Chapter 3- Jotaro's Room

Jotaro's room was very neat, considering he was a teenage boy. His bookshelf that was in the far left corner of his room displayed family photos in a tidy array, as well as an assortment of books, mostly relating to marine biology. Interesting, I thought. There was a full fledged assortment of titles in English as well as Japanese. Has Jotaro always been interested in that subject? It was so unusual for a delinquent like him. I didn't think he had any interests other than acting like a big, buff, pain in the ass.

"Sit." Jotaro said, motioning to his desk chair, cutting my thoughts short. I did as I was told, while he took a seat on his bed. We sat in silence for a few seconds as I wondered if he was going to start the conversation. As a few more passed, I spoke up.

"Marine biology?" I questioned with a reluctant tone, unsure if I was overstepping. Jotaro's face contorted into a look of confusion.

"You mean the books? They were just from a project I had a while back." He said, looking down, fiddling with his hands.

"Oh, ok." I said, not prying any further. As the silence came rushing back, I didn't know if this awkward conversation was ever going to come to an end. Luckily for me, even though Jotaro denied the snacks from his mother, she brought us some tea anyways, as a small knock came from the door.

"Jotaro, I know you said you didn't want anything but you always have tea after school. Girl or no girl, I know your habits. I brought some for you as well, Ocean- or Aiomi. Enjoy." She smiled, as we both thanked her regardless of Jotaro's wishes. She closed the door and with a soft click, me and Jotaro resumed the deadly silence. We sat that way for some time, my tea almost finished before he spoke up.

"Ocean," He started. I jumped from the sudden noise. "This project... is very important to me. It is also very important that we travel." He stopped, a look on his eyes saying he wanted to continue, but he never did. He stared at me, as if asking for a response.

"Well, I'm glad it means something to you, but in all likelihood Jotaro I'm never going to be allowed to travel. My mom is so strict, I can never travel outside Japan, especially with a boy she doesn't know." I remained calm, trying to explain. "If she found out who you were, I might have to transfer schools." I tried to joke, however Jotaro's face was serious making my face numb with embarrassment. I quickly tried to cover up my faux pas by saying, "Jotaro. I don't have the money, either. That's just how it is. I am poor." I said, my eyes begging him to change his mind. Jotaro folded his arms, closed his eyes, and sighed.

"Yare yare daze. As crazy as this sounds, don't worry about the money, and I'll find a way to convince your mother." He said, eyes still closed and arms crossed.

"What!?" I almost yelled, losing my composure. Thoughts rushed into my brain, unable to form them into a cohesive sentence. I tried protesting, but nothing came out of my mouth. Oddly, I didn't say anything at all.

"Ocean," Jotaro coaxed. "I know this all sounds insane but just trust me. I know you're thinking that you'll have to pay me back or that I'll never be able to convince your mom, but just because I might seem like a douchebag doesn't mean I am one. Like I said, don't worry about the money. However, even though I said I can convince your mother, I'll need help." He looked at me, a certain glimmer about him that I couldn't say no to. All I did was nod in agreement before I reluctantly said,

"We have to lie to her."

"What?" Jotaro asked, confused by the sudden statement.

"She will say no no matter how I ask, trust me. If you really want to make this trip a reality, we have to lie to her." I said, clasping my hands together in nervousness. What am I doing, I thought. You're a good girl! Since when have you lied? Especially with something so drastic! What is this damn Jotaro Kujo doing to you? Is his bad-boyness rubbing off on you? But... he sounds so sincere. The conflicting emotions ran rampant through my brain. I audibly groaned as Jotaro looked on in concern.

"Are you alright?" He asked. "Do you need some time to think it over?" He consoled.

"No it's not that. It's just, I've never actually lied about anything this important, not to anyone, especially my mother." I sighed, slumping my shoulders in hopelessness. "I wouldn't know what to say even if I had planned for a year." I said, hoping Jotaro would come up with a solution, which surprisingly, he did.

"I've lied numerous times." He started.

"Go figure." I laughed, an unimpressed look grazing his face.

"We just need to conjure up a good backstory. We obviously won't change the nature of what we are doing. It's a school project that you have the funds for. Now, how you got those funds? We can't say they're from me, I'm assuming that'll rub her the wrong way. Just say.. that you've been doing odd jobs to earn money for it, and you already have it saved up. Now, the main part of this lie has to be the reason why. It won't work if there's not a good enough reason for you to leave Japan when you can stay right here in Yanagawa." He explained, his thought process amazing me. He was so quick to come up with a solution, and a good one at that. His intellect shown bright through his dastardly intentions. Though his intelligent aura came to a harsh stop as he seemed to sink into a meek posture. "I want to go to Florida. You know, the United States." He said weakly, a look I was unable to discern written across his face. Though a fire arose in me as the words slipped off his tongue.

"Florida? I'm from Florida! Am I hearing you right, Jotaro? I'm not in a dream?" I said excitedly. "This couldn't have worked out any better! It will be easy to come up with something now!" I said, my smile audible in my words. He looked up, his slouch disappearing as an almost half smile skimmed along his lips, a look I had never seen from him. "I'll just say I want to find out more about my hometown and I can do that in the process of this project while also staying true to the prompt! Jotaro. I'm so glad you had Florida in mind! It's like this was meant to be." I slowed my excitement as I gave him a genuine smile and rested a hand on his muscular knee. However, as soon as my hand touched it, he immediately retracted it from my touch and forced himself off the bed. He gave me an annoyed but sympathetic look then stormed out of his bedroom into the empty halls. I sat there, my hand still outstretched in disbelief. What did I do? was all I could think. 
