11-New Cities Rising

((Hello! Are you ready for this chapter's question? It involves one of my personal favorite characters-

Do you think Shinsou will be a soldier like Katsuki and Ejiro? A healer like Mina? A spellbinder? What are your thoughts?

Also, I swear, I don't know why some of these chapters take longer to write than others. I get at least a few paragraphs written out a day. Obviously I try for more. It took a month to get chapter 9 out and then only a week for chapter 10. At first I wanted consistency and to say I'd publish bi-weekly or something. But honestly, I'd rather just publish the second I feel a chapter is ready. It's feeling more genuine. I have a nice little plot line mapped out and am excited to see the story unfold as much as you. Chapter 10 I had to split into two chapters actually because what I had down as a one sentence prompt turned into a bit more, so here we are. Enjoy!))


The next morning was not a pleasant one. Izuku woke to a headache that seemed to be threatening to crack his skull clean in half.
The omega groaned as he blinked, tugging the pillow out from under his head and instead pulling it firmly over his face. The dim light in the tent felt like it was stabbing him in his poor, sensitive eyes.
There was a shuffling sound outside of the tent and the omega heard Katsuki's gruff voice. "Oi, you alive in there?"
The alpha heard a groan for confirmation and grinned. He was quite familiar with the sound of someone regretting their overzealous drinking from the night prior.
"Stonehead told me how much you drank last night. Figured you might need something to help. I'm coming in." The alpha warned as he unfastened the tent flap and entered the tent, bright morning light streaming in after him.
Izuku moaned in pain, scrunching his eyes up more and curling away from the light.
"Oh come now! You've suffered worse!" The blonde snorted, tugging the pillow from the reluctant omega's grasp. He replaced the pillow with a small wooden cup. "Drink up," he ordered.
Izuku looked suspiciously at the drink, unsure of it's contents. "Drink first. Ask after. Try to get it all in one go." Katsuki said, reading the greenette's mind.
Reluctantly, Izuku complied, lifting the cup to his lips without smelling and downing it's contents all at once.
A moment later, he was coughing and beating at his chest with one hand as his throat constricted, trying not to let the concoction passed.
"Wh-what the hell was th-that?" The omega spluttered after a moment. Katsuki stood over him, shrugging nonchalantly.
"Two raw eggs, some ginger, ginseng tea, and hot pepper flakes."
"And th-that s-stuff really h-helps?" Izuku asked, trying to decide if he'd hated the texture or the taste of the vile hangover cure more.
A sly grin appeared on the alpha's face. "Well, the first three ingredients help the headache. But the chilli flakes are just for some added flavor."
Izuku made a face as he tried to get the remaining hot flavor out of his mouth by running his tongue over his teeth. "I s-see n-now why you're n-not one of the c-camp's c-cooks." The omega grimaced.
That caused the alpha to snort as he took the empty cup back from Izuku and offered a hand to help the still sitting omega up to his feet.
"I take my turn on kitchen duty when I don't have other duties, like keeping my eye on you. I make a mean beef stew." The blonde said with a wolfish smile.
"If b-by mean you mean it m-makes people mad after eating i-it? Then I b-believe you." Izuku said, rubbing his forehead. He still felt terrible, but now he felt terrible and his mouth was on fire.
But he accepted the alpha's hand and stumbled to his feet. His head pounded, his stomach felt like it was twisted in knots, his eyes were sensitive to sunlight... And it couldn't be helped. Izuku did his best to roll up his mat then he helped Katsuki tear down the tent and tie it in it's pack.
The omega noticed that the tent Katsuki and Ejiro had been sharing was already packed up and gone, but Ejiro himself was nowhere in sight.
Frowning, Izuku inquired where the red headed alpha was. He'd always been nearby to greet Izuku with a smile in the morning.
Katsuki pursed his lips and made a sour looking expression. "Captain Tensei sent him on ahead this morning. He was alread gone when I woke up. It's just you and me today. But don't worry, I know what you need once we get passed the gates."

Izuku stared dejectedly down at the ground. While some parts of the previous night were a little hazy, he remembered his request for a kiss and Ejiro's rejection as clear as day. Had the alpha gone and asked his captain to relinquish his duties of protecting Izuku until they reached the city? Had Izuku's request truly made him that uncomfortable?
Or is it the thought kissing me, specifically? I know he said male omega's are desired in Aveandor, but what if even now, I'm not good enough? Izuku wondered, letting his thoughts trail into more and more negative ones.

Izuku refused any breakfast once he and Katsuki got to the cook pits. The smell of food was repugnant to him, and the greenette feared he would be sick. So, instead he opted to go wait by the horses, wanting to see the dappled grey he had been riding. The horse was a mare and Izuku had found out, after begging Katsuki to find out for him, that her name was Meggara. But Izuku called her Maggie for short

While Katsuki enjoyed eating his breakfast within eye sight of the omega, making faces to show how delicious the food was, Izuku tried his best to ignore the teasing alpha and tried to brush Maggie instead.

