-Chapter 2-

The grand entrance to platform 9 and 3/4 stood before us. 3 weeks prior to this,  Draco, Pansy, and I had gone to Diagon Alley to get the equipment we shall need for our first year at Hogwarts. We had a heated discussion about which Hogwarts house we will be placed in. Of course, Pansy and Draco said they had better be placed in Slytherin or Draco's farther "will hear about it". I never understood the rivalry between the houses: bravery, intelligence, kindness, and ambition were all equally as important traits, but I would never voice this opinion out loud. Obviously, I have immense pressure to be in Slytherin as all my ancestors have been. But I'm worried. I don't have the same views when it comes to pure-blood entitlement or a world were muggles are enslaved even if I do keep my options well hidden. I'm anxious these views are what is going to cause me pure embarrassment and, great disappointment from my family. What if I get placed in Hufflepuff? Will my mother disown me? Surely not.

As soon as we arrived at platform 9 and 3/4 and safely crossed the barrier between the muggle train station, Kings Cross, and the Hogwarts express, our parents hastily left as if they were late for something. I took no suspicion to it however, my parents were always doing things like this; sneaking around, leaving during the night. I was now so used to it that I didn't bat an eyelash to it.

"(y/n)!" Draco shouted. I didn't realize I had stopped in the middle of the platform. "Come on we're going to be late at this rate!" Pansy stated while glaring at me. I continued walking without replying.

Soon, we were all sat in an empty compartment in the Hogwarts express. Inside were beautiful emerald coloured seats and a large window which showed the most picture-like views. Draco, being the tallest out of the three of us (with me not far behind), placed our luggage on the overhead storage compartment. We all sat down quickly started to get excited for our first year at Hogwarts.

Pansy and Draco had been talking for at least 2 hours and they abruptly stopped when I shifted in my seat. This obviously reminded the that I was there. Draco turned to me. "(y/n). Are you ok? You haven't said anything for the past hour."

"Yes, I'm ok thanks Draco. I'm just a bit nervous, that's all." I said with a fake smile of reassurance. I guess Draco could be nice. Sometimes. "Why?" He replied. My smile faltered, but I couldn't tell them the real reason I was anxious. I was scared I would be placed somewhere other than Slytherin but if I told them that they would endlessly go on about it, making fun of the fact I was going to be a disappointment: Not that I couldn't stand up for myself, I just don't want the drama it would cause, especially on our first day.

"I'm nervous because I don't want to be placed in a dorm with a filthy mudblood." I lied through my bare teeth. They laughed at this and continued talking. I used to hate using the word "mudblood", especially to muggle-borns, but unfortunately Draco and Pansy used the word more than they said "please". If I didn't say it then they would torment me constantly, about being a muggle lover. But after saying the word so often, I would now say it without feeling any guilt, in fact, I am now just as horrid as Draco and Pansy. Though I don't like it, it's just who I have become.

Eventually, we arrived at Hogwarts after crossing the Black Lake. .Just to piss off Pugface, I rocked the tiny wooden boat, causing Pansy to scream like a little toddler and Draco to laugh his head off at her, almost falling out into the icy water full of mysterious creatures. To be honest, I hoped he would fall out of the boat cause his smell alone would poison all the creatures that might want to eat me, leaving me able to go swimming.

We entered the ancient castle, waiting outside of the already full dining hall, where the rest of the students were waiting for the sorting ceremony. Draco was unsuccessfully trying to make friends with Harry Potter as he thought Potter might be useful to have around. I thought he must be mental trying to be friends with him. Draco was the most unapproachable looking 12-year-old I have ever seen, and as I assumed, he was rejected by Potter who chose a Weasley and a mudblood over Draco.

"Aww" I cooed at Draco in a baby voice. "Did likkle Dracy get rejected by his crush. Is he sad? Aww, poor Dracy-" Draco grabbed my wrist and stood a couple of inches away from me. Everyone went silent, even Pansy. "I swear to God (y/l/n), I will-" He stopped when a professor walked in, luckily he let go of me before she saw that he was threatening me. "Students" She announced loudly. "Follow me for the sorting ceremony"

We started to walk through the grand doors to the hall that was full of students staring at us. I could hear the whispering ever so slightly. "Is that Potter?" "Is that really Harry Potter?" Personally, I found the boy, after only seeing him for 5 minutes, purely annoying. He was clearly enjoying all the stares he was getting and I wanted to stay away from him.

Just before we got the end of the hall Draco whispered in my ear. "I'm going to kill you" I turned my head and smiled at him and said in a sweet voice "not if I kill you first" He turned bright red with anger. We reached the end of the hall where there was a tall stool with an old, decaying hat on it. The Professor told us to put on the hat when our name was called and it would tell us our house. I was beyond nervous. My hands were sweaty and so were my eyes, I felt as though I was going to cry. A million thoughts were in my head making me feel faint. Slowly, the Professor called names.

Malfoy, Draco. "SLYTHERIN!"

Potter, Harry. "GRYFFINDOR!"

Sprout, Helena. "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Parkinson, Pansy. "SLYTHERIN!"

(y/l/n), (y/n).

I slowly walked up to the hat, conscious of every step I was taking. Finally, I reached the stool and sat down, placing the hat on my head. The tension was killing me. Come on hat. Please be in Slytherin. After what felt like hours, the hat screamed out:


I let out a sigh of relief not realizing I had been holding my breath. I stood up and went to walk to the Slytherin table. Then, everything went black.
