Let's Talk About It

"Jess! Jess, are you alright?!" The boy said, putting his arms around her, as she started to fall. Jess felt like a piece of poop and very much disliked getting beat up. Her head was still throbbing and she felt faint. Her vision was starting to clear a little.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she said quietly, trying to hide the pain she felt when speaking. Now she could clearly see the boy in front of her. He had sandy blond hair and she had to admit, close up he was kind of hot.

"You don't look fine." said Matt, a worried look on his face. People started to crowd around them. A few men were holding and scolding Thomas. Just then, Shawn pushed through the crowd and almost knocked Matt over to get to Jess.

"JESS! Oh my god, are you ok? Come here." Shawn took her in his arms and lifted her, carrying her to the bathroom. Before anyone could get in, he closed the door and locked it. Putting her down on the closed toilet, he immediately got a wet cloth and started treating Jess's injuries. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe this happened. Its all my fault, I wasn't with you."

"No, its ok. I bumped into him, it is MY fault."

"But he attacked you, hurt you! If I was there, I could have protected you!" Shawn started to cry, this time of sadness. Jess wiped the tears from his face.

"Hey, I'm alive and breathing. Don't get upset over this." Jess wished she could keep talking, convince him it wasn't his fault, tell Shawn how the wounds did not actually hurt that bad, but she was cut off. Shawn had gently pressed his lips to hers. They were barely touching each other, as Shawn wanted to prevent hurting Jess further. But then he quickly pulled away.

Shawn applied some medicine on the small cut above her top lip and gave her some pain releasing pills.

"There. That should do it." he said as he applied the last of the medicine.

"Thanks. You know I could have done that myself." 

"I know. But I want to help you, I always do. And it makes me feel slightly better knowing I helped take away some of the pain."

Jess took his hand. "Shawn, you already took away the pain. The moment you wrapped me in you arms it went away. YOU are my medicine, my pain reliever. No pill is going to do a better job than you."

Shawn smiled and looked at the ground. "That was a very nice sentence." he whispered. They laughed.

Jess found some makeup in a drawer and used it to conceal the few bruises. Otherwise, she was pretty much fine. Minutes later the couple exited the bathroom and walked back into the party. Jaime immediately ran over to them.

"Jess, what happened? Are you ok?!"

"Yeah, I am fine. All is good, just a little accident thats all." Jess shrugged it off like it was no big deal. Thats what life as the bigger person was like, acting like everything is no biggy, even if it is a life-changing thing. The rest of the kids checked up on her and so did Shawn's parents. Karen especially, was besides herself.

"Oh sweetie, I am so sorry! I can't believe Thomas did that! Ugh, I feel terrible. Here, do you need something, like some water or ice or-"

"Karen, I am fine. It's alright. Don't worry about me."

"Are you sure?!"

"Yeah, totally. I just...I am going to get some fresh air, if that is all right." Jess walked away from everyone and left the house. She sat on the front porch, alone on the small couch they had. Alone time. Me time. Jess took a deep breath. A grown man attacked her. What a wonderful experience. Then someone sat besides her. Matt. He looked off into the night sky.

"Have you ever wondered if we are just dolls in a dollhouse, or that there are things bigger than us out there? That our actions, our thoughts, our feelings, they are all made by someone or something else that decided how our life would play out. " He still looked straight ahead.

"Um, yeah sometimes." Jess said. Then they were quiet, the two of them just sitting there. "Hey, thanks. For getting Thomas off me. You practically saved me."

"Your welcome. I wasn't sure what was happening at first but then when I heard a thump, I knew something was going on. God, that guy is big." Matt laughed.

"Yeah, he is. That was brave of you though, putting yourself between me and him."

"Sort of, but that is what I do. I save damsels in distress." Jess and Matt laughed. She had to admit, he was quite funny. "Wanna get some cake. I think Karen is going to give it out now." They walked inside and as Matt had said, Karen was putting candles in the cake she got. Then everyone crowded around the table, sang happy birthday to Shawn and ate the cake.

Time went by and soon, Leesa was back to pick the girls up. Jaime thanked Shawn and his parents and gave Ian a quick hug. Jess thanked them as well and walked up to Shawn.

"Happy birthday muffin boy." She went on her tippy toes and gave Shawn one last kiss. Then she smiled and walked to the door. Once they left, the girls got in the car and went home. Jess slept at Jaime's that night.

"So, your present for Shawn was nice." Jaime said.

"Yeah it was. But lets not act like nothing happened tonight. You and Ian! Ahhhhhhhh!" Jess exclaimed.

"Shhhhhh! I don't need my parents knowing. And frankly, you shouldn't either." Jaime blushed.

"Don't be so embarrassed! It was just a kiss. Well, a very heated, passionate, sexy kiss."

Jaime turned a darker shade of red.

"Hey, don't be so glum about it. It was your first kiss! How did you like it?"

"Well, I feel so guilty saying this, but I actually really enjoyed it. It was very...nice and different."

"There you go girl! That is the spirit! Kissing is awesome and you should try it more often." 

Jaime gave Jess a "stop talking, I will never become like you" look and Jess broke out in laughter.

"Whatever, you will one day thank me for the advice. Anyway, did you get his number?"


"Great! It all starts with that first text." Jess said, like she was ready to coach her friend in the basics of a relationship. The girls talked for a little bit more than said good night and shut the lights. Jess laid awake for some time, just thinking about everything that happened. Her face didn't really hurt that much, but she knew she was going to have some nasty bruises so makeup was gonna be an necessity. After an hour or so, she decided to hit the sack and get some rest. Before losing consciousness, she could swear she heard Jaime mumble "Ian" at least once.