Once the horse's coat was free of dirt and shiny, the omega moved on to her main, deftly working to untangle a knot with his quick fingers. He tried his best to focus only on his task as he heard the now familiar sounds of the battalion's camp being broken down and the excited chatter of soldiers as they talked about what they were each planning on doing first upon returning home.
Some spoke of seeing their families, others of returning to their favorite taverns and inns for comfort food they had missed. A group of four soldiers walking passed Izuku spoke animatedly about reserving a a room in a tea house and guessed at how long they would have to wait to get in.
The omega found that conversation odd. How hard could it be to get tea? Surely it was no harder than getting ale at a tavern, or savory stew at an inn?
Like a best slowly awakening from hibernation, the camp finally was ready to move out an half an hour later. Katsuki deftly swung the molded leather saddle on the dappled grey, tying Izuku's tent and pack to her back behind the saddle. The omega couldn't help but appreciate how effortlessly the alpha made putting the heavy saddle on look.
The greenette had quickly learned how to mount the stead smoothly, thanks to the pointers from the blonde. But today, he struggled to even get one foot in the stirrup. His hand-eye coordination was a joke as his head continues to torment him. Izuku squeezed his eyes shut as the pounding amplified for a moment. "Hey, hey there! That's how you get dragged by one foot, stop it!" Katsuki stepped in, worried at just how hungover Izuku was. The blonde had been enjoying himself during the previous night's festivities. Ejiro had told him to have fun and promised to watch Izuku after Katsuki had kept an eye on the omega for several hours. The blonde had agreed. But now, he regretted doing so. He would have never let Izuku get to such a state.
"Do us both a favor and don't be stubborn, kay?" He asked, untangling the omega from the stirrup. Izuku nodded before bowing his head in defeat. Two powerful hands grasped his waist and the omega was gently lifted up and onto Meggara'a saddle. Katsuki slipped Izuku's feet into the stirrups. Then, after eyeing the omega and seeing how he hunched forward in discomfort, eyes once more closed, the alpha opted to tie an additional rope around the omega, securing Izuku in place before grabbing the reigns to lead the horse himself.
"I'll steer." The red eyed alpha states when Izuku tried to protest and reach for the reigns himself. "You want to be fresh and rested once we get into the city, right? So just wrap your arms around your horse and lean against her. Rest. Take a nap. I don't care, just relax. That's the only job you have. Got it?"
While his cheeks colored a little in embarrassment for being coddled, Izuku was greatful. "G-got it." He said meekly, as he let his body drop forward and he burring his face in Meggara's mane.
Thinking back, Izuku hadn't seen Katsuki act so... Maternal. He was always so gruff, so willing to fight. If he hadn't been so miserable, the omega would have appreciated how kind Katsuki was being right then.

The two set out with the rest of the army, the sun having just crossed over the tops of some mountains to the north. The sky was cloudy, and the sun could not decide if it wanted to be be shrouded by the clouds or not as it kept poking out from them for a few minutes before disappearing and causing shadows to fall across the road again and again.
Izuku did not notice this though. He was in a state of half consciousness as his horse clopped along the dirt road towards the capital. After several hours, word spread throughout the marching soldiers that the small dot on the horizon they could just make out was the city of Aveandor. A crescent shaped patch of green trees called the King's Wood surrounded part of the city.
Izuku blinked his eyes open and sat up just long enough to spot what everyone was talking about, but the city was still so far away, he sank back down against his horse's neck, sighing. He could look later.
The army stopped for a brief lunch once the sun was at it's highest peak, covered in clouds as it was. The sky was getting darker to the west and the clouds were turning from white to grey.
Katsuki gave Izuku some jerky and bread, which the omega was reluctant to touch. But seeing the worry behind the alpha's stern expression made the omega relent and try a mouthful of the food.
Unfortunately, he hadn't been ready for it. The queezy omega stumbled to his feet and ran to the nearest bush where he emptied the contents of his stomach, little as it was.
The camp healer had seen Izuku boot up from his spot and she wandered over to him and Katsuki as the somewhat paler looking omega sat back down again.
"Everything alright over here? Feeling sick?" She asked, eyeing Izuku up and down as the boy shook his head, embarrassed to say why he was so queezy. Katsuki had no such hesitations to speak up though. "The green bean went a little hard with the liquor last night," he explained with a shrug. "I see," Mina said with an apologetic smile. "And I'm sure the excitement for today isn't helping. Well, I'll get some mint tea with honey to help your stomach out for now. Once we get to the city, I told Ejiro where to take you, so you'll be fine."
Izuku shifted uncomfortably in his seat, but he couldn't bring himself to speak. He was too drained.
"Stone-for-brains went on ahead of us this morning. We aren't sure why. But the Captain told me to take care of everything once we get through the gates."
Because Ejiro doesn't want to so much as even look at me now, the omega thought, frowning.
Mina took the frown to mean the omega was not confident in Katsuki's abilities to help once in the city. She sat down beside the omega, nudging his shoulder with her fist in a reassuring manner. "Come on, Katsuki's not that bad of a guide! But I'll tag along with you if it helps. Once we get through the gates, we have to head to the Spark the get you registered. Oh, and we should stop at The Mills too afterwards! You'll love the lavender mochi at this one confectioners shop! And I'm dying to show you the Sapphire Dance Hall!"

"Pinky, would you calm down?" Katsuki complained as the pink haired girl rambled on excitedly.
"Th-there are m-mills in the city?" Izuku asked, having understood nothing of what the girl had said except for that part. Maybe he could get a job at the mills. After all, it was what he knew how to do. But the omega's hopes were dashed when Katsuki shook his head, explaining, "That's just what we call the market district. It's a stupid name really. Never made any damn sense to me."
Mina gave a haughty sniff and a glared at the alpha as she stood up, brushing dirt from her skirts. "It's a clever name! The Mills are The Mills because patrons mill about while doing their shopping! Anyway, I'll go get that mint tea. You two do your best to behave yourselves. We'll be moving again soon, so I need to hurry."

The female omega returned as warriors began getting to their feet and strapping their packs back to their backs. In her hands was a small ceramic mug with steam coming from it.
"Here, this will do you some good, for your stomach if nothing else," she said sympathetically as she handed over the cup.
Izuku's eyes trailed worriedly over the alphas around them who were getting ready to march. The tea was too hot to down in a few gulps.
"For the love of the gods," Katsuki could read the worry in Izuku's eyes. "Blow on it and drink when you can. We can ride at the back of the company if we need to, or even catch up. You're not going to do yourself any favors by looking like a half dead rat when we get to the city." The omega simply did as he was told, blowing on the hot tea as he clutched the cup to him like some precious treasure. Even though the day was not necessarily cold, he clung to the warmth the tea provided. After several minutes, he was able to take a tentative sip. When the mint did not cause an adverse reaction, the omega greatfully sipped on the comforting drink until it was gone. As soldiers passed by them, Katsuki tossed the cup into the top of one of Meggara'a saddle bags since Mina had disappeared again to keep an eye on her medical supplies as they were hauled away.

