3 would lead

That night Mikasa, Armin, and Eren stayed over not wanting to leave me alone for some reason. we watched many movies and I was the first one out.  and the last to wake up.

I wake up to be hit with the smell of bacon and eggs, my eyes gently flutter open and a groan as the sunlight hits my eyes. I turn over berrying myself in my pillow, But my hungry overtook me and I lift my head to the smell.

"Good morning," I say looking at the scenario, Armin was making breakfast Eren was sitting down at the table while Mikasa was in front of me.

"Morning!" Armin shouts.

"Morning" Eren says stuffing his face full.

"you feeling better?" Mikasa asks me placing the back of her hand on my forehead". I smile and push the arm away gently.

"I'm fine to thank you, Mikasa," I say smiling I felt better than yesterday, but not to my normal self. I yawn getting up and walking to my chair.

"Bacon and eggs today hope you like it," Armin says, I thank him and dig in Leo comes to me wanting some bacon. I quickly sneak him some, as he eats it up. I smile and eat up mine.

"Y/n I've googled it up and it says you can get a purity test while pregnant," Eren says I look up at him.

"but?" "But it's a thousand dollars." My eyes widen, How am I gonna spare 1000 dollars?!" I ask him he smiles and so do the others, I look at their chives smiles. 

"I'm guessing you forgot we work for a multi-billionaire company, and that Armin works at the cafe for a side job and to take up free time," they say I had completely forgotten about that.

"So I think it'd gonna be easy for us to scrape together a thousand dollars," armins says, taking Erens finished plate.

"Plus it can be a late birthday present," Mikasa says I felt like crying, they would use their paychecks just to help me! I clench my hands that laid on my lap.

"Thank you, thank you all so much. Now I can find out who the father is." I smile at them.

Mikasa grabs the TV and turns it on to the news while she drinks her coffee. I And Leo walk over, I sit down on the floor. Leo sits on my lap, as we watch the news.

"And today with gossip, Last week The multi-billionaire was seen leaving a love hotel. Who was he there to visit?" My eyes widen as they put a photo of the man I slept with.

"Holy shit," I say and look at the Tv in awe.

"Mikasa I found him."

"Huh?" She asks I point to the tv to the photo of him she spits out her coffee in shock. And try to process what happened.

"What?! Y/n you realise that our boss!" Armin erne shouts.

"Huh?!" Armin says look at me.

"So you're telling me I fucked and got pregnant by a multi-billionaire, trone you guys complain about 24/7. The clean freak dipshit head?!" I quickly shout grabbing my head in shock.

"Out of every guy in the world, you fuck him?!" Eren shouts.

"I'm just wondering how," Armin says.

"He's cold, and nothing like you at all. Possibly opposite." Mikasa says.

"No way that Clean freak asshole fucked my baby sister!" Eren shouts.

"Eren you realise i'm older than all of you," I say looking up at him, with a sight glare.

"I don't care yours like my baby sister I have to protect you!" He shouts, I just sigh.

"How am I gonna tell him?" I ask them.

"We can easily get you in next time we have work. You can tell him then, we'll go in his office, and you can tell him then." Armin says.

"Say something like Levi Ackerman I'm carrying your child."

"Mikasa that sound too weird, just go up and say I'm pregnant and you're the father!"

"That sounds too straight forward maybe say it shuttle?"

"Guy, I can do it myself, anyway the thing is when?" I ask them.

"Tomorrow the sooner the better!" Armin says I look at them shocked. They nod.

"Well then, i'll meet Levi Ackerman. The CEO of the Scout One of the biggest company in the world." I say How the hell am I not worried.

'I hope your happy, my child. Your father's a fucking billionaire.'
