♡ why? ♡

"Why did you guys do that?" I questioned the two.
The one with the hat, Laito just smirked, while Ayato told me, "What were we supposed to do? Let you get picked on by those brats?" He seemed quite serious.

"Hm..." I thought about it for a second. 

"Well thank you for sticking up for me!" I gave them a smile and bow. 

Their eyes opened a bit, their cheeks starting to sport a deep shade of red, they looked at each other then away and continued down the hall without a word.

"W-wait up!" I scrambled behind them. 

When we got home from school, the sun began to rise. You've never seen anything more beautiful. ( but maybe look in the mirror;)

I walked out of the mansion and into the garden where I saw Subaru eyeing the freshly bloomed roses. 

"Hey Subaru..." I said timidly, I recalled what happened earlier.

Instead of being paranoid, Subaru smiled slightly. He picked off a rose, handing it to me. 

I took a whiff. It didn't really smell good but I smiled anyway. 

"Thank you Subaru." I blushed slightly...

"No problem, Y/N." Subaru's tone was soft. 

Usually he was grumpy but not with flowers! 

When I walked back into the mansion and into one of the halls I spot Kanato playing with Teddy. I couldn't step away fast enough for him not to spot me. 

"Oh look teddy. It's the human that ran away from me!" Kanato looked visibly upset. 

I backed off slowly as Kanato got up and head towards me, Teddy in hand. I was making a break for it when suddenly my face meets something really firm. I ran straight into Ayato. 

I shook my head and looked up. There he was in all his glory.

"Now, how many times am I going to have to save you from my annoying and less good looking brothers, Pancake?" he joked. 

"A-Ayato..." I stuttered, feeling a warmth beginning growing on my cheeks. 

He smirked and held me close to him, burying my very flustered face into his strong chest.
His scent surrounded me and I felt safe.

When Kanato reached us, he just sighed and walked off clenching onto Teddy's arm. Not looking back at us. 
