Died down

Harry's pov: I was up in my room and I had still not come down since then, I heard something of someone. That's when I realized, it was a group of people. And they were walking to my dorm...

"Harry?" Hermione voice was easy to tell "are you ok?" Hermione continue
"Mate, you've got to eat something. No one's talking about it anymore.." Ron said trying to cheer me up
"I don't care" I say "and you can't make me come out, as soon as they see me they will all remember " I say continuing my sentence
"Love, if you don't get up and eat I swear!" I hear Draco yell at me

Hearing that made me scared I had never In my life hear him so angry and ran shivers down my spine

"F-fine" I whimper out, I open my door and see Hermione,Ron, Draco and... "luna?" I say out loud. I didn't even notice till she said

"Yes, hello Harry!" She smiles and I can't help but smile back. Seeing Luna smile always made me happy, she was like my sister I hanged out with her more then Ron and Hermione combined but this year was compacted that I didn't even say one word to her anymore

"Luna!" Yell I smile brighter and give her a hug "I missed me sister" I say. Ron and Hermione look confused
"I'm not your sister Harry" she chuckled out and hugged me back
"Your like my sister, so you are my sister" I say proud to be her brother, she was always so quiet but she was amazing. She was sweet and kind, she had this smell to her I don't know what it was but it always made you feel safe and welcome 

Draco was getting jealous and pulled me over to him, he hugged me. He was so cute when he was jealous

"Mine" he whispered
"All yours" Luna said she put her hands up and laughed. Everyone stared laughing and it was great, I agreed that I would start eating and coming back to school and after that we all just hanged out

"Oh, I have to go you guys" Hermione said
"Same it's getting late" Ron said
"Ok bye Ron, bye Hermione" Luna said as they walked out me and Draco waved bye and they left. A few minutes later Luna had to go to

"Bye Harry! Bye Draco" Luna said as she started living
"Bye Luna, we should hang out tomorrow, at the lake" I say, Luna agrees and walked out
"I don't think you should.." Draco said angry
"She's like my sister calm down its like the relationship with you and pans" I say ensuring that everything was fine

Later that morning brought to you bye my 2 favourite character bellatrix and Luna 

It was 8:00 in the morning and I woke up to Loud knocking it was pansy she acted like she was my mother, it was nice I guess

"Harry James potter! Wake up or your going to be late!" She yelled I woke up and so did Draco we cast a spell to help as get ready fast and then I opened the door

"Pans, hey I'm all ready" I say with a smile
"Better be" she said giving me a stare I will never forget. From that day forward everything was great me and Draco were married and adopted a kid and every thing was fine and was forever till...

********************************************//the end😉//
