' Please, Look at me.. '


' Holy shit.. ' Angel Whispered. ' Husk? ' Angel Ran towards him, and held out his hand. Husk Looked at him, but didn't take his hand. He helped Himself up. Angel is a little shock.

- ' I'm fine. I just needa'.. go. ' Husk Walked into his room and Locked the door.
He'd drop to the ground, pull at his ears. He began sobbing quietly.


The next day, Husk Was at the bar. He didn't try to talk to Angel after last night.
Angel walked downstairs and sat at the bar.

' The usual, Husk. ' Angel Smiled Nervously.

Husk glanced at Alastor Sat On a chair.

' And what's that. ' Husk said numblessly.

Angel Was taken back by surprise.

' S@x by the beach.. ' Angel Chuckled quietly.

Husk began quietly making Angel's drink. He placed it infront of him before taking a sip of booze. He walked over to sit by Alastor as Charlie began to speak. Husk's Ears were slightly down and his head was slightly tilted.

- ' that fucking asshole. ' Angel Mumbled.

Angel came back from work to see everyone were standing outside.

- ' We just have to go for a few weeks, Hell! Maybe months! ' Alastor chuckled, His Grin Becoming scary.

- ' But.. We need you! Why are you taking Husk and Nifty! ' Charlie Shouted.

- ' I own their souls, My dear! ' Alastor Smiled.

- ' They're still their own people! '

- ' I'm taking them, and that's final! ' Alastor protested.

Angel Looked at Husk, whom stood side-by-side Alastor with his head down. He noticed Angel and tried to run towards him. Husk Groaned in pain as he was pulled back by a green chain wrapped around Alastor's finger.

- ' You're not going anywhere, my dear friend! ' Alastor chuckled.

Angel Stared at Alastor in Disgust.

- ' Is there something wrong with you, huh?! You think this.. Is okay? ' Angel Shouted.

Alastor glanced at Angel's furious face then at Charlie's. This was the only way he could get the power, he wants.

Alastor Groaned, still having a large grin in his face. ' Fine. But, I'll still be gone. Not for long though! '

Husk ran into Angel's Arms.