Once more, the blonde helped Izuku up into the saddle, which the omega was thankful for. He was in too much pain to be embarrassed, as his head and stomach reminded him far too frequently.
The greenette wearily let himself fall forward to rest against his horse's neck, wrapping one arm around the mare's neck, and clutching his pained stomach with the other while his guard strode in front, holding the lead rope.

The wind began to pick up as the army marched through grassy flatlands, making tall yellowed grasses whip about on either side of the road that the soldiers marched down, kicking up a constant trail of dust around them. The clouds drew closer together, covering the sun's daily descent, and the skies grew dark.
The high spirits that had kept the soldier's steps light and quick were replaced by grim determination and harsh, heavy march to try to beat the rains that could be seen showering down behind them.
Aveandor grew steadily closer, taking shape as a large city that seemed to spill over it's tall grey brick walls. But as quickly as the city approached, the rain approached even faster, overtaking the battalion of warriors. The heavens did not hold back as cold hard rain poured down relentlessly, trying to soak ever inch of fabric used to cover anyone caught out in the open. Izuku shivered as he clung to his
his mount. Katsuki trudged doggedly on, keeping his head down and saying nothing. Not that his words would have been heard anyway in the loud downpour. There were no trees, no places to shelter for one, let alone hundreds. The road grew muddy and those further back in the line of soldiers had to deal with more churned uneven ground than those nearer the front.
After several more cold, wet hours, the city walls rose above the battalion of soldiers, growing taller and more impressive with each passing step.
Izuku, bedraggled as he was, marveled at the sheer size of the walls. They stood an impressive twenty-five feet tall. Carved granite blocks fit together with such precision that it was hard to find the seams between many stones.  The rock used was white granite with red and pink quarts veins running through it. The rain helped make the walls glossier in appearance. With how flat and seamless the walls were, Izuku was certain that it would be very difficult for any unwanted visitors to scale them. Guard towers were built into the wall on either side of the massive rot-iron gates, which were raised up to allow the King's army to pass. Narrow slots, known as arrow slits, were carved into the stone walls near their highest points to allow for hidden archers to target enemies. Guards stood to attention on either side of the road framed by the arching gateway leading into Aveandor. Katsuki and Izuku were about three quarters of the way nearest to the back of the company of warriors, so the sopping omega did not hear the exchange between Captain Tensei and the Captain of the Guard who had stepped forward to meet the army as they had come to a stop before the city walls. As the warriors began to cross through the gates a cheer could be heard ringing out from within the city's walls. It grew in volume the closer to the gates Izuku and Katsuki got and the sound took on a sort of rhythm that seemed to keep time to the pounding in the greenette's head.
Even with the pain he was in, Izuku was determined to make a good first impression on the city inhabitants. He pushed himself into a sitting position and blinked to keep his eyes focused.
Once Katsuki had led the grey horse and her rider passed the saluting guards and under the shadow of the arching gateway, Izuku's jaw dropped. He couldn't't help it, for he had never seen such a sight before.
In the village of Wïerarn, all of the houses had been made of logs and wooden boards with thatched roofs. But the buildings inside the city walls were made of stone and brick. Izuku was accustomed to single-story buildings. Sure, he had been told there was a castle with tall towers in the center of Aveandor when he was young. But he has never considered that the simplist of houses in this truly massive city would be at least three stories tall, and stacked one beside another with just enough space between for maybe a chicken coop or goat pen in between. The further in they marched, the taller the houses and shops grew in height. But the roofs appeared to be mostly flat, slanted just enough that water ran down one side. This, as Katsuki explained to Izuku, was an intentional design to allow easy footing for archers to climb onto rooftops during an invasion and, even if an enemy were to take control of the first buildings by the city walls, they would still have to face archers on taller buildings with advantage further in.
Izuku could see stalls all around a large square that they entered, but they were all closed down, seeing as the rain was still coming down like crazy. But signs above doorways showed pictures of inns, bakeries and taverns.
And during this time, Aveandoreans cheered on their soldiers for their return. But where did they cheer from? Izuku was awestruck by the hundreds of betas and omegas who waved streamers and simple flags from the shelter of their doorways and in windows overlooking the main road.
"We normally have a parade to welcome us home " the blonde alpha told Izuku as the omega turned one way and then another in his saddles trying to take in the sights. "But this damn weather's fucked everything up. Still, you can see how supportive the city is. Welcome to The Mills. This is the first district anyone ever finds here. It's the main market. There are also a lot more inns here for travelers than most other districts. "Other? You mean there's more?" The omega blurted out, incredulous. Everywhere his neck turned, he saw more and more shops. When he looked into the distance, his eyes were met with taller walls and yet more buildings. To his surprise, there were what appeared to be hills in parts of the city, raising some buildings up in clusters.
People waved infaticaly and Izuku couldn't help but shyly wave back, picking up some of the excitement in the air.
As they wound their way through cobbled streets, Izuku started to see the empty stalls and shops disappear, only to be replaced by larger, yet simpler looking buildings. They seemed to have moved into a different section of the city and alphas, heedless of the weather, lined the streets, cheering and howling their support or Captain Tensei's soldiers for their first successful trip out into the kingdom. "This is The Spark," Katsuki continued his role of tour guide with a hint of pride in his voice.
"This is where Ei and me call home! It's the best damn district we got! This is where the army lives, in a bunch of barracks. We also have training yards, a small section of our stables, armory buildings, you name it! And look! Everyone you see here has been part of the army for longer than our group. So be respectful, got it?"
Izuku didn't have to be told to be respectful. He wondered how anyone could dare to be anything but respectful around such intimidating looking people! Unlike in The Mills where there were grinning adults and laughing, cheering youngsters, in The Spark, the alphas lining the streets despite the rain to show their support had stoic expressions. They looked the definition of "disciplined." One blonde haired alpha with startling blue eyes and the air of a oeader raised a fist in the air and shouted an order. In response, the rest of the silent warriors stomped the ground in time, marching in place but following the rhythm of the soldiers returned home at last as the procession continued further along into the military district.
Finally, the company came to a halt. Katsuki crained his head forward and muttered a few choice curses under his breath. Captain Tensei was addressing his subordinates, but with the combined noise of water dropplets pummeling the ground and the distance between the soldiers near the rear versus the front of the snaking line of soldiers, neither Katsuki norel Izuku could hear a thing. But when warriors raised swords in the air and began to woops and shout, Katsuki joined in wholeheartedly. Izuku did not feel it was his place to cheer as well. This was a triumphant return for the newest generation of King's Men. A routine training camp had turned into a rescue and retrieval mission. New as they were to this life as soldiers, the warriors had earned the right to be called just that-warriors.
