
Grays pov

As I wait in the sphere, I see Meredy, Erza, kagura and jellal-ajar are all connected by a pink sensory link that is on each of their left wrist/fore arms

Jellal-ajar has just cast a spell on them in order to make them go to their darkest memories. This has caused their eyes to close, as though they are under hypnosis.

Whilst this is happening, white clouds are puffing up around all of them.

Jellal-ajar falls down suddenly. Not realizing that casting the spell on them, would mean casting the spell on himself too.

"Aaah!" He yells whilst grabbing his head in frustration. For ten minutes I watch as he tries to reverse the spell that the sensory link had caused all four of them to fall into.

"I can't break out of my own spell!" He cries. And I wonder what he is seeing.

Erza and kagura start to cry aloud as their eyes are closed. It's as though they are in another world in their mind. Is that what I looked like when he cast this spell on me?

Then Meredy suddenly screams, Whilst she covers her face, "no! Ultear wouldn't leave us! I loved Ultear like she was my sister!"

I feel my fist clench as I hear Meredy cry alloud. I know what memory she is going through and I can't bear it. Ultear died and saved my life while doing so, just like her mother.

Finally, I let the tears fall. I'm meant to be the MAN. But I feel like a coward! Jellal-ajar yells out, "break the sensory link!"

But Meredy can't respond.

Then jellal-ajar starts crying as his own eyes close and he begins to fall into his own dark memories. I can see that he's going down, just by watching through the sphere of ice I'm trapped in.

"That's it!" Screams jellal-ajar. "I can't take this! Reverse it!"

Then he yells and spreads out his arms, "wave of reverse! Atrion! Take away the darkness and release the foretelling of the future!"

Meredy manages to wake herself up, "What are you doing!" She cries aloud, looking barely conscious as she is on her knees.

"Releasing the foretelling of the future!!" Yells jellal-ajar in a sick and twisted way. "I will remind myself of how I will win! And I don't care what you peasants see!"

Suddenly a huge gast of wind washes over the entire arena and the ice sphere I'm in rolls into a wall but doesn't crack. My heart races out of control. These arms and legs now bruised deeply.

Jellal-ajar is more scared then I thought. The darkness his mind just went through must have been very powerful if it could scare him, considering the darkness and power he's already absorbed into himself.

My head spins, then a huge stream of light shines over the arena and we are all completed blinded for a second.

Then I blink rapidly and then notice that everyone has stopped crying. Erza, Meredy, kagura and jellal have all fallen unconscious, and as I look through the sphere, I can see that Lyon has fallen unconscious too, end soon...So do I.

I fall into a dream. Or rather a vision. It feels so real. Just like the vision I was in when experiencing Juvia's memories. I am standing in the middle of a large camp site. Tents are set up everywhere. I can hear the sounds of laughter and tears, such a strange combination of emotional cries and applause coming from somewhere near these tents. It is night time bad the air feels nice. Which is something's I'd usually never notice.

I walk through a pathway between the tents and I see a camp fire set up.

Almost everyone I know is standing around the campfire and there is tables and outdoor chairs consisting of food all around the spacious area.

Meters away from me, directly across the campfire, I see Natsu and sting with their arms around each other. The fire reflecting off their faces. They are both trying to cheer each other up with laughter and jokes, but I can tell those two Dragon skaters have just been through hell. Lucy is standing beside a girl I can't recognize. She has green hair.
Erza is standing beside jellal and Meredy. She is crying and Meredy is comforting her.

I don't get it. What happened?

Something feels so warm about the atmosphere though. I hear myself then I turn and I see me. A meter on my left and sitting alone. I look older by one or two years.

I have a deep gash in my stomach and I look really torn up physically. Worser wounded than ever.

I see myself staring at someone who is across the other side of the campfire.

I look around, then I spot Juvia. She looks really confused and lost.

Then I see myself stand up, then I hear my selves thoughts. My voice sounds so emotional,

"Now that e.n.d is finally over, I can move on. This war took away some of the people I love, but it didn't take away her. Why isn't she coming towards me like she usually would?" Says the mind of the me, I see.

Then I see myself stand up and approach Juvia. I lightly take her hand and pull her up. She had been sitting beside a rock a meter or two away from Mirajane who was near Lucy.

"Juvia," I hear myself say to her.

I stare at myself talking to her. "I want to be honest with you from now on. I don't want to lie anymore..."

Juvia nods, her cheeks flushing red. And not just because of the camp fire.

I see myself try not to hide my face. But it looks difficult. Then I see myself grasp onto Juvia's hand tighter, almost looking scared,

" Juvia, I....I ...want to always protect you-"

I see tears fall from my eyes and I see myself Start to hyperventilate out of control. As though I'm about to collapse or something.

"Gray Sama!" Exclaims Juvia in worry.
Then I see myself quickly lead her into a private area

I follow quietly, even though no body can see me.

Now we're behind a tent.

"I'm sorry for everything!" I see myself cry. Then my head falls on to her shoulder, "Don't ever die for me again! I lost my mind and almost killed my friends because I thought you had gone forever!"

I am shocked as I watch myself and Juvia shake and cry on to each other.

"J-Juvia promises to always p-protect gray Sama!"

The scene suddenly changes then I see myself and Juvia standing in front of a grave. The words upon the grave make me cry out in shock.

