No ones POV

It was dark, there was snow on the ground. If you looked up, the sky was filled with stars. The only thing that stood out was a boy. With his mossy colored messy hair and his emerald eyes that once would glow were now dull. In a world of hero's he had no powers, he was quirkless.

There was another boy walking the streets that winter night. While the white side of his hair would blend in the red half stood out. His eyes were just as dull as the green haired boys was.

Todoroki 's POV

It's cold, I could see my breath as I walked. 'I've been walking for a while I guess it's time I should head home.' I stopped dead in my tracks, I had this feeling as I looked up from the snowy ground. I saw someone sitting on a bench covered in snow, he was shaking. He must've been sitting there for a while since his hair was practically white from the falling snow. He looked up at me, his eyes were watery like if he had just cried. I looked away and started to walk again.

( time skip to when he got home )

I can't sleep. Everything that I try to think about leads back to that boy. I want to forget but something inside me is telling me not too. Was I supposed to help him? Should I have said something? No, I just need to go to sleep it's my first day at UA tomorrow I need to be prepared.

A/N - so this is my first ever story and I know it's short and it's garbage but whatever. I've always wanted to make my own and I have this all planned out in my head I just can't put it into words and it's really annoying but you know why not!! Ok that's it for now so like bye!!!
