iv. interrupted movie nights

     "You still not a big talker?"

     Alex almost jumped at the sudden conversation directed at her. It was lunch time and she had zoned out rather quickly into the break. She meant no offense to Jared, Kim or Paul, but Alex was always a fan of her own imagination. She often went off into her own little world. 

     Paul had leaned slightly closer to the girl, his eyebrow raised as he tried to figure out exactly what Alex was thinking. What he would give to be inside her head. 

     "I'm just thinking," Alex spoke back to the boy whom even sitting was still a damn sight taller than her. Jared and Kim were whispering something to each other, completely zoned out of what Paul and Alex were doing.

     "Penny for your thoughts," Paul asked, a gentle smile on his face. 

     Alex shrugged her shoulders innocently. "I wasn't thinking of anything in particular. About this place in general, really."

     Not once did Paul break eye contact with the smaller girl. People always said that eyes were the window to the soul and he agreed with that statement ever since he first laid eyes on Alex. This was when he felt closest to her – when their similar colored eyes met. "You like it here yet or are you still mourning over the move?"

     "It's not as bad as I thought it would be," Alex answered truthfully. She really did expect it to be a lot worse, especially without Jordan by her side. "I don't like Mr. Peterson though, I would happily take my old gym teacher back."

     Paul let out a short laugh. The sound was almost whimsical to Alex, who enjoyed this side of the boy more than she wanted to admit. "No one likes Mr. Peterson. I was actually impressed with you today in Gym, you took those press ups like a pro."

     At the mention of the last class before lunch, Alex let out a groan. "Don't bring back the bad memories. I want to forget, it was traumatic."

     "It wasn't that bad."

     A scoff came out of Alex's mouth at the taller boy's words. "Easy for you to say, you're built like you work out on the daily. I'm puny, have you not noticed my tiny size?"

     Paul didn't laugh like Alex had expected him to, which didn't bother her so much as his eyes still never left hers. "I like how small you are. It's cute."

     Alex had no clue how she was supposed to respond to that, but her body knew perfectly well what it wanted to do as her cheeks flamed hot at the compliment. Was this flirting? She never had a boyfriend before so she had no clue, Alex wouldn't know someone liked her if they literally came and told her – she would still find an excuse to say they were just being friendly.

     Paul couldn't help the smile that came over his face at the blush he created with a simple compliment. It was the total truth, an easy thing to say and yet it caused such a flush from Alex. He liked that – the affect he had on her. 

     "What are you two doing tonight?" It was Jared that had spoke, a small smile on his face while watching one of his best friends be happier than he had seen him in a long time. 

     "Nothing, what have you got in mind?" Paul answered, while Alex looked at them all curiously. 

     Kim's face elated in joy at the thought of what she wanted to do. "Movie marathon at my house. My parents are away for the weekend and I thought we could make a night of it."

     "I'm in," Paul was quick to respond, it was one of he and Jared's only nights that they didn't have to patrol the woods and he wanted to make the most of it. "Alex?"

     The brunette didn't quite know what to say. She wanted to go, it sounded like a simple night of fun but Alex had specifically told Jordan that she would video chat with him tonight – their favorite telenovela was on and they planned on watching it together even if they were miles apart.

     "Alex?" Paul repeated, his hand instinctively coming to rest on the girl's arm. Despite the denim jacket that covered her skin, Paul swore he could feel a spark ignite between the contact. 

     Alex didn't realize that she was deep in thought for a minute. The touch of Paul's hand tore her mind from thinking, the heat of his skin pushing through the material of her jacket. Alex flinched away without thinking, there was more heat than expected when you made contact with someone. Paul's face flinched at her backtracking from him. "Sorry."

     The brunette was about to decline their offer of hanging out, that was until she thought of the conversation she had with Jordan at the airport. Be a normal teenager. This is what they did right? Hang out and chill with their friends. Jordan put her up to this after all, he wouldn't mind a reschedule. "I'll be there."

     Paul's smile widened at her answer.

