#6 finally going to the hospital

"Ouma! Are you okay?!" Kiibo said as he picked me up off the floor, he seemed worried "yeah I'm fine" I said as I wrapped my arms around kiibo's neck "H-how did you even get here?".....he doesn't have a built in lie detector does he.....lets hope not....."I needed to change my clothes and so I got on this chair to try and roll to the bathroom but I went too fast and the chair fell" I whined dramatically "you should've waited for me ouma I told you the update was going to be quick didn't i?" Kiibo said with a sigh.....i think he's disappointed in me but I wasn't sure "well I didn't know how quick that would be and the clothes were getting uncomfortable" I explained.

Kiibo seemed to believe it and he shrugged slightly "do you still want to change your clothes?" I shook my head "nah" I answered simply with a smile. Kiibo carried me out of the hallway but he accidentally hit my broken leg against the wall which caused me to cry out in pain "huh? Are you okay ouma what did I do" Kiibo asked in concern as he looked down at me "my leg, you hit it against the wall and it f-" I was about to swear but I managed to hold it back, for the sake of keeping the pure robot pure "it hurts!" I yelled as I cradled my leg "I-i will take you to the hospital right away!" Kiibo said in an almost paniced manner as he sprinted out of the door with me in his arms.

I have been in the hospital for an hour and im already extremely worried about ouma....i know it was my fault....well.....more accurately it was fifty fifty....i should have been paying more attention.....out of nowhere a doctor approached me "kiibo I assume? May I speak to you for a moment" The doctor said to me. It took a few seconds for me to respond "um sure" I followed the doctor into a more secluded area and she said "kokichi has two broken bones, cuts and scratches all over him, as well as a sizeable bruise on his stomach....do you know how he sustained such injuries? Was he in a fight or does he have abusive parents?"

"I.....i do not know, to be completely honest with you I have only known ouma for a few weeks and he did not tell me how he broke his leg" I said as I looked down "I am so sorry that I could not be of assistance to you" "It is fine.....he requested to see you I will lead you to his room, follow me" The doctor said before walking down a hallway and into a room, I of course followed her.

When we walked into the room I noticed that ouma was asleep "ouma?" I said as I got closer. I smiled and was about to walk out when I was startled by "it's a lie!" Kokichi shot up and threw his arms into the air which made me so scared i lagged a bit "eh- ko-ki-chi" I cleared my throat then tried again "kokichi! You startled me" I said as I placed a hand over my chest "good! That was my intention after all" Kokichi said with a bright smile. I was about to say something rather rude out of anger but I just ended up saying"I can't stay mad at someone so adorable" I said as I poked kokichi's cheek "I'm not adorable I'm evil" "Evily adorable" I insisted "...close enough"