Those who had lined the streets now converged on the sodden soldiers, greeting family, friends, and strangers alike and congratulating them on their return.
Katsuki glanced up at Izuku who was swaying in his saddle while fighting to stay upright. The alpha sighed wearily. He wanted to join in on the festivities that would be happening in the main army mess hall. But first, he needed to get his stubborn ward to a safe place to rest. The blonde alpha steered his way slowly through the crowd of soldiers, inching his way along the road. "You don't have to sit upright you know, stubborn idiot." The alpha admonished, loud enough for Izuku to hear over the noise of the crowd. The omega bit his lip, looking around worriedly. He didn't want anyone to think lowly of him, not on his first time entering the city. It was all the omega could do to stay upright. His head felt like it was going to burst. He thought being surrounded by a camp full of alphas was intense before. But the smell of so many alphas living in tight quarters in The Spark had the omega's head reeling. He wanted to curl up in a ball. But part of him also wanted to inhale the smell of pure strength all around him. It was intoxicating.
The alpha spat on the ground in annoyance he struggled and failed to make a path through the crowd at first. Everyone around the horse and two humans were too swept up in the festivities to make enough room for Katsuki to lead the grey mare through them. Mildly irritated  the alpha started pushing his way passed people, barking loud orders for them to "move out of the way damnit!"His more aggressive actions startled Izuku, but they did not appear to offend anyone who had lest they get stomped on.
The blonde managed to get a few blocks away from the main throng of soldiers and began to tie Meggara to a post outside of a grey brick building. "Come on, we've got to get you registered if you're going to stay here." The alpha said, reaching a hand up to help the greenette slide down off of the steed. The omega blinked, a bit slow to register the words, but nodded and accepted the hand as he swung his left leg over the horse and slipped down, wobbling a bit as his feet found the solid ground. "Still got that headache?" Katsuki asked, brows scrunching up, though in concern or annoyance the omega could not tell. Izuku just nodded meekly. "From now on, I'm cutting you off after half a drink if this is how your body reacts." Izuku protested that it was his first time! How was he supposed to know his limits? But the blonde just shook his head and trudged up to the grey brick building's doorway. Flanked on either side of the door were two guards, who nodded to Katsuki as he strode up to a thick oaken door  "Come on. That's a topic for later. Gotta make you a proper citizen here." Izuku followed, frowning. "B-but I am a-a citizen." He argued, thurrowly confused. "I'm no good explaining this kind of shit. This was supposed to be Ei's thing, blast him." Katsuki grumbled, loud enough for Izuku to hear him over the pouring rain, almost sounding apologetic as he banged on the door twice before shoving the door open and ushering the omega in. "I'll let the historians explain that."
Once the large oak door shut behind them, the omega noticed how the noise of the celebrating warriors and the cascading rain was cut off.
The building's walls were thick. There was a large iron and pack slab resting by the door, ready to be slotted into place to bar the door from intruders. If it was anything like the rest of The Spark, it was built to withstand heavy attack.
There were lit candles lining the walls. Row after row of bookcases filled the room that the duo had stepped into. All manner of scrolls, soft leather bound manuscripts, and thick, hard-molded leather books filled each and every shelf. Izuku had seen only a handful of books in his lifetime. Neito Monamo had once proudly showed them off to Izuku and Kendo when they were only five or six summers old, claiming that they were books detailing a history of the greatest alpha heros. The children had begged the mayor to read to them and Neito's father had obliged, regaling the children with Stories of Yashido the Just, Vigaldo the Stoic, and of course, Izuku's favorite hero, All Might the Invincible. It had turned out only one of those books has been actual stories. The rest were ledgers detailing yearly taxes and what product and harvest the villagers brought in yearly. But that hadn't mattered to the kids at the time. Their heads had been filled with epic battles and adventure.
Because of the labor involved that went into making them, any written word was considered highly valuable. So the omega could understand why this building was guarded. It may as well have been a treasury housing mountains of gold!
Izuku wondered what so many books and scrolls held. He was led forward by Katsuki to a desk in the center of the room. It had a messy stack of papers on one side and the largest ledger the omega had ever seen paying closed on the other. Sitting behind the desk he had expected to find a wizen old historian with a long white beard that maybe even touched the floor. But instead, a tall young woman, very likely Izuku's age, with black hair pulled back into a tight ponytail sat behind the desk, her nose in a book. A falcon's feather stuck out of her ponytail and the omega wondered if it was some fashion trend. As they approached, she pulled a ribbon from her pocket and tucked it into the book, marking her place before setting the script down and looking up, elbows on the desk, fingers pressed together, expectanly.
"Well, Katsuki Bakugou. I hadn't expected to find you waltzing in here. I certainly hope you aren't expecting to borrow any more of our cherished tomes. You do recall that you're banned from doing so for another two years, yes?" The girl's voice was calm yet authoritative as she spoke.
To Izuku's surprise, the alpha's face turned bright red and his response was barely restrained as he ground out " 'Course I remember! I'm not fucking stupid!" The young woman raised a critical eyebrow. "Well, if you weren't being stupid, how do you explain the half burned- half drown scrolls you ruined? Those were precious scrolls, filled with the great General Anahitzo's most ingenious battle strategies and military flanking positions! Gone! Completely gone!"
The woman stood now, pointing an accusing finger at Katsuki as she leaned over the desk, indignation and anger flashing in her dark eyes.
Izuku took a timid step back, not wanting to get in the way of whatever was happening. "I already told you! That wasn't any fucking fault of mine! I was sitting beside the fountain in my family's courtyard and a clumsy servant walked by with a lot candle and a spark fell on the pile of across beside me! I saved the one I was reading, but those old things are so damn dry they caught fire so quick! The only way to put them out was to dunk them-"
"-Dunk them in the fountains." The woman inturupted, nodding tersely. "Yes I know. You tell me every time."
"And I've told you it was an accident! Those were damn good scrolls. I didn't mean for them to get ruined. And my family paid you back for them! I wrote out what I could remember and transcribed what was still legible!"
The girl tisked, not backing down. "Well the boss may be fine with you coming in here, but that doesn't mean I'm breaking my promise. You don't' get to check out anything under my watch! And I'm not letting you anywhere near the library while you're dripping a puddle onto my floors! So go ahead and just turn around!"
Izuku couldn't help the small smile that twitched at the corners of his mouth. This person tisked in the same manner as Katsuki. It was quite amusing to see, if not still worrisome.

