Chapter 2

Time Skip to the Next Day:
My first period was English, then Math, then Band, and finally chemistry.. which I had English and Band with (f/n) and she plays the Tenor Saxophone. After first period I went to Math, but of course I was the first one in there, so I went to the middle window seat. I eventually found myself starting to notice that the other students were pouring in. Once I was back to reality the jocks were throwing paper wads at me that's when I noticed that Luke was sitting by them and he was just looking at me with sorry eye's right at that moment the teacher came in and they stopped. After the bell rang I was one of the first that walked out.
Time Skip:
I walked to my last class and when I went in Mr. Bird got my attention so I walked over to him and he said "Your assigned seat is next to Luke" I went to go to the back where Luke was "I'm sorry that I didn't say anything to my friends about the paper wads yesterday. I just don't want to make a bad impression" Luke said sadly, "Well you can't make a good impression with everyone?" I mumbled, "I guess not.." Luke muttered, "look I'm sorry.. I just thought we were friends and when they were throwing the paper wads at me in though you would say something to them." I said sincerely, "I know.. and I'm sorry let me make it up to you. How about we hang out after school today?" He said with a smile, "sure I'd like that" I said with a smile. After class I texted my mom to ask if it was okay if I went to a friend's house said that was fine, so I was walking to my locker to be met with blue eye's that I've became so familiar with "Are you ready to go?" Luke said with a smile, "Yeah I just have to put my book's up first" I responded.
Time Skip to Luke's House:
"So this is home sweet home. Would you like anything to drink?" Luke asked with a smile, "No.. I'm fine, but thank you" I responded, "So what do you want to do?" Luke asked, "Can we watch a movie?" I asked curiously, "Sure the movies are under the TV in the white drawer [picture above], and we have Netflix if you can't find one. I'm going to go make some popcorn." Luke said. Once Luke got back he had the popcorn and two glasses of water "What did you decide on?" He asked curiously, "Van Helsing" I said with excitement, "Good choice that's a good one" He said.
Time Skip After the Movie & Luke POV: (y/n) fell asleep half way through the movie and she looked so cute cuddled up into a ball.. I just want to cuddle her... wait why am I feeling this way? She's my friend.... I looked at my phone it was 8 I better wake her up so she can go home, but the thing is I don't want her to leave. I was have a battle in my head wether to wake her or not, when (y/n) started to wake up. "Oh I'm sorry I fell asleep" she said while rubbing her eyes, "Oh no it's perfectly fine" I said while searching my neck while blushing.
Your POV:
Why was he acting weird and blushing? As I was checking my phone I saw that it almost nine "I have to get going my mom will be worried sick about me, but I had a nice time tonight" I said while smiling, "Oh.. um okay. I'm glad you had nice time I'll see you at school tomorrow" Luke said while walking me to the door, "Yeah, um see you tomorrow" I said while walking out. Once I walked inside I saw that my mom was sitting on the couch "How was school honey? What friends house did you go to?" She asked curiosity, "It's was a normal day at school and it's my new friend Luke" I said while going to the stairs, "Oh! Well I hope I get to meet him soon, good night sweet heart" she said with a smile, "Um yeah maybe, good night" I said tiredly.

•I'm sorry if this Chapter isn't as good as the first one.
