
You woke up to the sound of your alarm, groaning you got up and stretched "Fuck this.. " You whispered. "Ye shouldn't curse around the baby, lass" You jumped a bit, not expecting him to be home. "You're here" You said in a cold tone.  He only nodded. You looked over at him, wanting to rip him apart. "How was yer night love?" Foxy asked, getting up now next to you. You shrugged. 

He sighed and kissed your shoulder, you slightly shoved him away "don't touch me" You stated and looked through your closet. 

You stopped for a second... Enough. 

"I know"

"Know..?" His eyes widened a bit. 

This was it, you couldn't continue pretending everything was fine. "Yes, I know" You whispered. 

"I'm sorry! She meant nothin' lass I pro-" Before he could continue on with his lame ass excuse, you interrupted him. "Then why did you do it?" You said now facing him. He shook his head. 

You walked towards him, "why the FUCK did you do it? Was I not enough? WAS THIS ALL A JOKE TO YOU?" You yelled. Foxy flinched, "Ye were enough, yer my everything!" He said trying to hold your hands. You pushed him away and started yelling more, "DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T EVER TOUCH ME" You couldn't keep the tears in anymore, "GET OUT! DON'T COME BACK".

Foxy whimpered and tried one last time to speak, you didn't care. 

He left with his head down, " I love ye lass" He whispered before heading out. 

"Fuck you".