Katsuki shoved an indignant thumb behind him, pointing to Izuku. "If you'd stopped to ask, I would have fucking told you I'm not here for reading. I'm here for him. So get out whatever papers you need to scribble down his papers. He's moving to The Embers soon as the queen sees him." That made the woman finally take notice of Izuku. Completely forgetting about the silently seething Katsuki, she promptly sat back down, motioning for Izuku to step forward before flipping open the massive book Izuku had noticed early. With a practiced motion, the girl plucked the feather she had stuck in her hair out. A metal quil tip glinted on the end of the feather and she dipped the quil in a little ink pot. Changing from her previously cross expression, she now smiled warmly as the omega hesitantly walked up in front of her desk. Katsuki moved off to the side. "Hello there! A pleasure to meet you. I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. You may call me Momo, so long as you don't destroy any property like your friend here." "Oh, u-u-um, n-nice to meet you, M-momo." The omega stammered nervously. "M-my name's Iz-Iuku M-midoriya." "What a nice name!" Momo smiled. "Now, how do you spell that? What town are you from? Were you born in our kingdom? And were your parents betas like you?"
The greenette stared blankly at the young woman as she held her feather quil at the ready. "I told you, he's staying in The Embers. He's no beta." Katsuki said, crossing his arms, clearly happy to have taken back some control in the conversation. Registering the information with a  few rapid blinks, Momo seemed to look at Izuku with more interest. She and Katsuki spoke, their exchange foreign to the omega.
"He's an omega?"
"Didn't I just say that?"
"Then you know he'll just be moved to the castle right away. Why even mention The Embers?"
"He'll be where he wants to be. And the castle won't be it."
"Where he wants? Or where the king wants?"

The king? Wasn't the queen the one who was in charge of the omegas? That's what Mina had told me, Izuku thought, bewildered.

Katsuki stepped up next to Izuku. "He'll live in the Embers. Just you wait and see." He said confidently, eyes locked with Momo's.
Momo's smile turned amused. "And I'll grow wings and fly."
"I'll make you a bet."
"Oh? And what would that be?" There was a tone of interest to the girl's words.
"If he gets into The Embers, you let me use the library to it's full extent and let me in after hours. If he goes to the castle, you add another year into my ban from borrowing things."
Momo's eyes narrowed. "No. I don't get anything out of that. And if you think I'm giving you a key to the place, you are sorely mistaken."
"Fine," Katsuki countered. "You let me borrow books again like anyone else. But if you win, I also come and sweep the floors once a week while here."
The girl considered for a moment, then stuck out a hand to shake on the matter. "Deal! It's on!"
Katsuki shook, smiling, though Izuku swore there was something sly hidden behind his expression.
"Um, g-guys? What's th-the Embers?" He asked, finally feeling he could chime in again.

