Aiko, The Demon Princess


I was at the lake, lying on the grass while staring at the night sky. I was wearing my (F/c) vest top that didn't cover my stomach, (F/c) body warmer, my dog tags, fingerless leather gloves, my shoulder holsters with my pistols in them, camouflage trousers and combat boots. I was thinking about that woman who looked exactly like me but, I kept wondering about her words and what they're supposed to mean.

"That woman...who was she?"

I mumbled to myself and when I laid on my side to take a quick nap, I heard a whisper.


I shot my eyes open and I sat up and I looked around, but no one was there. I thought I imagined it but then I saw that same from my dream standing quite a distance from me. I stood up and I was about to call out to her but, she suddenly turned on her heel and runs away. I ran after her as fast as I could. After following her after a while, we were back at the graveyard.

"What the? why would she lead me here?"

I asked myself and I watched heading towards some kind of tomb. I followed after her and when I did she went through the locked door expected when the large lock broke and it fell to the ground. I surprised at this and I knew right then that she was a ghost but, I couldn't let that bother me. I got my phone's torch out and I got my pistol at the ready just in case.

I opened the door and I shined my light and there was a staircase leading deeper underground. I looked behind me making sure no one saw me before walking down the stairs. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs, I pressed my back against the wall so I can peek around the corner just as a precaution. When I did, I saw the woman standing next to a coffin and she looked at me and beckons me to come closer.

I put away my torch and I still had my pistol in my hand just in case it was a trap. As I got closer, I heard a hissing sound and I spotted a snake coming towards me. I pointed my gun at it ready to fire but the woman spoke up.

"Don't! let it pass!"

I looked at her confused and I looked back at the snake and to my surprise, it didn't attack me, it just slivered away from me like if it was afraid of something. I was surprised at this and I stopped pointing my gun at it. I looked at the woman confused and she then spoke up.

"Animals and other predators are frightened because they can sense the danger from you, even the scent of your blood frightens them off."

"Why? why should they be afraid of me? I know that I use weapons and all but-"

"I know you're confused but, what you will find here will help you explain."

I looked at the coffin and I shuttered at a thought I had.

"Oh no...are you telling me to-"

"Open coffin? yes."

I sighed and I shook my head to get my act together. Before I opened the coffin I looked at the inscription and I read it out loud.

"Here lies Aiko, one of the most powerful demons once lived in this world. Once a loving Mother and a caring friend."

I placed my hands on the coffin and I tried to open it but then some sparks appeared shocking me in the process.

"Ow! damn! wasn't expecting that!"

I shouted and I looked at the coffin and realised that it was being protected by something. The woman spoke up again.

"The only way to open the coffin is to destroy the source of the barrier."

The woman looked up and so did I. I squinted my eyes and I spotted a small stone in the ceiling and I knew exactly what it was.

"An exorcism stone? how did one of those get there?"

"An exorcist placed it here because this person was very powerful when she was alive."

The woman spoke up and I then pointed my gun at the stone and I fired it. Once the bullet landed on the stone it broke into tiny pieces and then a bright light surrounded the coffin and the light also broke into pieces. I placed my hands on the coffin and I pushed the lid off for the second time this time I didn't get a shock. Once I pushed the lid off the coffin, I looked at the body and it was that woman I saw from before and she hadn't rotted away yet, almost as if time has stood still for her body.

"What the hell?"

I mumbled and I looked at the woman and she looked at me sadly.

"You're Aiko?"

I asked her as she nodded her head and she looked at her body.

"I was a powerful demon back then, that was until one day, a vampire hunter came and he ended my life."

I was surprised by this and I then asked her.

"But what has this got to do with me? why do you look exactly like me?"

"It's because you're my reincarnation (Y/n)."

I was shocked at her comment and I was speechless.

"R-reincarnation? then that does that mean-"

"Sort of, you've got a human body but you possess demon blood that's running through your veins why else do you think the Sakamaki brothers kept saying that your blood is sweeter than Yui's blood and how they were saying that you're special to them, they used to say that I was special to them until I died."

Aiko said as she looked away sadly. My eyes widen and I then remembered what the Sakamaki brothers said to me from before about my blood and how special I was to them.


Ayato: "Whoa, it's so good, it's sweeter than pancake's blood.."

Laito:"It doesn't matter to me what background you have or where you originally came from as long as you're the (Y/n)-chan my brothers and I know....Heh, your blood is so sweeter and it's way better than Bitch-chan's blood..."

Shu:"You and your sister are special to us so we won't kill you."

Reiji:"You really are different from the other humans including your sister, that I can communicate with and...I can't resist your intoxicating scent."

Kanato: "I won't bother turning you into one of my wax figures because right now, you're the perfect doll."

Subaru: "It tastes so sweet, better than Yui's blood."


"So that's what they meant, but, do they know that I have demon blood running through my veins or do they even remember you?"

I said to Aiko and she spoke up again.

"No, I don't think they're aware that you have demon blood running through your veins and I also don't think that they remember me either because this tomb was locked for a long time, you see, when I was still alive I contained very strong powers back then but, a vampire hunter came and he was able to kill me."

"If it has been that long since you died, then how come your body still looks exactly the way it is when you were buried down here?"

"It's because my lover used a spell to prevent that from happening because he only wanted the Sakamaki brothers to remember me always, however, because of the exorcists they used that exorcism stone to seal away my coffin and keep this place locked up in case that I might back to life."

I was shocked at this and I looked at the wound in her chest and it was still looked fresh.

"But there's no way that you can come back to life, I mean once you die that's it no going back."

"True, but, even though I longer exist in this world my soul still lives on and we cannot die."

I was surprised by this and then Aiko placed her hand on my shoulder.

"But one thing for certain, you're my reincarnation and I want you to keep the Sakamaki brothers happy as possible, I don't want to see them suffer badly like how their mothers did."

When Aiko mentioned this I remembered how their Mothers treated them badly. Aiko noticed the look on my face.

"You remembered about that dream didn't you? about how Cordelia forced Ayato to become number one and being better than his brothers, Laito being ignored, Kanato becoming bipolar, Beatrix forcing Shu to have responsibilities and becoming the next heir, Reiji being ignored by Beatrix while she focuses her attention on Shu and Christa calling her own son a monster and going mental."

I was shocked at this when Aiko said this and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I saw only a few previews about what they were going through, but, after seeing what they went though I want to make sure that they won't have to feel that pain in their hearts because I know exactly how they feel, I lost my birth parents and my little brother to a house fire when I was young, Boss left me behind at a church and that was when my pain and suffering got worse and I now I've become a sadistic killer who is an ex-murderous gang member but..."

Aiko placed her hand on my heart and she smiled at me.

"Even the wounds in your heart need to heal, I don't know how many people you've lost but, all I can say is, the Sakamaki brothers seemed to like you and you've made a strong bond with them as well."

My eyes widen when she said this and she was right, since I came here I've become close with the Sakamaki brothers and they've become like family to me. I smiled a little when I remembered about what I went through in the past compared to what's happening even now.

'She's right, I have become close with the Sakamaki brothers.'

I thought to myself while having a small smile on my face. Aiko smiled at me and she gently pats my head.

"Remember what I've said to you and don't tell the Sakamaki brothers about us talking like this, they won't believe you anyway."

I nodded my head and then Aiko smiles at me before disappearing into thin air. I looked at her body and I closed her coffin before leaving the tomb.

