly remember that this world's characters are a flipped version of their parents and their former lives. In this context, the young man is likely a fae, which means he might react strongly if Yuu gives him a nickname, as fae are known for their sensitivity to names.

"Are you responsible for bringing life back to Ramshackle?" the horned boy asks, his curiosity evident.

"Among other things, it's a skill of mine," Yuu responds casually, continuing to walk past him.

"Are you not afraid?" the boy inquires.

"Afraid of what? I'm more afraid of my mother," Yuu says, their steps leading them down the path toward the center of the garden.

"Hmm," the horned boy utters, seeming intrigued.

"Are you planning to stand there indefinitely? You haven't even introduced yourself yet, yet you've shown up at my doorstep uninvited," Yuu remarks.

The boy with horns fell silent, likely realizing the implications of Fae etiquette regarding invitations.

"I apologize; that was rather impolite of me. Allow me to offer my name instead. I am the Ramshackle dorm leader, Yuu," Yuu says, extending their hand for a handshake.

"You're interested in knowing my name? Hm. I would prefer to keep it undisclosed. Rest assured, it's for your own benefit. Instead, I'm willing to allow you to choose a name by which you can refer to me. But be cautious, for you might come to regret your choice," the horned boy states.

"I've regretted plenty in my life. How about 'Hornton'?" Yuu suggests casually, their gaze wandering around the garden.

"Ha... Hmhm. Ha ha ha! 'Hornton, ' It is then! You truly have no fear, it appears. Very well, it was my own suggestion to use a name of your choosing. I suppose I'll humor your whims and accept this peculiar nickname," the boy, now dubbed Hornton, responds.

"I see you are happy with the nickname. So, with that, you are invited to watch me fix the garden and my home." Yuu said.

"Oh, what kind of magic do you wield, child of men?" Hornton's curiosity seems piqued by this interaction.

"I possess magic skills that lie outside of the ordinary. Allow me to demonstrate," Yuu replies, a smile forming on their lips as they conjure a unique enchantment. The air hums with a melodic energy, and as Yuu's voice joins in, the very essence of the garden responds.

~ You hear it every day.
Once upon a time, they say
Once upon a time in this place
I looked and saw on your face.
A smile that spoke to me
In oh, so many ways

The Sunday morning bells
Rang out that all was well.
Sunshine across the yard
We'd rest when we worked hard.
We take a little time off.
To appreciate the day
And love builds a garden.
Grew it from the ground up.
Each one of us knowing
Every inch of it was us.
We pulled it all together.
Hoping and believing
That love built this garden
For the two of us to dream in ~

Yuu watches as the light in their hands bends and shapes the garden around them. The trees sway gently, leaves rustle, and flowers burst forth in vibrant colors. The once-dull grass transforms into a lush, verdant carpet beneath their feet.

"Oh my, I've never seen anything like this in all my life," Hornton exclaims in awe.

Yuu's laughter dances in the breeze. "Magic has its wonders, doesn't it? This is just a glimpse of what I can do."

Hornton's eyes gleam with newfound fascination. "Indeed, it's truly remarkable. You possess a gift beyond compare."

As the garden blooms and flourishes under Yuu's enchanting touch, a connection forms between them and Hornton—an unexpected bond forged through magic and wonder.

~ We'd get a little rain
Then the sun came out again
But a frost it's hard to fight
Once it takes hold flowers die
There's only so much you can do
To keep some things alive

And love builds a garden
Grew it from the ground up
Each one of us knowing
Every inch of it was us
We pulled it all together
Hoping and believing
That love built this garden
For the two of us to dream in

Sad to say, it's true
Without a lover who
Cares as much
Well I guess, I guess it goes to prove ~

Yuu watches with delight as the rosebushes burst into vibrant shades of deep red, a tribute to their mother's favorite flowers. Small, delicate bluebells spring up, adding a touch of whimsy to the garden. Apple trees stretch their branches towards the sky, their fruits glistening in the sunlight.

Giggles bubble up from within Yuu as a playful vine gently guides them and Hornton to a small, charming white table. The garden seems to have a mind of its own, creating a space for them to sit and enjoy the beauty around them.

As if anticipating their desires, the garden adds a gentle water fountain, its soothing sounds completing the enchanting scene. Yuu is swept up in the magic of the moment, allowing the garden's creativity to flow freely. This is a world where their powers can bring life and joy, a world where they can make beauty bloom with a mere thought.

~ That love built a garden
Growed it from the ground up
Each one of you knowing
Every inch of it is trust
Pulled it all together
Hoping and believing
That love builds a garden
For the two of you to dream in ~

By the time Yuu finishes the song, the garden has transformed into a magnificent haven of delights. An outdoor kitchen stands ready to whip up delicious meals; a fire pit crackles with warmth and camaraderie; hammocks sway gently in the breeze; an outdoor cinema invites people to relax and watch; a cozy reading nook beckons book lovers; a chess area challenges strategic minds; and a butterfly house embraces the beauty of nature. The garden seems to have captured all the facets of Yuu's personality, offering spaces for relaxation, play, creativity, and connection.

As Hornton stands in awe, Yuu smiles and turns to face him. "So, what do you think?"

"I have never seen anything like this," Hornton admits.

"Well, that's because it's not your usual kind of magic," Yuu explains, starting to head back towards Ramshackle. "It's an ancient magic, much older than anyone here."

There's silence from Hornton, prompting Yuu to realize he might not be the chatty type.

'Hey kid, that boy looks like the horn lady over there, so that means he has money.'


Yuu chuckles at the familiar banter that echoes in their mind. It's comforting to have their parents' presence with them, even in these fleeting moments. With a light heart, Yuu continues walking back, knowing that the magical garden will be a delightful secret to share with their friends.


Hornton: I think I am in love.
L: Ah, young love. What happened?
Hornton: Child of man...nickname! Invite.
L: Oh, young love. Did you get their name?
Hornton: It's Yuu.
L: Yuu, hmm, why does that name sound familiar?