Both Momo and Katsuki turned to face him, but Momo replied before Katsuki could get a word out. "Just as The Spark builds up and trains our strongest warriors, making them ready to leap into action in a moment, as a spark leaps out to set a forest ablaze, so too, The Embers house the majority of our city's  omegas. For the Embers in a harth bring warmth and life, sustaining those around them. Now," the girl plopped back down onto her seat and once more picked up her quil. She flipped to a different section of the massive book before her. Katsuki was aware, though Izuku was not, that she had flipped from the beta section, to the omega section of the great book."How do you spell your name, Izuku? Do you start with an 'E' or and 'I'?"
The greenette's cheeks colored and he looked down at the book before him. "I-I d-don't kn-know." He stammered, his words bearly audible. "I'm sorry, did you say and 'I'?" She asked, scribbling the first letter down. Katsuki, who was still beside Izuku, heard him better and realization dawned on his face. He put a hand on the omega's shoulder, turning the embarrassment looking boy towards him. "Green bean, do you not know how to read or write?"
Izuku shook his head, abashed. The alpha noticed that even his ears were turning a bright red and frowned. "I-I'm sorry! I sh-should have t-told y-you!" The omega squeaked, his stammer worse than ever in his anxious state.
"What?" The blonde blinked, confused, then shook his head, still gripping the greenette's shoulder. "No! I'm not mad at you, dumbass. Why'd you think to tell us? It never came up in conversation. No, I'm pissed at your father for not teaching you! I saw the sign on his mill, listing services and prices. There was a fresh sign seeking an apprentice underneath. And in the same hand writing, he had another sign outside your family's house telling people to not disturb him at hime. The man could write, and read all right."
"H-he taught me s-sums." The omega offered, shrinking a little under the alpha's glare. "D-d-didn't want m-me getting s-swindled if h-he w-wasn't there when I-I w-was working the m-mill."
"Course he did! Because that benefited him! But what about you? Fucking arrogant bastard, keeping you in the dark. I wish I could knock him out again!"
Izuku brought a hesitant hand up, resting it on the blonde's. Katsuki loosened his grip, realizing he must have been squeezing too hard. "Oh, sorry," he mumbled, pulling his hand away.
Momo cleared her throat. "Well, I can assure you that everyone in Aveandor learns how to read and write. You'll be no exception. I'll go ahead and give you the prettiest looking spelling for your name, alright?" Izuku nodded mutely, realizing just how hot his cheeks felt and he swayed a little on his feet. "Could we hurry this up?" Katsuki asked, not pleased with how worn out his charge looked. "It's been a long journey for him. I wanna get him to an inn so he can rest."
Momo paused in her scribbling long enough to cock an eyebrow at the alpha. "Careful Bakugou, you're starting to sound concerned for someone." "Shut up you scrawny bitch!" Katsuki snapped, but his words only made Momo smirk as she got back to writing. "Lean on me if you have to." The alpha said, his words gentler as they were pointed to Izuku now. The omega, for his part, was too bone-tired to protest, taking a tentative step towards the alpha before he was leaning against the taller male, one tanned arm wrapping securely around the slightly off balance boy. Izuku had grown used to the help and security that both Ejiro and Katsuki had offered him on the journey and he thought little of it, trying instead to focus on answering all of Momo's questions. He told her of his birthplace- Wïerarn, of his parentage, when he presented, previous occupation, and a few miscellaneous details that he couldn't remember once he and Katsuki were done. To his surprise, once she had finished asking him about his own family she had flipped to another section of the book and traced one finger along a line of names. She then proceeded to ask him to list members of his village and their second gender. Every now and then, she woukd stop him and write something down. Once it seemed he was done answering questions, Momo pulled a little rag out from the folds of her clothes and began cleaning the ink off of her quil. "Very good. That's all the information I will need of you for now.
"D-do you m-mind if I ask why y-you ask these qu-questions, M-miss Momo?" Izuku asked politely, still leaning slightly on Katsuki for balance.
"Well," Momo explained, sticking the now clean feather pen back in her hair, "You see, every five years, census takers journey throughout the kingdom, recording all of the kingdom's inhabitants. This helps us for many reasons. If there is ever famon or plague, we can better know how many are effected and how to help. We can then seek out alphas and, when they turn fifteen, share the King's decree that they must join the army for four years, after which they can choose to stay on, return home, or go elsewhere as they please. Likewise, omegas are offered the chance to come to the Capitol when they are twelve. Here they are taught all of the soft arts and upon turning sixteen, they choose to either return home, or continue on with their lessons and become full fledged Omhana- professional omegas who are skilled in the soft arts of dance, music, entertainment, conversation, and diplomacy."
Izuku's head spun, and not just from his headache.

Omegas are offered the chance to come to the Capitol when they are twelve.

Those words repeated themselves in the omega's head. "B-but I w-was never t-told about that b-before!" He blurted out. Katsuki 's face was grim. "Exactly. You told Ei and me that you presented when you were nine, right?" The omega nodded slowly, still not fully understanding. Katsuki continued, "that was six years ago. The last census was three years ago. Census takers only make notes of those who have presented. Not all children make it to their presenting year, so they are not recorded. But you were skipped over. Which means your village lied and kept you hidden away during the last census, which is illegal."
"B-but why would th-they do that?" Izuku asked. Momo shrugged. "Misplaced shame, most likely, and greed. Some villages hide their children if the families are afraid of losing their first born. But the family's are sent small stipends during the time of the children's training. It's not equal to what the children would bring in if they were apprenticed, like you were, to your father."
"I w-was no ap-apprentice." The omega said bitterly. "M-my father used m-me for labor but p-planned on selling the m-mill when he g-grew too old."
"That is unfortunate." Momo admitted. "But I have fixed the records for your old village. You need never talk of it again if you do not wish too. At least, not once the queen is done speaking with you. She likes to know the story of all omegas who come to the city. Your timing here is most fortunate. You should be able to see her in just three days time, at the beginning of the new moon. That is the day the queen welcomes all new omega's to the castle every month. From there, with the queen's guidance, you will find out the best placement for you in Aveandor, be it amongst the castle's staff or in The Embers."

The greenette's head swam with all of the new information, but he thanked Momo who bade him fair well, adding briefly, "once you learn your letters, you may feel free to return to the library sometime. We keep records of royal family histories, military victories, the cultures of ours and other surrounding kingdoms, and much more. Just promise not to drown any of our manuscripts please. Do not let that one's bad habits rub off on you," the raven haired girl had said, pointing her chin at Katsuki, who made a face at her before grabbing Izuku's hand and stomping off. "Don't forget our bet, shrew." The alpha shouted over his shoulder. "I'll be sure to show you where the broom is! You can start sweeping next week!" Momo called back as the blonde pushed the door open and he and Izuku stepped back out into the rain once more.

Katsuki helped Izuku back up onto his horse. During their time indoors, it appeared as though most of the soldiers had disappeared. When asked about it, Katsuki simply said "they took the party indoors, more than likely. Makes things easier for us to get you where you need to be." Though, a few warriors strode about here and there, walking quickly to get out of the rain.

