Surpise News

Hey guys just wanted to let you know this books is almost coming to an end, but don't worry because I will have special chapters and holiday chapters still! So it's not completely over yet!

After the whole month at our honeymoon I came back a better person- no, a better woman. That stress relief vacation was what I needed to get on track with regular business. Of course I knew when I would come I would have a mountain load of paperwork...

When I came into my office my eyes widen at the stack in front of me. It was split into four piles and all of them reached the top of the ceiling.

"Ugh..." I sighed in defeat. "This is going to kill me."

A wave of sickness came over me for a second but quickly disappeared. This barley happened and they didn't worry me that much since it was only a second or so.

Before I could sit down in my sit a head of orange hair came into the room. No it wasn't Ichigo, but Rangiku. Her gray eyes were shinning brighter than any possible star in the night sky.

"Hi Ran-"

She ran up and grabbed my hands in hers, slightly crushing them. "Did you two finally do it?! Pop that damn bubble?!

My mind slowly came to realize what she meant before a blush worked its way in my cheek. Quietly I mumbled my answer. ".... Yes...."

Rangiku barley heard but shouted in happiness, hugging me to her huge chest as I screamed and tried pushing her away from me. "Finally! (y/n) had sex! It's about damn time!"

"Why are you so happy about me having sex?!"

Rangiku giggled and finally let me go. I breathed in a lungful of oxygen while she played with the ends of her hair. "Well I'm happy because there is a magical thing that happens when you have sex, but it doesn't always happen."

Confusion grew inside me. A happiness in sex? "What's the magical thing?"

Her smile grew so wide I thought her mouth was about to burst. "A baby silly! People in the soul society hardly have one and they're the cutest thing on the plant! Oh, I just want to hold one in my arms and let its tiny hands play with finger!"

"W-What?! Ichigo used protection though!"

Her face dropped all the happiness, as if it was draining very slowly. "Oh..." Suddenly her face snapped the sadness away. "Wait! Protection doesn't always work!"

"Huh? How does it not work?"

Rangiku stared at me for a good long while. "Wow... you were raised innocent by your parents didn't you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She clapped both our hands together. "It means that you didn't grow up hearing about sex. Protection doesn't always work because it can rip, so hopefully that happened!"

"Stop it!" Anger rose inside me. "I don't want to be pregnant! So shut the hell up and leave me alone!"

Rangiku's face lit up with shock as I pushed her away, steam was escaping my head as I stomped towards her while she quickly walked out the room. But deep down I did feel bad... she was only excited for me... but I didn't want a child right now... having a child with all this paperwork would be too stressful to even work and raise a child.

The door knocked before I could sit down in my chair. I turned around to see it was my new husband, Ichigo. He smiled and came in. "I just wanted to see how you were doing."

I smiled and came up to kiss his cheek. "Good so far. Hopefully by the time of lunch all of this-" I motioned to the huge stack pile of paperwork. "Will be done and I'll be free for tonight."

"Sounds great. If you want I can help you."

"That would-" The sickness came back to me again, only it punched me in the stomach. I groaned in pain and curled up into a ball. Ichigo caught me before I could fall to the ground, his face clear with worry.

"Are you alright?" He asked, checking my forehead as I did feel hot.

Oh god... I felt like I was about to puck. I shook my head and shakily ran for the bathroom, luckily throwing up into the toilet in time. Ichigo came after me and rub my back as I threw up all what was left of my breakfast... which was kind of big... but I was unusually hungry.

"Do you need squad four?" Ichigo asked as he helped wiped my face.

I felt so dizzy and weak... I felt to just tired to even walk or talk, so I just nodded to him in understanding. Ichigo understood and took me to Captain Unohana herself. While she checked me over I laid down on the bed, closing my eyes and breathing in and out.

"It seems..." She questioned herself, unsure of her answer. "Did Ichigo and you make any sexual contact?"

"Yes... why I may ask?"

"I need a pee sample first."

She helped me with the pee sample and walked away with it as Ichigo opened up the door to the room. He smiled and walked over and sat down next to me. "Are you feeling any better?"

I nod and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Yes... but I still feel like crap a bit..."

"I'm sorry. Maybe this will help." He gently put his fingers in my hair and started to worked through them.

His fingers running through my hair felt so good I closed my eyes, enjoying every second of it. It was ten minutes later when Captain Unohana came back with a paper slip with a lot of number and words on it.

She smiled when she saw Ichigo. "Oh good you're here, I was about to get you."

Ichigo sat up straighter as he helped not to move my head to much. "So what happened? All of a sudden she just got sick from nowhere."

"Well," She began, a happy tone in her voice. "I has been four weeks since you two were at your honeymoon, if I'm correct. Over time it happens and I believe (y/n) is pregnant with your child, Head Captain Kurosaki."

My stomach just dropped in a pit. Rangiku got her wish after all. Through the panic I was feeling Ichigo smile in pure happiness, a grin much more wider than Rangiku had. "Really?! But I used protection... but it must have not work. But still," He grabbed my hands as I saw the happiness in his eyes. "Were having a kid!"

