~ Life is hard ~

Tanjirou pov
"Be careful big brother"
Those words will hunt me forever
I will get revenge on that demon for
Killing my family
"Zenitsu we don't have time come on" I said to the boy that's trying his hardest to get married but failing in the process.
"Ok coming" said the little omega
Inosuke came as well today we were fighting against a demon that took over a whole town
It should be easy
I think
"Well come on guys" I said to the other two idiots that were trying to fight eatch other well inosuke trying to fight Zenitsu "Fight meee"
(I swear to god if this bitch won't shut u-)
"No now come on"
The walk to the town was surprisingly silent
Well we all started walking to different houses when we arrived at the town soon we found nothing.
Which that's even weirder well I'm not surprised since most demons stay quiet when we're looking for them right?
"Ugh did you guys say that" said Zenitsu
"Did it sound like a something slicing?"
"Yeah it did"
We all go to check out what happened but there's nothing there "maybe this is a trap" said inosuke "I doubt that" I began "maybe their creating noises to know their here to attack" I ended "awww you found out"
"Who's there," I said to the unknown being
"Tanjirou look up" said the alpha/inosuke
I do what he says and I see a spider a weird on with horns on it's back with a spider like body(no shit) I was about to attack when the spider like being just died out of no where "what the hell" Who just did that "hello?"
I called out I couldn't see there was dust every where.I doubt Zenitsu and inosuke could see now there's a person coming out of the fog I thought we were the only people on this mission.when the person got closer it was a boy looker 3-4 years older than me he has blue ocean eyes that you can fall in love with dark black hair that was quite long his cloths were kinda baggy but (ain't no complains) it looked nice on him.he sure was handsome but his face facial expression looked bored.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Giyu Tomioka I'm from the Demon slayer Crops"

I'm sorry if this book is turning out bad I really can't type but just bear with me