After nearly a half hour, the view of The Spark faded. The plain block shaped buildings that housed the warriors gave way to more narrow shops. Izuku lost track of which direction Katsuki was leading them, not that he was paying much attention to the cobblestone road itself.
He stared at tall thin buildings, a memory flashing to the surface of his mind. A farmer's wife liked to throw flower seeds at the start of the growing season to add some color to the land. She would sew them at the edges of wheat and barley fields. The plants would start all clumped together, growing sometimes not even a full inch apart. When he was little, the omega would help the farmer's wife look through the clumps of thin new seedlings, all fighting to reach the sun first. Together, Izuku and the farmer's wife would cull the thinner, more scraggly looking seedlings to give the stronger plants a better chance to grow and not have to fight for space for their roots.
The buildings reminded Izuku of those little seedlings, thin and scraggly, doing their best to climb above each other, but instead of trying to reach the height of the sun, the omega mused that they were craining to see the castle in the distance, centered in the middle of the giant ant hill that was Aveandor.
Even now, as they twisted and turned through one street after another, Izuku did not think the castle grew any closer than it had looked when he had first entered the city. And yet the city walls were quite a distance behind them now.
"K-katsuki?" Izuku asked. A question has been on his mind since shortly after he and the alpha had entered the army's library. "Yeah, what?" The alpha said, keeping his head forward as he walked, leading Meggara.
"Why d-did you make a b-bet on me? And w-won't it p-put you in tr-trouble if you l-lose?"
Katsuki laughed, glancing over his shoulder now. "Is that it? You sound so worried? Look," he explained. "That Yaoyorozu and I grew up next to each other. We've placed bets our whole lives. And if there's one thing I know how to do, it's make a bet that gets me a fucking win, no matter the outcome." When asked for more details, the alpha elaborated. "I ain't gonna put pressure on you to choose one place over another to live. You can choose the castle or The Embers. Personally, I think the castle would be a load of shit for you to choose. I think you'll be happier in The Embers. Most male omega's though, well, they get requested to stay in the castle. I think we only have two living outside the castle walls. Either way, if you choose The Embers, I get my privileges back and can bring scrolls with me to read between practice drills so I don't have to talk to the other idiots around me."
"B-but y-you could l-lose! Wh-what if I ch-choose the castle?" The omega protested.
The alpha gave a sly grin. "Then I win and still get to come in to the library to read without getting nagged by that crazy psycho every time I walk in. The master librarian, her boss, lets me now, but anytime she's there, Momo makes a giant fucking stink about that one accident I had. Plus, if I sweep a few times a month, that counts as a cleaning duty and I can swap out cleaning out outhouses or scrubbing pots for a clean, cool indoor cleaning task. So either way, I get something out of it."

Izuku couldn't help himself. He laughed at the ingenuity the alpha displayed. "Y-you only th-threw in those ridiculous requests to h-haggle, didn't y-you."
"Damn straight. You've got the idea down." The alpha chuckled back. "Yaoyorozu's a smart enough alpha in her own rights. But she's book-smart and a bit oblivious to her surroundings. I'm more what you would call street-smart. She was apprenticed to the master librarian at the same time Ei and me joined the army.  She gets some training in a few times a week, but she prefers to keep her nose stuck in her books all day. Now then, looks like we're here."
Izuku looked up at the building in front of them. A sign hung above the doorframe. Though he could not read, the omega made out the image of a woman wearing black staring out a window.
"Welcome to the Wistful Widow, your home for the next few nights." Katsuki said, tethering the horse to a post. "Let's see what the night's special is. I'm fucking starving!"
It wasn't until after they had taken things out of the saddlebags, paid a copper coin to a young boy to feed and water Meggara and take her to the stables around the back of the inn, and then been given a room for Izuku to have his few meager positions placed in, that the two found themselves seated at a table. The inn owner, a very cheerful woman who looked nothing like a "Wistful Widow," took their orders. Katsuki ordered ale for himself and "extremely watered down wine for this one. Seriously, barely any more than a drop of wine," which has made Izuku shrink down in his seat in embarrassment. But with his head still feeling like a small person was using his brain as a drum, he did not argue. Alone with their drinks came the Inn's special- chicken and gravy pies, steaming fresh from the ovens.
There were chunks of savory potatoes, onions, and leaks swimming in the gravy, and the chicken was tender and juicy. Whatever spices were used in the dish made Izuku's mouth water as he took his first bite of food.
Due to how much his stomach had acted up all day, he hadn't realized just how famished he had been. In no time at all, his plate was practically licked clean.
"I take it you liked the food?" The innkeeper beamed as she took the empty plates from the duo.  She was plump and had mossy green hair and freckles, resembling Inko a little, though with laugh lines instead of frown lines covering her cheerful face. Izuku nodded emphatically, making the woman laugh as he responded "y-yes m-ma'am. It w-was delicious!"
"Please, call me Tsumika, child." The Innkeeper said warmly as she balanced the dishes in one handed and patted the top of Izuku's hand with the other. "I hear you're coming to stay in our city! Must be very exciting for you! But after such a long journey! We'll get you cleaned up with a nice bath and change of clothes in no time though! Young Katsuki here told me everything."
Katsuki grumbled something into his ale, as grumpy looking as ever. "Sorry, what was that dear?" Tsumika asked, looking expectantly over at the alpha. "Nothing," the alpha frowned, finishing his drink and setting the cup down. "I'll be leaving, now that you're settled." Panic welled up in the omega's throat. He had known that Katsuki had returned home and of course the alpha had a bed and place to call his own home, but somehow, the omega had thought that the alpha wouldn't- well, that he wouln't just leave!
"Are you alright dear? You aren't looking well." Tsumika said, crinkling her nose in concern.
Katsuki could smell the panic on the omega and snapped his fingers, bringing the panic stricken omega back to himself and making the boy focus his emerald green eyes on the alpha. "Hey, I'm just going to be a short walk away. Just retrace the way we came and you can come see me. I might be doing drills, but you can come see aei and me anytime. Mina's going to come get you when it's time to meet the queen. So you have two days to just relax and explore the city a little!" The alpha found himself doing his best to sound up beat and reassuring.