     To: Womb Mate

     Reschedule for tonight's telenovela watching session? I'm actually hanging out with people???

     And no I'm not pranking you. Scouts honor.

     Alex was genuinely excited to hang with her new friends, talking to someone else beside her brother was a nice change. She just hoped that he was okay with her doing it.


     From: Womb Mate

     What is the atrocity?!?! Kidding, have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. We are watching it tomorrow though, I need to know who Eva ends up with!!!!! Important questions!!!!

     Alex rolled her eyes, even though she knew Jordan couldn't see her. She was grateful he was okay with her skipping their video chat, she didn't realize until now just how much she wished to hang with Paul, Jared and Kim. Jordan probably had a billion other things to do anyway, with all the new Ohio friends he had made. Alex tried not to be bitter.

     "You alright?" Paul asked innocently, his eyes trained on the expressions Alex was making while looking at her phone. He had no clue who she was texting and he was curious to know who could get that annoyed yet loving emotion out of her.

     Alex placed her cellphone next to her on the sofa while she slipped her hands back under the fuzzy blanket draped over her person. Paul was sitting to her left on the sofa, while Jared and Kim were snuggled on a love seat made really for one person. They didn't seem to mind though. "Yeah, just texting my brother."

     "Where did he move to again?" Paul's voice was a hushed whisper as not to disturb or be louder than the action movie playing through the loud speakers.

     "Ohio for a football scholarship," Alex answered quickly in the same whispering tone. "Jordan has wanted to play in the big leagues since he was four."

     Paul could sense that sadness in her voice at the mention of the boy. "Were you two close?"

     "Very," Alex kept her eyes trained on the screen where two men were getting into a fistfight over stolen money. She didn't care much for the film, but she didn't want to look at Paul when talking about Jordan. Too much emotion was in her face, Alex already knew it. "He's actually my twin. We haven't spent more than four days from each other until now."

"Damn," Paul let out a low whistle. "I'm sorry, Alex."

     This made the girl's face crinkle in confusion. She had no clue why he was apologizing. "What are you sorry for?"

     He could say a million things to answer that question, but most of them would sound weird without a bunch of backstory tagged on the end. Paul settled for a simple answer. "Must be hard without him, especially being at a new school. It's the polite thing to say, Alex. Just being a nice guy."

     "Is that a new thing for you?" Alex quipped back, looking to ease as much tension as she could. She wasn't sure why the apology from Paul made her stomach flip. 

     Paul sent her a small grin. "Guilty as charged."

     "Can you two either leave and talk or shut up?" Jared interrupted the conversation between the two. He had mad respect for Paul finally talking to his soulmate but not while one of his favorite movies was on. "I happen to like this film without your voices in it."

     A cushion made its way out of Paul's hand in Jared's general direction. The boy caught it before it could hit him however. "You didn't seem so entranced with the movie when you two were making out before."

Kim sent Alex a look before she rolled her eyes playfully. Alex found herself laughing at the girl, before rolling her eyes right back at her. The bickering between the two boys was something that the two had grown used to, even Alex who hadn't known them for long.

     "Was that expression directed at me?" Paul had turned to face Alex, a teasing smile on his face. He had leaned into her side of the sofa without noticing it. The pull in his chest willed him to go further, but he at least had a bit of self control. 

     Alex lifted her shoulders innocently. With a quick bat of her eyelashes she was answering him, "If the shoe fits..."

     Paul narrowed his eyes at her. "Take it back."

     The brunette's head jerked from side to side. Alex's smile never once left her face and quite frankly she forgot that Jared and Kim were in the room with them. It felt as if Paul was the only one there, he was her main focus. "Since when did I take orders from you?"

     "Oooh," Jared let out lowly as he watched them proudly.

     "Where did my non talking Alex go?" Paul asked while secretly happy that she seemed to be gradually making her way out her shell. She didn't seem nearly as uncomfortable anymore, which made him and his wolf happier than he ever felt possible. "This new you is rather sassy, I'm not sure what to think."

