The rest of the afternoon was spent making sure everything was ready for the trip.

Before they knew it, they were heading out.

Maria rested her hand on the bump of her stomach.

"Thanks for dealing with us." Luke muttered, smiling at his sister-in-law.

"I talked to Ben", She started, "We're going to keep the house. I think he's too emotional to make such a big decision like this and besides I've grown to like it here."

"Yeah, it's pretty great." Luke agreed.

"You can come visit anytime", She offered, "Especially after the baby is born."

"I don't know if that's a good idea."  Luke muttered.

"You know as well as I that he's stubborn, but he'll get over it.", Maria jeered, "If not for me, then for her."

"It's a girl?" Luke quizzed.

Maria smiled and nodded.

"Congrats", Luke muttered, "Good luck with that."

"Good luck with college." She retorted.

With that they exchanged one last goodbye before Luke slid into the car.

Michael had given Ashton his keys for the eldest boy to drive- which he decided was only fair since Ashton owed him.

Cal had shotgun, leaving Michael and Luke in the back.

Luke sat in the middle seat, so he could be closer to Michael.

Michael placed Luke's motion sickness glasses on the boy's face before kissing him.

Then he threw a blanket over the blonde.

Michael had made sure everything would be okay.

He made Luke take Dramamine earlier so it would kick in.

He made sure Luke would be comfortable and warm so if he wanted to sleep he could.

"Nice glasses." Ashton chuckled, teasingly.

Michael reached across Luke and flicked Ashton in the head.

"Don't make fun of his glasses or I'm letting him puke on you." Michael threatened.

Michael settled back into his seat and Luke rested his head on the older boy's shoulder.

"Sorry, Lu", Ashton muttered, "They're definitely a fashion statement."

Calum was snickering at the whole interaction from his spot in the front.

Michael snaked his arm around Luke's waist and rested his head atop Luke's.

Luke wasn't awake long, not with Michael gently trailing the pads of his fingers up and down his side.

It felt like mere moments before he was shaken awake.

"What's going on?" Luke croaked half-asleep.

His voice was still groggy and his still eyes stung for sleep.

"Come on, baby." Michael muttered, unbuckling Luke and gently pulling him from the car.

It was dark outside.

Luke wrapped the blanket around him tighter, feeling the chill of the night.

Michael had an arm around him and guided him through the parking lot- which was just a field.

They caught up with Calum and Ashton who smiled at Luke's arrival.

Luke took in what everyone was looking at- a big wooden bird.

"What is it?" Luke quizzed.

"A phoenix." Michael explained.

"Why is everyone watching a wooden bird?" Luke questioned.

Suddenly, as if to answer Luke's question, the bird caught on fire.

The flame spread quickly until it engulfed the entire wooden structure.

"For that", Michael explained, "Every year they burn the phoenix, so that it rises from the ashes and begins anew."

It was beautiful really.

The flame growing and growing, glowing shades of red and orange.

The phoenix was a symbol, representing the past.

By lighting the bird on fire, they were letting go of the past- of the old, so that the phoenix could rise again from the ashes and start again, unburdened by the past.

In a way, Luke was like the phoenix.

This trip was what Luke needed to finally make peace with the death of his parents.

He'd always miss them, every day, but now he had to live.

Luke was ready to let them go now because he knew he'd be okay.

He knew that as cruel as life was, it had given him what he needed to make it through.

It had given him Michael.

Luke turned to the boy, his eyes  focused on the bird.

Michael's face was illuminated with all the colors.

"To new beginnings." Luke muttered.

Michael's turned to meet Luke's gaze.

Calum and Ashton were right by them, watching the bird in awe.

Michael's grip on Luke tightened.

And almost as if he knew what Luke had been thinking-

He smiled, brighter than the fire, before whispering, "To new beginnings."