What's wrong with me? Am I going soft? I don't do reassuring!

The alpha thought to himself, cringing internally as he heard his own words.

But even as he was thinking this he saw that his words made no impact. Izuku appeared... Frightened.
"D-don't go." The omega said, his voice tinier than the blonde had ever heard before. "P-please d-don't go."
"Hey, come on now. You'll be fine!" Katsuki said, unsure what else to do or why the omega was upset. He'd been brought to the city! They made it! Wasn't that the goal? Why was he upset now? Katsuki couldn't understand it. The omega was free. So why was he upset?
"Look, Mina will show up first thing tomorrow to take you to some shops for some clothes and show you around!"
Izuku swallowed, trying to collect himself. Even he wasn't sure why he was so anxious. Was it because he was in a new place? That he felt vulnerable? Because he'd spent so much of his life alone in his small isolated bedroom? In reality, it was a mix of all of these things, the the omega wasn't thinking clearly enough to articulate any of it. He just felt silly for acting so scared, like a young child. So, he clasped his trembling hands in his lap, took a deep breath, and plastered a not too confident smile on his face. He was being selfish to ask any more of Katsuki than he had. After all, the alpha's job was complete. Izuku had been safely brought to the city. Ejiro had already left the moment he could. Izuku had pushed him. Now the greenette feared he was going to push away one of the only other people he knew in Aveandor. Mina was the last person who he knew.
"Y-you're right. I'm over-over thinking. I'll be f-fine." He said, hoping his time was convincing enough. But this was Katsuki Bakugou, so, of course, any subtle tones or signs went right over his spiky haired head. Convinced, the alpha nodded in satisfaction. The blonde stood up as Tsumika slowly walked away, keeping an eye on the pair, debating if it was her place to step in or not. "Great! Well, now that that's settled, I'll see you to your room. Your head's probably still bothering you cuz of the long trip.  But I bet by the morning, you're be right as rain."
Izuku blinked. "I-it's... Already r-raining..."
The alpha helped pull the omega's chair out. "It's a saying, village boy. It just means that everything is back in order."
"B-but why is rain r-right?"
"How should I fucking know? It's just a saying, alright?"
"But it d-doesn't make s-sense."
"You don't make sense half the fucking time and I don't argue with you, do I?"
"You're arguing r-right now!"

The two bickered lightheartedly as they made their way up the wooden stairs to the second floor. Once they were outside of Izuku's room for the night, the pair stopped. This was the official end to the journey that had been Katsuki's first big military training and Izuku's rescue from a life of imprisonment. Neither knew where things would go from here and neither was quite sure what would happen next.
Katsuki scratching his jaw, looking at the closed door behind Izuku. "Well green bean, I guess I'll see you around. Don't be afraid to come say hi, okay?"
Izuku nodded. "I-I'll make sure to come t-tell you how your bet's g-going to go."
The alpha grinned his approval. "Good. Don't you forget it. Remember to just follow the path we took back to The Spark and ask for me. I'm usually in the training yard during the day time."
"Sure thing!" Izuku grinned back, not sure how to tell the blonde that he couldn't recall the way they took, seeing as his eyes were closed for a majority of that time and he was already overwhelmed by the many twisting streets. But it wasn't like the omega would remember any directions now if Katsuki told him.
With that, the alpha reached around Izuku, slipping the little brass key Tsumika had given him into the locked door. As the door swung open, the alpha stepped back, offering the key to Izuku. The omega accepted the key, then, clenching it in one hand, before he could change his mind, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the tall blonde, squeezing his eyes shut.
Don't cry! Damnit Izuku! Don't cry! Izuku told himself.
Katsuki froze for a moment, unused to such open acmts of affection. But then, hesitantly, the alpha relaxed and hugged the omega back in kind. He could still smell some concern on Izuku, like sour strawberries, but the alpha was confident the omega was safe here. Surely it was just after effects of the stress of the day. That was natural.
The alpha let go of Izuku and tousled his cu ZZ e Rerly green hair with one hand. The boy's head was still damp, but the rain had washed much of the road's dust from his hair anrzjd the alpha was surprised at just how soft it felt under his fingers. He found himself wishing he'd taken the opportunity to play with the boy's za mo sooner.
Then, irritated with his own thoughts the alpha stepped back hastily, growling out a quick farewell and was hurrying back mM against the door and slid to the ground, hugging his knees to his chest.

He breathed out. For the first time since leaving his village he was now truly, completely alone. The whole trip hit him like a wall of bricks and the omega felt his stomach churn suddenly. Panicked, he searched frantically around the room with his eyes and spotted a chamber pot in the corner. Clutching his mouth, he scrambled to his feet, grabbed the pot, and loosed the contents of his stomach into the vessel, sick for the second time that day.

Once he felt he could trust his stomach to not rebel against him again, the miserable omega stumbled to the small bed tucked away on the other side of the room. A sunny yellow and green quilt with a sunflower pattern lay invitingly on the bed and a down feather pillow  rested at the simple wooden headboard. There was a bedside table with a lot candle on it as the only light source in the room. A curtained window peaked out onto a street view. Not that there was anyone out on a rainy night like this. The weary omega kicked off his sandals, tugged the quilt up, and sank down into the bed underneath, curling up into a sad ball. He'd never had such a large blanket before. His one comfort was pulling it up all around him like a cocoon as he nestled against the soft pillow. While most travelers would have enjoyed the bed after over a week on the road, Izuku had never felt such a comfort before. But that was partly overshadowed by one looking fact as the omega drifted into an unsteady sleep.

I'm all alone again. I have no clue what's going to happen next. But in this city of thousands, how do I keep from drowning?