Instead of smiling back I was frowning and crying. "How can you be happy about this?! I never wanted to be pregnant!"

With the amount of spirit energy I had left I flash-stepped home, throwing myself on the bed and crying my heart out. I didn't want to get pregnant! I'm only eighteen, barley eighteen and married, but I didn't want to be pregnant yet! What will other think of me? Maybe I'll just be my mother and get pregnant but everything turns out bad.

I cried so much I threw up again, only to black out on the toilet...


Opening up my eyes I found I was in bed as a warm body was next to me. I looked up to find it was Ichigo, asleep and holding me close to his chest. Why was he doing this? Doesn't he hate me...? I just screamed in his face I didn't want to be pregnant.

I tried to move but I was so weak and dizzy to even move... even my breast were strangely hurting a bit. When I moved I hissed in pain as my back was hurting, so much I felt like someone was hitting it with a brick. Ichigo woke up from my movement and pulled me closer to his chest, damn it I was trapped...

"(y/n)..." He mumbled softly, "Why did you run away?"

"B-Because I'm scared..." Tears ran down my cheeks again. I didn't care if I was to throw up... I didn't want to be pregnant... it was too early.

He tensed up and stroked my hair. "Why are you scared?" He sounded clearer than before. "I'll be right here with you, I won't abandon you because you're pregnant."

"It's not that... I'm just afraid the same fate will happen to me... just like my mother when she married my dad and had me early in their life... I'm just so scared..."

"(y/n) please don't be scared... I'm here for you." Ichigo hugged me to his chest as I let it all out. The fear, the pain, the sadness I've been holding one since I learned the truth. I wouldn't make a great mom... I could barely take care of myself!

Ichigo let me sob it all out as I began to dry heave. Ugh, the wonders of when you don't have anything else in your stomach to throw up anymore. He pulled be back to let me see his face, they were sad because of my sadness.

"Is it really bad having a kid...? A kid of our own? With your own husband?"

"N-No... but... I just never planned this early..."

"That's what I thought when I wanted to marry you." He spoke, speaking distant as if in a memory. "I was afraid if you would say no or yes, mostly no because I had fear. I knew it was early but I just really wanted to marry you, the almost two years we've been together and I thought it was time. I was about to hold it off, until a voice in the back of my mind told me to buck it up and propose to you. What do you know next? I'm married to my love."

I smiled and leaned against his chest, wincing slightly at the back pain. "I get what you're saying... I'm sorry about what happened back in squad four... I was just so scared... Fear took a hold of me and I back lashed at you."

"It's fine." He rubbed the part where it was hurting as I moaned in bliss, which was I really needed.

Ichigo smiled and lean down to kiss me. It was at weird angle but I managed it as I sat up and wrapped my legs around his waist to pull me forwards. Ichigo grunted in agreement as he worked his tongue into my mouth, I tensed up but let him win over my mouth. He finally let me breathe as I panted to catch my lost breath, a bit dizzy while at it too.

Ichigo noticed and blushed slightly. "Sorry... I just kind of let it take a hold of me."

I shook my head and kiss his cheek. "It's fine. I do too."

A low growl came from the air as I looked down at my stomach. I guess now that I'm hungry I'm going to be eating for all three meals a day. Was that a bad thing for good thing? Well Ichigo has lots of money so I'm sure we're good.

He ruffled my hair and stood up to make dinner, a bit more extra for me. I looked through my flip phone to find Rangiku's number and click it, listening to it ring while my heart pounded in my chest. What would she think? What would the others think now that I was pregnant?

It finally picked up as Rangiku answered, her voice clear on the line. "Hello? What's the problem?"

"Rangiku... how should I put this... I'm pregnant."

The line was very silent before a few second later she screamed in happiness. I winced at the noise and held my phone far away from my ear, geez... that woman had strong lungs when she wanted to use them.

"Oh my god!!! I knew it!!! I'm so happy!!! Can I be the godmother?!"

Ichigo must have overheard us as he yelled from the kitchen. "No way in Hell will she be the godmother to our child!"

"Of course you can be!" I replied back to her as Ichigo snapped back at me.

Rangiku talked to me until dinner time came in and I had to let her go. Luckily maybe now she would forgive me for what I did too her, who knows what goes on in that woman's head. When I came into the kitchen I was greeted by a load of food on the table, but it was mostly on my side while Ichigo just had a small, but a good dinner meal.

"Ichigo I can't have that much."

"Oops... well you can pack some up and take some to work."

Work. Ugh... I still haven't worked on my paperwork yet... "Great. Now that I'm working again that means more paperwork."

"Don't worry." Ichigo said and sat down in his seat. "I'll have someone come in and work on some of it. For now you'll be working in the morning and early afternoon. Too much stress can affect the baby."

Work only half in the day? Maybe getting pregnant wasn't so bad. With a joyful smile I dig into my dinner until I was filled on food, which was much as one plate was only left...
