Demon Of The Mist

(I hope you all enjoy. Sorry for the wait).

"My my house is not much father." Said Tezuna. Everyone nodded. "Ok. That's good. I don't know how much longer Sakura will last." Said Kakashi. He looked behind him at Sakura, who was walking beside Yuki. Yuki was trying to help Sakura walk.

Naruto and Sasuke were getting annoyed. They stopped not to long ago and she was already getting tired. Naruto looked at Sasuke, who looked back. They didn't like this even slower pace. They soon came up to a lake when Kakashi yelled, "Get down now everyone. Naruto took Tezuna down with him. Sasuke following. Yuki took Sakura with her to. Kakashi got down as well. A big sword came flying over them and got stock in a tree near by.

"They all looked up at it. A man stood there in it. He had one AMBU styled pants and he had no shirt on. He had a white and black stopted arm gards on. He had a masck that covered his mouth and nose. "Kakashi of the Sharingan. No wander the Demon brothers had a hard time." Said the man.

"Zabuza of the silent killing." Said Kakashi. Yuki, Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke and Tezuna were all scared. 'Silent killing?' Was that they were all thing.

"Give me the bridge builder and I'll leave you alone." Said Zubuza. "We will not. Team 7 Circle Tezuna and protect him like that." Said Kakashi. "Right!" They all circled Tezuna and they got ready. "Hahaha those kids can't fight me." Said Zubuza.

Naruto and Sasuke glared at Zubuza but stayed where they were. Tezuna's safty was more important right now. Yuki didn't like to be called kid because she was a Ninja now. Sakura was shaking while holding a Kunai in her hand. Tezuna was wondering if the kids could protect him from Zubuza.

Kakashi glared at Zubuza and said, "Don't think you can win just because they are small. They are strong." Said Kakashi.

Kakashi was then fighting Zubuza and a clone came after Tezuna. Naruto, Yuki, and Sasuke lifted thekr Kunai's and stopped the sword. They were having trouble keeping it back. Yuki used was D level water Jutsu to make the ground around Zubuza's clone muddy and he started to lose his balenc and he jumped away glaring at Yuki. "Great idea Yuki." Said Naruto.
"Thanks Naruto." Yuki said back. Sasuke just gave her a thumbs up.

Kakashi was proud of Yuki and the other two. They portected Tezuna. He continued to fight the real Zubuza. The clone Zubuza ran at them again and Naruto used a wind Jutsu and sent him back Into a tree. The clone went out with a poof. "Yeah!" They all cheered. Zubuza growled when he saw his clone taken out. Kakashi smiled underneath his masck and said, "I told you to not think of them as weak."

Zubuza jumbad back and made two clones and Kakashi ran at him. He tried to take out one of the clones but Zubuza kept him busy.

Yuki, Naruto and Sasuke stared at the two clones running up to them. "N-Naruto can't you use two Shadow Clones to fight then?" Asked Yuki.
"I can. Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto made two. "Take down those Water Clones!" Naruto told the Two Shadow Clones. They nodded and ran at the other Clones and they started to fight.

Kakashi was evenly matched with Zubuza. Kakashi was stronger tho. Then he showed off his Sharingan and copyed Zubuza's moves. The two Naruto clones were still fighting the Zubuza clones. One of the Naruto clones took out one of the Zubuza clones with itself. The last Naruto clone was hit with Zubuza's Sword and he disappeard in a puff of smoke.

The last Zubuza clone ran at the five of them. Naruto took out a sword of his own. It was smaller but he ran over and started to right the other clone. Yuki did some hand signs and made a shield around them. Naruto can come in but it will keep Zubuza out. She kept focus and there was a bagging sound and they saw another Zubuza clone had tried to attack them from behind when the Sword bounced off the shield and hit the ground.

Yuki, Sasuke, Sakura, and Tezuna sighed in relief and Sasuke looked at Yuki and said, "Good job Yuki." Yuki smiled and said back, "Thank you." The new clone kept hitting the shiled and Yuki was trying to keep it up. She put more Chakura intro it and the shield became more stronger. It didn't take much longer for the fog cleared up and they saw Naruto hit the Zubuza Clone he was fighting and it turned onto water and fell to the ground and Naruro took out the other clone attacking the shield and Naruto went in side. He looked a bit tired.

"We need to find someway to help Kakashi-Sensei." Said Naruto. Yuki and Sauke nodded. "What? But what can we do? We can't even fight his clones." Said Sakura. She looked like she wanted to run off.

"The three made clones with Tezuna and Sakura. They saw Kakashi was looking tired and so was Zubuza. They nodded at each other. They silently agreed to a also silent plan.

Yuki throw some Shuriken's at Zubuza. He got distracted and Kakashi through a strong punch at his stomach. Zubuza hit a tree hard and he groaned as he got up. Then Sasuke and Naruto came down from the tree and threw painful hits to Zubuza's face and stomach. Zubuza couldn't get up after those two hits. "How can fresh out of the academy Gennin be this strong?" Said Zubuza.

"We trained and we did this as a team. We won't let you or anyone hurt a member of this Team." Said Naruto. "Yeah." Agreed Yuki and Sasuke. Kakashi couldn't be prouder of his team. The only one he wasn't proud of is Sakura. She was shaking back with Tezuna. He had calmed down with the shield up and protecting them.

"Well said you three. It's over Zubuza." Said Kakashi. He was about to throw a Kunia at Zubuza's hheart when a small weapon came out of no where and hit Zubuza in the neck and he went limb. Kakashi went up and felt for a heart beat but didn't find one.

"He is dead." Said Kakashi. They nodded. "You were right. It is over." I'm a mist Hunter Ninja. I've been looking for a chance to kill him. Thank you for the help. Now I must take care of the body." Said a Hunter Ninja. "All right." Said Kakashi.

Once the Ninja was gone with Zubuza they went to where Sakura and Tezuna were and the clone of Yuki put donw the shield and the clones disappeared in three puffs of smoke. "Let's get going." Said Kakashi. They all nodded and they continued on. They soon got there and after explaining to Tezuna's daughter what happened they could stay with Tezuna.

After they had dinner they planed what to do tomorrow and then went to bed. Yuki and Sakura were staying in a room together. Naruto and Sasuke were as well.


I hope you all liked the chapter. I'll try to update again soon. I'm glad you all like the story. Comment or vote of you want. Bye for now.
