2~new relation-ships?

Today is my first day of school at crossroads, I can't lie I'm pretty nervous but I'm glad I already made a couple friends. They seem chill.
I took a shower and got dressed. Then posted a picture on instagram.

PYT.Mia- first day flow 🤩
Reniball, shaqironeal And 9,738 others liked...
Mikeywillaims30- Gang🤟🏽
Mearahoneal- baddie😍😛
Reniball- 👀😍
User174- mia you're so pretty!
PYT.mia- @user147 thank you😘
babes.KI- where you go now Bestie?
PYT.mia- @babes.KI crossroads🙂
Babes.KI-  @PYT.mia say swear!

I went downstairs and made some
cereal, after I was done eating I told my mom I was ready and she drove me to school. "Bye honey have a nice day" "thanks ma see you later" I got out the car and walked inside my new school.
When I walked in I immediately bumped into someone causing me to fall. "Shit! My bad" the person says helping me up but when I look up I see shaqir.

"Oh hey shaqir that my fault I wasn't watching where I was going" I smiled
"No it's fine but do you need help finding your way around?" Wow he's not acting shy anymore I thought. "Sure thanks" I handed him my schedule and he led me to my locker, I put everything inside I don't need.
"It looks like you have Ms.Franklin for Ethics, so do I" I nodded "cool" we walked to class and he went to sit. "Hi you must be Mia Johnson" the lady who I'm guessing is Ms.franklin said. "Yes ma'am that's me" "nice to meet you, you can go take a seat next to kiara over there" she pointed to a girl and I sat down.

"Hey I'm mia" I smiled. The girl looked up "kiara?!" "Mia?!" We hugged "omg bestfriend I haven't saw you in forever" I said smiling " I know girl, when'd you move down here?" "A couple days ago! I didn't know you went to crossroads!" "Yes Girl you know I had too, They volleyball team could help me get places" I nodded " I feel you."
"But I'm gone have to introduce you to my homies, they cool people" she nodded "are their names Reni, Mikey, bronny, Mimi, Mearah, And shaqir by any chance?" I laughed. She nodded "ha! Yes those children!" "Well then yes    They're cool asf" "frfr but lemme see your schedule" I handed her my schedule. "Cool, we have 3 classes together" I nodded "that's cool".

Shaqir POV
I was walking to 3rd period with the guys.
"Man why don't you just talk to her"
Mikey said. "I did talk to her This morning" "but I mean TALK to she like tell her how you feel, be chill"
"Man we just met, I can't just tell her I like her" I shook my head. "Fine Ill tell her for you" Bronny said and started running. I chased after him "bro! Don't do that shit" "then go tell her!" Mikey said and pointed. Just great. Mia has gym with us.
We all walked up to Mia, Reni, Mearah, MiMi And Kiara.
"I didn't know you guys knew eachother?!" Reni said surprised. "Yeah we've been bestfriends for 4 years" Kiara said Laughing. They turned around and noticed us. "Hey baby!" Reni jumped on Mikey "heybighead" we laughed. "Hey kiara" Bronny said putting his arm around her, Mia gave her a "that's you?" Look and she nodded. "Y'all cute" Mia smiled and Bronny just kissed all over her face.
"So mia, you play any sports?" I asked. "Yeah I play basketball and run track" she smiled "that's cool, imma have to buss you in 1v1 soon" i said laughing "we'll see bout that" She said laughing as well.
Skip to after school
Today wasn't that bad and shaqir actually Talked to me so that's cool, I think I might like him. He's pretty chill.
My phone dings meaning someone texted me.
Qir🤟🏽💙- 🎱?
Mia😻- oh you wanna get Beat Beat
Qir🤟🏽💙- HahA 😐 We'll see
I eventually beat him and ofc he was butt hurt!😂😂
Incoming Factime from... Qir🤟🏽💙
I answered
"Hey my son" I smiled "what you my son" he laughed "that's not what that 8ball game said" "shut up" he said stale facing me, making me dye😭💀.

For the rest of the night we stayed up and talked on the phone, I'm pretty sure I didn't go to sleep till bout 3😩 I'm gone be tired asf at school🤦🏽‍♀️.