Makarov. Rest in peace. Forever in the hearts of Fairytail.

The scene changes again and this time I see the shadow of a little girl through the distance. She is skipping ahead through the misty fog, "I love you daddy!" She calls out. Another shadow appears beside her, "I know what you're doing and I won't fall for it." Says a man's voice that's so similar to mine. Another shadow appears beside the two and it's a woman's. But before the haze clears and I can see whose shadows they are, I suddenly wake up.

I look around expecting to be back in the sphere, but instead I'm in a pitch black room. I'm lying down on the ground and I can feel that I'm back in my own body.

"Why'd you have to open your mouth again you blonde idiot!" Yells a voice. And I'm pretty sure it's rogues.

"Hey! She didn't choose to born blonde, she was just born that stupid!" Yells a voice I'm pretty sure is Natsu's.

"Excuse me but my stupidity has saved your life countless times!" Yells Lucy's voice.

I snap, "Can yous all shut up! And why is there no light in here?! Where are we?"

"Did you knock your head or something Gray? We're in the den!" Yells rogue. "Now everyone calm down and shut up! How long do I have to repeat this?!"

Natsu whines, then the sounds become muffled, and silence emerges.

Then the dark room becomes even darker and once it does, I hear whispers. Many many whispers.

It feels like we're in a ghost house or something.

"What the hell is going on here?!" I yell.

Suddenly the room brightens up and I realise that I'm in some huge room with tonnes of white crystals and it's packed with people who look real weird. Then rogue turns around and walks towards me. His eyes cold.

Pft, I could take him down in one punch. Especially now that I'm back in my own body.

Then he steps towards me and aggressively pulls me in by my necklace, "If you make one more sound, I'll leave! Do you wanna save these people or not?!"

Then I react out of instinct and raise my elbow then strike him to the floor.
"Don't touch me ever again!"

Rogue chokes while on the floor. I didn't realise how hard I'd hit him.

I want to run out of here now and save Juvia but Lucy and Natsu hold me back, "NOT so fast! Apologize to rogue!" Screams Lucy. She grabs by arm tightly and Natsu pushes in front of me.

Why are they trying to get my way? All I want is to help Juvia, Lyon, Erza and the others!

"Let go of me Lucy!" I demand.
She shakes her head, her eyes determined, then I turn and punch her away feeling pretty bad, but now I can get out of here. I turn to run out the door but I'm met by Natsu glaring at me so darkly, that I can't recognize him. His entire face has changed.

Then he grabs my arm and twists it, I yell in pain, "you're not going anywhere!" He yells.

Shit. Now he wants to fight me. But I really don't have the time. I punch him out of the way with all my might, then rush towards the door..I'm only outside for a few seconds until the sky suddenly darkens. The sky covered with absolute sheets of pure black. There is no light on the street. It turns so black that I am blinded. Out of instinct I turn around then rush back into the den and the room is pitch black.

Inside the den the whispers have returned and every one has turned silent. I know these whispers ain't from people, they sound more like whispers of the wind. They multiply and the sounds grow heavier.

Then I feel a powerful stream of magic strike through me. Like a sudden shock, but it feels good! Like I've had a power up! Shit, is that a good thing?

Then I hear the loudest noise I've ever heard.
The roof starts to shake and I hear crackling.

Then the crystals start to break apart and smash about in the room. I hear people scream and rogue roar something that I can't recognize.

The crystals smash apart more and more. I can tell because of the powerful sound. As though thousands of wine glasses are being smashed by cana at once.

But even whilst this is happening, I am angry and filled with confusion and frustrated, that I still want to run out and find the others.

The crystals smash more and more until they have turned into a sand like substance, then they rise on to the air, and all I hear after that is people screaming. Fuck I'm freaked out!

The den is pitch black as it shakes and I want to make a light really badly, but I get the feeling there's not meant to be one. Well Erza said that everyone was fine. If this is what she meant by dine, then I have to trust that.

Then the entire den smashes apart. The roof cracks and flies off, the walls crumble into nothing and everyone, except me, Natsu and a few others fall to the ground.

Now it is as though we are all standing outside because of this den falling apart. But there's hardly any rumble because it's as though this den turned to ashes that just drifted away.

Even though it is pitch black, my senses are so heightened right now, that they tell me where every one is.

Rogue is sweating and holding his arms up to the sky.

I rush for Lucy and Natsu straight away.

What the hell is rogue doing?

Then the many shadows of magic or whatever that I feel are floating in midair suddenly shoot downwards on to the unconscious people.

I hear loud gasps of shock, then Lucy whispers to me..."it worked. I can feel it too. Rogue has just saved these people..."

I hardly know what Lucy's talking about though.

Then she says, "sorry. You don't have to worry about me and Natsu."

It's pitch black, and I'm wondering when the light will return.

"Go.." Says Lucy. "Help Juvia, she might give up if you're not there."

"But Erzas there with kagura and Meredy."

"But they're fighting against someone in jellals body. They wouldn't be willing to hurt him too bad, but you would. So go. Please."

I sigh, feeling relief then I get up and run through the remains of the smashed dine den.

Even if I have to run to Juvia, through the pitch black, I know I'll get there. I can trust that my senses know where I am going.

I run through the streets in the pitch black. Closing my eyes somehow gives me more confidence.

I know I'll get there.

"Juvia..."I whisper. "Just wait..."
