Chicken Noodle Soup (Edited)

A/N: I have changed this significantly since the last time it was published. Hopefully the quality is. . .better now?

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Ugh. . .What time is it?

Yuri groans, shifting under the covers slightly. His arms felt stiff, his body was warm, his head hurt like hell, and his nose was completely plugged up; He really didn't want to move. Maybe if he checked the time and saw that it was still early, he'd have a reason to lie in bed for a few more hours. He fumbles around on the nightstand next to his bed before he grasps a familiar item: his phone. He turns it on.

Momentarily blinded by the brightness of the screen, Yuri shields his eyes with his free hand before sneaking a peek at it. He stares at the numbers for a few seconds before making sense out of them. 09:26. I should probably get up then, Yuri thinks to himself a bit reluctantly. He sits up, stretching his sore muscles, and reaches for the box of tissues that had also been at his nightstand. He fished inside it only to come up empty-handed. I must have used them all last night. . .Yuri sighed and placed the box back on the little table, instead reaching for his glasses and putting them on.

"Hey, Vik-"  The name was caught in his throat when he saw the ruffled blankets beside him, "tor. . ?" Empty. Victor had gotten up before him. Maybe he went to pick up some groceries at the store. It was just a wishful thought, but Yuri doubted that was the case. Victor had always been so clingy that if he had the chance to, he would always bring Yuri along when he went shopping.

Yuri rubbed the drowsiness from his eyes, coughing a little at an uncomfortable sensation in the back of his throat. He sniffled, trying to keep his nose clear so that he could breathe through it. He pocketed his phone, and wrapped his favorite blanket around him as he slipped his feet into his night-time slippers. They were pink and had little puppies on them, a gift from Viktor that Yuri had always appreciated.

Yuri finally stands, his fatigue almost making him turn right back around and go back to sleep, but his need for food and tissues was far greater. He slowly makes his way out of the bedroom, pausing to pet a still-sleeping Makkachin, his walk reminiscent of a zombie's.

He saunters down the carpeted hallway, hugging his blanket tightly around him as he continued towards his goal: the kitchen. Right after Yuri had caught this nasty flu, he and Victor had gone to a nearby local grocery store to stock up on tissues and some soft foods for Yuri's upset stomach. Thus, Yuri would be able to eat and be able to blow his nose excessively when he reached the kitchen. A perfect plan.

Yuri braced himself for what was next: walking down the spiral staircase. He had always hated this thing ever since they bought this new house because it seemed whenever he tried to descend from it, Makkachin would always-


Oh, no. Oh, no.

Makkachin's loud howls could always be heard from every part of the house, and so could his sprint, his heavyset paws stomping, stomping so loud it made Yuri's headache worse. I have to hurry, otherwise Makkachin's going to make me fall down that stairs again!

He rushed down half of the stairs, Yuri was almost at the very bottom, but it was too late. Makkachin came barreling towards him, knocking right into him like a bowling ball into a pin. Yuri shrieked as he lost his balance and tumbled down the last six stairs onto the hardwood floor, Makkachin's paws scrabbling and making the most awful scratching sounds ever. He had been bested once again by Victor's adorable, evil dog. Damn you, Makkachin.

Yuri lie on the floor in defeat, lounging about in his misery as the dog continued to howl and bark, making his headache pound so hard it felt like someone was using not one, but two drills inside his skull. He felt a throbbing pain in his left shoulder and on his knees, and he just knew they were bruised, again, by Makkachin's antics.

"%!@$, that hurts," he whimpered, forcing himself to sit up once again. Now, Yuri truly felt like he didn't have enough energy to make it to the kitchen, so he scooted himself to the closest wall and leaned against it.

Where's Victor when I need him. . . Yuri thought helplessly, his bottom starting to ache from sitting on the floor for more than five minutes.

Then, right there, as if it had been a miracle, Viktor burst through the front door, arms laced with grocery bags. Makkachin yapped on and on with endless enthusiasm at Viktor's return. It took the tall male at the door only a second to spot Yuri in his sad state. He dropped all of his goods and approached the short little bundle of depression.

"Babe, what happened? Are you okay?" He bombarded Yuri with questions, placing a hand on Yuri's forehead to check his temperature, observing the rest of his body to make sure he was okay.

"Makkachin knocked me over while I was walking down the stairs again," Yuri responded, maybe a little more emotional than he should have been. His eyes welled up with tears. "I'm just so tired but I was hungry so I thought that I should go to the kitchen and get some food, maybe get some more tissues, but I couldn't even do that!" He sniffled, snot dripping from his left nostril that he wiped away quickly with his blanket. Yuri could see the way his pitiful words plucked at Viktor's heartstrings from his expression, could feel it in the comforting embrace that Viktor brought to him. After a few moments, Yuri pulled back slightly, staring into his eyes.

"You went to the store?"

Viktor's eyes brightened quickly, and he nodded. "Well, I noticed that we just ran out of cough syrup, chicken noodle soup, bread, and apple sauce, so I thought that I would take a quick trip to get some more! I'm glad I did, because you sure look like you could use some food right now."

Yuri laughs a little at the coincidence, but it's quickly interrupted with a fit of coughing. Viktor patted his back lightly until it stopped, his face full of sympathy.

"Let's get you to the couch, then I'll come back in a few minutes with some hot chicken noodle soup for you, and we can watch something on Hulu or Netflix. Sound like a good idea?" Viktor asked, his smile perfect in every way, something that had never failed to brighten Yuri's day. He murmured a quick word of agreement, and it only felt like a few seconds had passed before he was bundled up comfortably on the sofa with a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup in his hands, with Victor on one side, and Makkachin curled up on the other.

Viktor pecked him on the forehead before wrapping his arm around the edge of the couch behind Yuri, scrolling through various shows. Yuri just observed him, the corners of his smile, the way his silver hair fell perfectly into place at his forehead, his beautiful blue eyes that always seemed to sparkle, regardless of the time of day.


"Hm?" he responded absentmindedly, eyes glued to the screen as he searched for a show that wasn't too action-packed, but wasn't boring either. He pursed his lips as nothing on Netflix seemed to satisfy him, so he began searching on Hulu instead.

Yuri took a sip of his soup, the taste always seeming fantastic when Viktor made it. He smiled, just a little.

"Thank you."

Viktor paused in his search, just to meet eyes with the shorter male. "Anything for you, my love."
