OC Profile Page

OC Name: Seraph Uriel (or Uri by those he likes)

Angel Ranking: Seraphim, the highest order of angels.

Age before becoming an Angel: 16

Note: Can no longer visibly age any further. Can not die of old age. CAN be killed, but not by normal means (will be explained further in the future). Essentially immortal. 

Appearance: The picture above.

Likes: cats, animals, God, humans, music, singing, cooking, kids, helping people, healing people, sweets, tea, and beautiful things.

Dislikes: evil doers, loud noises, scary things, seeing people hurt, sin, neglectful people, bitter things. 

Personality: Uriel, or Uri, is a shy and quiet angel. He yearns to be loved and cared for, however, due to being so often neglected in his past life, and knowing no one at the start of his time in his new world, he is touch starved, and becomes startled and nervous when initiating physical contact with others at the start of his time as an angel. He eventually gets used to it, however, it takes time and lots of love and attention. Coincidentally, he loves cuddles when he gets used to a person. He easily gets lonely, and likes to spend his time listening to peoples prayers and keeping watch over followers of God. Uri is kind and sweet, and appears to strangers as a regal and powerful angel. When he is doing the work of God and standing up for what he believes in, he demonstrates the fierce and strong aura of a Seraphim, but despite this he remains compassionate and benevolent. Uriel possesses a natural charisma that draws people towards him, and as a Seraphim, his presence heals others. Uriel will always help those in need, and when he sees a human struggling, he does his best to help them. 


- Immortality (practically impossible to kill)

- Invulnerability (DOES have a weakness, will be discovered later)

- extensive healing (can heal LITERALLY anything)

-chronokinesis (time manipulation, basic level)

- holy light

- super strength

- reality warping (basic)

- angelic possession (basic)

- superior wings (has 6 wings, usually only shows one pair though, wings are more powerful than Thanagarians)

-telepathy (basic, mostly uses this to hear mental prayers)

-teleportation (basic and rarely used)

- weather manipulation (basic, Uri has little control over this power and weather typically reacts with his emotions)

- near omnipotence (has a knowledge of almost everything in this new world, doesn't really use it though lol)

- Invisibility (cannot control this ability AT ALL, so ability took a form that stemmed from last life, THIS IS THE TWIST, and well, you'll all see what it means next chapter;)

-All this and MORE, you will see in future chapters;)

Note: Along with these powers, Seraph Uriel also occasionally sees off those who's time has come to the gates of heaven, there will be a chapter in the future about it.

More will be learned about Uriel in future chapters. I will be posting the next chapter of this story over the weekend. At the beginning of each chapter, readers can expect short passages or phrases from the bible that may or may not allude to the coming chapter. 

The information where I got all the powers Seraphim typically have is from the website Unnatural World Wiki, I couldn't get the website link to paste but it was under Seraphim. I did want to give it some recog because it was very helpful.

I know Uriel seems pretty OP from all the powers he has, but it's not totally out of the ordinary. I mean, he's a frickin ANGEL! But, he is still new to everything, so a lot of his powers are at the basic level, and he has trouble using some of them. So, he really won't be THAT OP in the story. I didn't bother putting in profiles for the other characters because they are already known from the show Young Justice. 

Hope y'all enjoyed this Profile, and I'll see yah this weekend! 