     Alex was about to make sure Paul knew just how sassy she could be with another comment when someone came barreling in the front door. He was an extremely tall man with russet skin just like Paul's. He looked to be slightly older than the four sixteen year old's relaxing in Kim's living room.

     Although Alex didn't know who he was, Paul and Jared most definitely did because as soon as he made his presence known, the pair of them were up and out of their seats. Without any question they were by his side.

     They talked in hushed whispers and as much as Alex tried to hear what they were saying, no sound was making its way into her ears. 

     Kim was walking towards Alex, a knowing look on her face. Alex stood up to meet the girl. "It's okay. That's Sam, a friend of ours."

     "Why is he here?" Alex wondered curiously, her eyes not leaving Paul's back which was facing her. She could see the muscles tensing under his thin, cotton shirt. "And why do they look so serious?"

     Kim wished Alex knew everything like she did, it would make things like this a million times easier. She hated lying to the innocent teenager, but it wasn't her call to make the decision on when to tell her. That was on Paul. Kim had no idea what else to say except, "It's fine, don't worry."

     The first thing you do when someone tells you not to worry, is worry. Alex had no clue what was going, and she was very aware she was the only person in the room who didn't. She could see that Kim was restraining herself from telling her. It aggravated the brunette, especially because her whole body wanted to run up to Paul and tell him to explain. 

     Alex didn't notice that the group had finished discussing their business. Paul was in front of the girl before she realized, his warm hand moving to grasp her wrist. The temperature was way warmer than usual again, but that was the least of Alex's worries. "I need you to do something for me."

     Alex nodded for the boy to go on. He had her full attention. The grip he had on her wrist wasn't hurting, but it was firm – like he was pleading for her to listen, which she did. 

     "Don't go home tonight," Paul's heart was beating a mile a minute as he thought about the possibility of Alex going out there after what Sam had just told him. Her safety was his main priority and he needed her to stay with Kim. "Stay the night here with Kim."

     Alex furrowed her brows, being out of the loop sucked big time. "My parents are expecting me home, Paul. Tell me what's going on."

     "I will," Paul pleaded with the girl and hoped that she would settle for what he was giving her. "I swear I will but just not now. Do this for me and I will put you in the loop, alright? Stay with Kim tonight."

     Alex didn't know how she knew that this was extremely important to the boy in front of her. He was definitely pleading with her, but even that usually wouldn't have deterred Alex from finding out something. Somehow the teenager just knew, and her heart was telling her not argue. "Okay."

     "Promise?" Paul asked, his eyes boring into hers with a fire that he didn't know existed. He needed her to do this for him, there was no way Paul could leave with his pack if she didn't.

     "Promise," Alex reiterated and she meant it. She would make up an excuse to her parents or something. She wasn't leaving this house tonight, despite not knowing why. "I won't leave."

     Paul squeezed her arm gratefully before he was trailing behind Jared. The pair of them were quickly out the door, but Sam wasn't so quick to leave. He was staring at Alex with a grateful look, one that was also analyzing her –trying to figure out how a girl so small, calm and innocent had been tagged to Paul for live. 

     Polar opposites, he noted to himself. Somehow he just knew it was going to work.

     Once the three boys had left, Kim placed herself next to Alex on the sofa. Neither of them bothered to turn the DVD back on, they wouldn't have payed attention if they did. 

     Kim moved so she could lean her head on Alex's shoulder, which the Santiago girl didn't move away from. She wasn't mad at the girl for keeping her in the dark, especially since Paul made it seem extremely important that he tell her what was going on. Alex figured that Kim may have needed the comfort, there was so much worry etched on her face that it made the brunette even more anxious about what the three boys were doing.

     Alex just hoped to herself that they stayed safe. Something inside her was pleading for Paul to make it back to her safely, she just wasn't sure why.


paul and alex are so adorable i am DEAD. also kim/alex are so cute, i literally ship everyone in this book bYE   
